Savior Simulator

Chapter 820 Human flesh fighting game

Chapter 820 Human flesh fighting game
For Jacob Jr., the feeling of using the "hand of God" to control others is like playing a fighting game with a controller.

Through the combination of the joystick and the buttons, commands such as running, jumping, attacking, and defending can be realized, and the tricks that the puppet is good at can be used by setting the combination keys or rubbing tricks.

If necessary, Little Jacob can even manipulate the puppet to make actions that violate the physiological structure. As for the damage caused to the controlled person, he doesn't care, anyway, the other party is just a human toy in his eyes.

What little Jacob is most satisfied with about the ape angel is the abnormal physical fitness of this gorilla.

The moves in fighting games, even seemingly simple ones, are beyond the physical limit of human beings in reality, if you try it reluctantly, you will only hurt yourself.

Such "unscientific" moves, but Little Jacob can remotely control the ape angel, and he will not "play it bad".

In addition, when Jacob Jr. takes over the body control of Angel Ape with a game controller, most of the negative states, especially negative mental states, that the other party suffers are equivalent to non-existence.

No matter the pain, no matter the fear, no matter the urge to laugh out loud, they are all the personal experience of the ape angel. Little Jacob, the "player" sitting in front of the computer screen, can neither empathize with nor need to care about it.

The only thing he cares about is manipulating the ape angel to defeat all the enemies on the battlefield, just like playing a live-action version of "Whirlwind".

For him, war is as simple as a game.

The handle is Jacob's weapon.

The direction keys of the handle and the left joystick can control the movement of the puppet.

Rotate the right stick to rotate the puppet's perspective.

Quickly press the direction key twice to start the running mode and sprint at full speed in the corresponding direction.

The four function keys on the right side of the handle, ○ corresponds to heavy attack, X corresponds to light attack, □ is jump, △ corresponds to defense.

As soon as Little Jacob started to remotely control the ape-angel, he pressed the △ and □ keys at the same time.

Defense + Jump, the simple combination of two keys, makes Angel Ape lie down on the spot, just avoiding the second "burning ray" shot by Goofy.

Little Jacob held down the △ and □ keys, and then pressed the left arrow key (←) on the handle. The remote ape angel rolled to the left while laughing wildly, dodging Jiang Feng's "burning light" and Ma Tao's bombardment one after another. shotgun.

This weird scene surprised the young special police officers.

"It's strange, the ape angel has been hit by the 'Laughter Technique', so it stands to reason that he can no longer continue to fight, so how come he becomes more flexible instead?"

Jiang Feng wondered to himself.

Gao Fei also felt something was wrong and turned to look at Tangning.

"Maybe little Jacob is controlling the gorilla."

Tangning figured out what was going on, and immediately transformed into a flock of birds, soaring into the air, and the warnings she left behind were still echoing in Gao Fei's ears.

"The remote control distance of the 'Hand of God' is limited, Little Jacob must be hiding nearby, I'll go find him!"

"You entangle the ape angel, try to catch alive!"

The birds of paradise flew to the barracks. At the same time, Little Jacob in the bunker also noticed that Tang Ning had turned into a group of birds, and his expression immediately darkened.

"Damn it! It turns out that there is also a group of mutants like the 'Queen Ant' on the opposite side, so it's a bit troublesome now!"

His "Hand of God" can only control a single target, and has nothing to do with the flocks of birds that block the moonlight.

"This mess must end as soon as possible!"

Little Jacob felt an unprecedented threat, hurriedly wiped off his sweat, and switched the camera's view back to Angel Ape.

Following Tangning's departure, Angel Ape finally got rid of the torture of the "Laughter Technique" and regained some vitality.

Little Jacob presses the R2 button on the handle to switch weapons.

At the same time, the ape angel responded to his remote control, raised the other two empty long arms, took off the bazooka behind his backhand, and aimed at Gao Fei and Wang Daqing respectively.

Two rockets blasted out screaming.

Seeing this, Wang Daqing broke out in a cold sweat.

Even with the enchanted large shield in his hand, he didn't dare to block the anti-tank rockets, so he fell down on the spot in a hurry.

On the other side of the battlefield, Gao Fei first fired two shots in an attempt to intercept the oncoming rockets.

One of the shots missed, and the other shot hit, but unfortunately it failed to explode.

Seeing that the rocket had already flown close, he resolutely activated the "thunder wave" that had been prepared.


The moment the spell exited, a powerful shock wave expanded around his footing, intercepting the rocket in mid-air fifteen feet away.

The rocket was squeezed by the invisible wall of air, retreated ten feet, and then exploded violently, bursting into the night sky into a ball of blazing and dazzling large fireworks.

The second after the "thunder wave" was triggered, Gao Fei lay down on the spot, with the roar in his ears, which made him feel dizzy for a while. The shrapnel pierced the arms and thighs that could not be protected by the armor, and warm blood gushed out, accompanied by Burning with burning pain.

Fortunately, the injury is not too serious.

Within fifteen feet of him, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian, ​​and Jiang Feng were all affected by the "thunder wave" and fell into the depths of the woods.

In theory, this is an accidental injury to a friendly army, but Gao Fei did it on purpose.

Being knocked into the air by the "Thunder Wave", he would suffer up to 10 points of damage, but if he was directly hit by an anti-tank rocket, with the extraordinary vitality of the Tiangong Special Police, although he would not be killed on the spot, if he was unlucky, his arm would be broken. Legs are also quite possible.

On the battlefield filled with flames and gunpowder, Wang Daqing was the first to stand up, facing the ape angel with four arms holding two heavy machine guns and two hollow rocket launchers.

In the bunker, Little Jacob's eyes fell on Wang Daqing, he snorted contemptuously, and decided to deal with this tall, burly tough guy first.

He first pressed the L2 button on the handle to switch the target of locking the enemy to Wang Daqing, and then pressed the arrow keys (→→) twice to manipulate the ape angel to spread his legs and rush straight to Wang Daqing.

Facing the giant beast that was rushing towards it, Wang Daqing's face was solemn, he held his shield tightly, and put on a defensive posture.

" fool, you've been fooled!"

Little Jacob sat in front of the computer screen, first pressed the "□ key (jump)", and then pressed the "○ key (heavy attack)".

The flying ape angel suddenly jumped high and kicked Wang Daqing in the air.

The incident happened suddenly, and before Wang Daqing had time to raise the big shield above his head, he was kicked so vigorously that he flew ten meters away with the shield, and fell into the bushes by the side of the road. The chest felt tight, the world was spinning, and I couldn't get up for a while.

"Brother Daqing, is it alright?"

As soon as Qi Tian returned to the battlefield, he saw Wang Daqing being kicked away, and hurriedly blessed his two natural partners with "Magic Tooth" and "Giant Transformation" to prevent the ape angel from chasing and killing Wang Daqing.

Under the blessing of the spell, the mutant mantis swelled to a height of more than 6 meters, with a strength attribute of 22, wielding a pair of sawtooth machetes, and holding the ape angel head-on.


It's the last day of May, book friends who still have monthly tickets remember to vote, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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