Savior Simulator

Chapter 810 Finding the Spaceship

Chapter 810 Finding the Spaceship
"For example, now, after I upgrade, I can start to learn the very practical 'speeding', 'fireball' and 'flying' spells among the third-level spells."

Xiao Ma became more and more excited as he talked, and raised the biscuit box and the coconut milk bottle with both hands.

"Time is precious, I must learn these powerful spells as soon as possible, and then I can cooperate with 'Item Infusion' to create a lot of 'Fireball Bombs', 'Speed ​​Biscuits' and 'Flying Coconut Milk', etc. With these good Things, whether for me personally or for the team, will bring a huge improvement!"

"The richest man is very thoughtful, he is indeed a genius girl!"

Gao Fei was still flattering in the previous sentence, but the next sentence was just showing up.

"When you learn these spells, I'll copy them with the tricks of the 'Spell Thief'. This wave is called a win-win situation!"

"Win-win for your size, whore!" Xiao Ma rolled his eyes, "Brother Smelly Fei, you've been trying to take advantage of me all day long! Sister Feng, don't worry about him!"

"This guy even sells my spells for nothing, I can't control him, please be smart!"

Jiang Feng wiped his wet hands off his boyfriend, wading across the water to the other side of the creek.

"Xiaoyun, Tangning said that there is a very rare butterfly in the woods nearby. Let's go and look for it. Maybe we can catch one and make it into a specimen. It's a souvenir. It's not a waste of time."

"Sister Tang is talking about the 'Birdwing Birdwing Butterfly of Paradise'. This little thing is amazing. It is a second-class endangered animal on the International Convention for Conservation of Nature!" Student Xiao Ma said with a serious face, "Even if we are lucky enough to find this rare Butterflies must never be killed, just take a photo as a souvenir.”

"I'll accompany you to catch butterflies." Gao Fei also stood up.

"Brother Fei, what kind of butterflies are you catching? Normally, it is enough to attract bees and butterflies! Sister Feng, am I right?"

Ma Yun had a smirk all over her face.

Jiang Feng ignored the little girl's provocation, turned around and said to Gao Fei: "Sister Tang is staying alone in the woods, depressed, seems to have something on her mind, go over and have a chat with her."

"Isn't that bad?" Gao Fei looked embarrassed, "In the small woods, there are lonely men and widows... In case she covets my beauty and bullies me, who will protect me?"

"You're a gangster, thank you for your kindness!" Jiang Feng was amused by him, "Go, go! If Miss Tang really bullies you, you will shout molestation at your throat, we will definitely hear you!"

"Then will you come and save me?"

Gao Fei looked at Hero Jiang pitifully.

"I will cover Xiaoyun's ears."

"...It's too much! Are you really my girlfriend?"

"Haha! I'm giving you a chance to exercise and test your loyalty. Don't dawdle, go!"

Jiang Feng waved at him, and took Ma Yun to look for Butterfly.

Looking at his girlfriend's back, Gao Fei smiled helplessly, dried his feet, put on his shoes and socks, and turned to look for Tangning in the forest.

It just so happened that he also had some matters that he needed to ask Tangning in private.

Gao Fei walked into the grove and saw Tangning sitting alone on a tree stump, switching the astrolabe to tablet mode, and typing away.

Tangning heard footsteps, looked up and smiled at him.

"Sister Tang, I'm sorry, didn't I bother you to write something?"

Gao Fei remembered that Tangning's public occupation was a reporter, and writing articles was her job.

Tangning shook her head and smiled, then patted the tree stump beside her, motioning for him to come and sit down.

"I was emailing a friend just now and it's been sent."

Gao Fei nodded and sat on the smooth tree stump.

"Sister Tang, I have something to ask you, I don't know if it's convenient."

"Look at you, why are you being polite again?" Tangning rolled her eyes at him, "Don't you know what my temper is? Just speak up if you have something to say, don't hesitate!"

"It's like this. A friend heard that I was on a business trip to Irian Island and asked me to inquire about something."

Gao Fei told Metatron's commission, while carefully avoiding some privacy, for example, Ms. Metatron is actually a high-level mind flayer and legendary psion who traveled from another world.

"What? A space shuttle that fell from the sky?" Tangning was a little confused, "Are you sure there is such a thing? Why haven't I seen any news reports?"

"It's not a space shuttle, it's a spaceship. To be precise, it's an interplanetary spaceship powered by supernatural energy."

Gao Fei tried to explain, but Tangning's strange eyes made him unable to continue.

" must be kidding me, right?"

"No, no, I'm telling the truth."

"I heard from Jiang Feng that you are still an amateur fantasy writer?"

"No... Sister Tang, it's true that I wrote fantasy novels on the Internet, but it has nothing to do with what I want to inquire about!" Gao Fei couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't treat me as a mental patient who can't distinguish between reality and fantasy! "

"I didn't mean that..." Tangning avoided Gao Fei's gaze, appearing a little guilty.

"Sister Tang! Silver Flash has erupted many times, and the concentration of magic power in the world is rising periodically. As people with extraordinary power, you and I really shouldn't make a fuss about a mere magic spaceship." Gao Fei said angrily Say.

Tangning was embarrassed by his scolding. She scratched her head and defended in a low voice, "I think if this kind of thing really happened, Tiangong must be the first party to know about it. It should have sent a special police team to investigate the crashed spaceship long ago."

"You're right, the special police officer who was sent to investigate the crashed spaceship was me." Gao Fei said in a deep voice.

"According to this, the person who entrusted you to investigate this matter is the high level of station master?" Tangning asked tentatively.

"It's not our station master. I don't want to reveal her identity, but she is indeed a high-ranking member of Tiangong."

Seeing that he was so cautious, Tangning stopped asking about the client's identity, frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought.

After thinking about it for a while, she spoke.

"Gao Fei, I usually live in the capital of Batavia, and I rarely come to Irian Island, so I don't know enough about the situation here."

"I can only tell you that from the publicly reported news, there is no report about the crash of the spacecraft or the crash of the plane. Can you disclose more details? For example, the specific time of the crash of the spacecraft and the shape of the spacecraft."

"The spaceship is painted silver-gray, about the size of a Boeing 737, and looks like a huge nautilus shell. Many soft devices that look like tentacles extend from the opening."

"The accident happened at the end of August four years ago. The spaceship collided with a civil airliner the moment it completed the teleportation, and crashed in Arafura Bay in the south of Irian Island."

Gao Fei thought about it for a while, and finally added: "The place of the crash seems to be the intersection of the swamp and the shallow sea."

(End of this chapter)

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