Savior Simulator

Chapter 826 Ant Angel

Chapter 826 Ant Angel

"Sister Tang, you know that queen ants are good at charming insect creatures, why didn't you tell me earlier, so that I can be prepared..." Qi Tian rubbed his shoulder that was healing from the wound, his face full of depression, "Speaking of which, I The giant praying mantis is a female, and the 'Queen Ant' Hitty also looks like a female, can same-sex charm each other?"

"Charm spells and supernatural powers don't have any distinction between race and gender. Besides, no matter insects or humans, it's very common for people of the same sex to engage in lilies. You kid is so entangled in this kind of problem, you really have a brain!"

While complaining to the sky, Gao Fei switched his sub-profession to "Astrologer", stamped the "fragile mark" on the ant queen, and raised his hand to shoot five missiles that shone with purple light.

The ant queen just showed off her unique skill of slicing bullets with a knife, which is indeed very chic, but a saber can't block magic missiles.

Five magical missiles that have been strengthened by "fragile mark" and "spell sharpening" hit Hitty one after another, causing her to stagger back, cover her chest, and bite her lower lip tightly. The sunglasses also slipped off, revealing a pair of unconcealed anger His long and narrow phoenix eyes.

Qi Tian, ​​Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Jiang Feng, and Wang Daqing also followed Gao Fei's example and switched their sub-profession to "Astrologer" while targeting the Queen Ant to cast "Magic Missile".

Everyone has the same idea - to catch the thief first to catch the king!

The purple light in the sky was like a meteor shower, almost drowning the queen ant.

Even if it is a boss-level character in the game, it is impossible to survive being shot by so many magic missiles at the same time, not to mention that Hitty is just a half-baked mutant who only obtained superpowers after taking drugs.

Only Tang Ning's face was still solemn, and he activated "Performance Casting" again to collectively bless himself and his companions with the "Acid Barrier", temporarily increasing the acid resistance by 30 points.

Accompanied by a series of bangs and bangs, "Ant Queen" Hitty collapsed, as if she had been hit hard by the missile storm.

And when the purple light faded away, everyone found that there was only a tattered tight leather jacket and a pair of high boots on the ground, and Hitty had decomposed into the form of an ant colony.

Millions of army ants miraculously grew membranous wings and hovered in clusters in the air.

The ancestors of ants are bees, and the ant colony formed by the queen also has some atavistic characteristics. Both male and female, they all grow two pairs of transparent membranous wings, just like a group of black wasps. Frightening, hard to stay focused.

Looking at the ant colony sweeping over like a black tide, Gao Fei frowned slightly, quickly took out the "Frost Star Magic Wand", and cast "Frost Nova" towards the densely populated area of ​​the ant colony.

Including "Magic Missile", all single-target attack methods cannot cause real damage to swarms of creatures.

Group attack magic like "Frost Nova" can cause double damage to group creatures.

The vitality of each flying ant is insignificant, as long as it is affected by the "Frost Nova", large areas will freeze to death.

However, the theoretical cluster nemesis actually failed in reality!
At the moment when the "Frost Nova" erupted, the flying ants swarms in the night sky dispersed first, away from the invasion of the cold current, and only a very small number of flying ants were killed in the end.

Gao Fei couldn't help but shudder.

The ant colony's reaction was faster than he expected.

Based on his previous experience dealing with swarm creatures, Gao Fei guessed that "Ant Queen" Hitty's agility attribute would not be lower than 25 points in the swarm form, and it is likely that she has mastered enhanced reflexes such as "Reflex Evasion" and "Lightning Reflex". The specialty of immunity, it is difficult for group attack spells to cause real damage to it.

At this time, the ant colony in the night sky regrouped.

Millions of flying ants collectively sprayed sticky brown liquid droplets, which gathered into a thick fog, covering Gao Fei and others.

The strong sour smell was suffocating, and the eyes were so irritated that they could hardly open their eyes. As soon as the skin came into contact with this strong corrosive secretion, it immediately burned and swelled.

This was all thanks to Tangning's blessing of the "anti-acid barrier" for everyone in advance, otherwise the moment they were sprayed with formic acid, they would have been disfigured on the spot.

"Goofy! The servants of the queen ant are chasing and killing the guerrillas. Go and stop those monsters. Hitty will let me deal with them!"

Tangning handed Gao Fei the coat she had taken off, and a magical radiance erupted from her body, instantly disintegrating into a flock of birds and flying into the sky.

In the night sky, the bird of paradise uttered an angry sound like machine gun fire, and the humming and roaring of the ant colony's wings were intertwined together into a thrilling movement.

The colorful flock of birds of paradise collided fiercely with the pitch-black ant colony, sometimes entangled and sometimes separated, and the blood-stained bird feathers and flying ant corpses fell like raindrops.

"Brother Fei, what should we do next?" Ma Yun asked Gao Fei.

"How about splitting into two groups?" Jiang Feng took Tangning's coat from her boyfriend, "Xiaoyun and I stayed to help Sister Tang deal with the queen ant, and the others turned into red dragons to cover the retreat of the guerrillas."

Looking at the swarms of birds and ants fighting in the night sky, Gao Fei made a quick calculation, shook his head and said, "Ant angels are no worse than ape angels, plus eleven mutated bull ants that can fly, it's not easy to mess with." Yeah, we have to do our best."

"As for Miss Tang, you don't have to worry." Gao Fei smiled slightly, "The bird beats the ants one-on-one, so she won't lose to the queen."

Including the "Ant Angel", twelve giant ants are flying in the night sky, chasing and killing the guerrillas who retreated into the forest.

The flying height of the giant ants has exceeded the maximum range of the "magic missile".

The special police officers no longer hesitated, collectively turned into a red dragon form, spread their wings into the sky, and chased the ant colony.

The flying speed of the red dragon is obviously faster than that of the giant ant.

Not long after, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, and Ma Yun caught up with the ant colony, and the red dragons incarnated by Qi Tian and Wang Daqing did not fall too far behind.

The giant ants noticed the abnormal airflow blowing from behind, and immediately felt the terrifying dragon's might.

Except for Ant Angel, the other giant ants trembled with fear.

If it weren't for the ant angels who supervised the battle, at least half of the giant ants would have been scared by the dragon's threat and fled.

Gao Fei winked at his companion beside him.

The four red dragons spread out in the air, each pounced on a single giant ant, approached within 20 meters, and all opened their mouths to breathe out flames!
The fiery dragon's breath swept across the night sky, as if spreading out four fiery fans.

Of the four giant ants that were sprayed, one of them was burned to death on the spot, and the other three had their wings scorched, lost their ability to fly, and tumbled to the ground.

At this time, the ant angel turned around and flew back, facing the red dragon without fear.

After the red dragon breathes out its breath, it needs at least two rounds (12 seconds) of cooling before it can breathe again.

Gao Fei didn't bother to wait for the dragon's breath to cool down, so he showed his "Thunder King's Tooth" and rushed straight to the ant angel who was similar in size to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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