Chapter 822
"Goofy! I didn't hit you on purpose!"

His body was out of control, Jiang Feng's consciousness was still clear, and he was so anxious that tears were about to fall.

"I know, otherwise I wouldn't have used such a lame move, even less than half of your normal level."

No one is more familiar with his girlfriend's martial arts than Gao Fei. He easily dodges the "Sun Fist" and "Blast Wind Combo", and still has the energy to turn his head to remind Ma Tao and others:

"You guys, don't stay here to watch the show, go and arrest the ape angel, and don't let it get away!"

"Okay Brother Fei, you two, play slowly! Take it easy, or Jiang Daxia will punish you to kneel on the keyboard at night."

Seeing Gao Fei's ability to handle tasks with ease, Ma Tao's heart sank, he made a joke casually, and took his younger sister to help Qi Tian and Wang Daqing deal with the still stubborn ape angel.

"Mongrel! Who are you calling 'crazy'?"

Gao Fei's unintentional remark deeply hurt little Jacob's self-esteem. He sat in front of the computer screen, gritted his teeth and rubbed the handle.

"I was only familiar with the character's moves and performances just now, and now I'm starting to get real! Wait and see, you'll see it!"

As he spoke, he manipulated Jiang Feng to start the "Flying Step", accelerated towards Gao Fei, and pressed the ○ button (heavy attack) repeatedly to launch a flurry of blows with a stick.

Realizing that Gao Fei was avoiding the head-to-head blows, Little Jacob's face twitched slightly, and he pressed the X button (light attack) and ○ button (heavy attack) at the same time, bursting to open the "Daylight Barrier", causing Jiang Feng to launch the next attack. All light martial arts have their own attack advantages.

↓→+X key (light attack): Sun Fist
↓→+○ key (heavy attack): scorching light
Xiao Yage controlled Jiang Feng and used gorgeous martial arts continuously, but he still couldn't touch the corner of Gao Fei's clothes with all agility attributes added.

Avoiding the "burning light", Gao Fei smiled and comforted his depressed girlfriend: "Fortunately, the guy who controls you doesn't know you well enough to show your true level, so it's relatively easy to avoid it."

"That's right, that rat hiding in the gutter is completely wasting my true energy!"

Jiang Feng couldn't control his body, but he could control his mouth, and used vicious taunts to avenge little Jacob.

"He definitely hasn't practiced martial arts. In school, he belongs to the kind of wimp who was bullied by bad boys. Let alone fighting experience, he can't beat the simplest computer in arcade games."

"Shet! What the fuck are you talking about?!"

Little Jacob in the bunker was completely irritated, and frantically rubbed the big move with the handle: ↓→↓→+○ key (heavy attack).

Jiang Feng noticed that the true energy in his body was gathering into his palms, and his palms were already slightly hot, so his expression changed immediately, and he hurriedly reminded his boyfriend to get out of the way.

Gao Fei somersaulted sideways, narrowly avoiding the oncoming Yang Yan Palm, and raced against the clock to switch out the "Monk Mask" + "Berserker Mask", turned on "Rage" with a roar, and rushed towards his girlfriend with bare hands.

Seeing his rare active attack, Xiao Yage felt a little uneasy, and quickly manipulated Jiang Feng to raise the iron rod with both hands horizontally, and took a defensive posture.

Fighting in reality is not an arcade fighting game. This taken-for-granted countermeasure completely exposed the weakness of Little Jacob's lack of actual combat experience.

Jiang Feng couldn't stand it anymore. He felt that this guy had completely ruined his human performance, so he couldn't help sighing:
"How can there be such an idiot like you in the world? Why don't you hurry up and run away at this time, are you guarding against a hammer? If you can guard against it, you will be damned!"

What will happen next, she can guess without looking.

Gao Fei stamped his foot heavily on the ground, and the strong shock wave spread close to the ground to Jiang Feng's feet, knocking her down.

In the bunker, little Jacob in front of the screen froze for a moment, and quickly pushed the joystick of the handle, trying to manipulate Jiang Feng to stand up.

However, Gao Fei had already rushed forward one step ahead, hugging his girlfriend tightly with both arms, and pressing her under him.

At this moment, he has already added 10 points of freedom attribute to his strength, and his strength attribute is as high as 25. Combined with the "Proficient Grapple" specialty, it has been proved countless times in the arena and in bed that this is the best tactic to subdue Jiang Nvxia. Try it out.

Little Jacob shook the joystick desperately, but couldn't get Jiang Feng out of Gao Fei's grapple, so he had to give up controlling Jiang Feng and press the L1 button on the handle again to switch the control target of the "Hand of God" back to the ape angel.

The ape angel has been knocked down by Ma Tao, Qi Tian, ​​and Wang Daqing, and has also been hit by Ma Yun's "stunning technique", lying on the ground and moaning with his head in his arms.

Ma Yun took out a nylon cable from the astrolabe, intending to cast a spell to activate the cable and tie up the violent gorilla.

At this moment, Angel Ape, who had obviously lost his combat effectiveness, jumped up suddenly, picked up the heavy machine gun, aimed at Gao Fei and Jiang Feng and pulled the trigger.

Gao Fei was about to help Jiang Feng get up, when he suddenly saw the muzzle of a black hole pointing at him.

"Boys and dogs! You all have to die today, don't even think about running away!"

Little Jacob, who was single with mother and fetus, became more and more angry when he saw Gao Fei rescue his girlfriend regardless of his own danger. The remote control ape angel turned his gun and chased Gao Fei and Jiang Feng to shoot wildly.

The muzzle flames splashed all over the place, and the raindrops of bullets hit the grass against the corners of the two people's clothes, making a puffing sound, and the mud and sand flew up, creating a dangerous situation for a moment!

At a critical juncture, Ma Yun waved out "flash dust".

The sudden burst of bright light hurt the eyes of the ape angel.

At the same time, Qi Tian also activated the magic power of the "Ring of Hidden Fog", creating a large thick fog, blocking the vision of the ape angel.

Blinded by the strong light, coupled with the cover of the fog, the ape angel was superimposed with double debuffs, and continued to shoot.

What's even more unbelievable is that the monster's eyes were tightly closed and tears were flowing, but the accuracy of the machine gun was not affected at all!
Instead, the sight of the special police officers was obstructed by the dense fog. Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Qi Tian, ​​and Ma Tao were all hit by a barrage of machine gun bullets shot through the fog, and they all died one after another.

Fortunately, everyone was wearing enchanted anti-riot suits and "bulletproof enchantment" body protection, which offset most of the kinetic energy of the machine gun bullets. They were not seriously injured, but they were quite frightened!
"It's a hell!" Qi Tian exclaimed, clutching his shoulder that was scratched by the bullet, "That gorilla obviously couldn't see me, how could it still hit me?"

"Xiaotian, stop talking!"

Wang Daqing slapped a "Lay Healing" on Qi Tian's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "The ape angel probably has very keen hearing, and can judge the direction based on the sound we make!"

In order to verify his guess, Comrade Wang raised his big shield and roared deliberately to attract the attention of the ape angel.

Sure enough, the ape angel turned to him, raised his gun and fired.

Wang Daqing launched a block, bounced back the bullets flying in front of him, and at the same time galloped in big strides, rushing straight to the ape angel, using the large shield as a weapon, and slapped it hard.


I wish you all a happy Children's Day, always young!
By the way, ask for two guaranteed monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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