Savior Simulator

Chapter 80 Yang Yan Palm

Chapter 80 Yang Yan Palm

Gao Fei launched the "taunt" to firmly lock the hatred of the second scavenger. Just as he was about to retreat, the turbid waves in the fermentation pit on the right were churning, and another scavenger emerged from the water with a stinky Pickled herring.

"Oh, that's terrible! Another one popped up!" Sister Eve exclaimed.

"What's wrong? This is a good thing!" Jiang Feng casually stuck the eyebrow stick on the ground, struck his palms together, and immediately opened the dazzling "Daylight Barrier" all over his body, and said to Gao Fei, "You put two Bring all the monsters over, let's deal with them together!"

"Master Su, scavengers are not easy to mess with. Is it too risky to deal with two at a time?" Eve asked worriedly.

"It's just two, just wrap it on me." Jiang Feng looked confident.

Gao Fei knew Jiang Nuxia's strength better than Eve, and threw another "taunt" without hesitation, leading the two scavengers out of the fermentation pit.

The scavengers that landed on the shore twisted their fat bodies and crawled side by side, looking like two clumsy seals.

Jiang Feng went forward, and didn't stop until the distance between the two scavengers was within 10 meters. He drew 8 points of true energy in one breath, and slowly raised his palms, the palms full of true energy shone like Holding two little suns!
The two scavengers on the opposite side, smelling the danger instinctively, shifted their gaze from Gao Fei to Jiang Feng, and threw out their barbed tentacles almost at the same time, lashing at her like whistling whips.

Jiang Feng flipped his palms over, and pushed his hands outwards, using the Yangyan Sect's signature technique "Yangyan Palm", which he had just realized not long ago, and the blazing true energy gushed out, turning into a golden cone of light, covering all the people within 10 meters in front of him. The space is filled to the brim!
The scavenging beast has a bloated body, a fat body and short legs. It was startled that the situation was not good, and it was too late to dodge it.

There were two muffled bangs, and each received a solid slap, receiving 35 points and 51 points of shining damage respectively.

What's more terrible is that the stem's eyes were also stabbed by the blazing light emanating from the "Yangyan Palm", and he fell into blindness temporarily.

Jiang Feng struck the iron while it was hot, pumped up his true energy, and added another "Yang Yan Palm", blasting the two scavengers to the ground, leaving only half their lives.

Gao Fei turned on "Rage", picked up his battle ax and rushed towards a scavenger, with a three-combo of "offensive" + "slashing"!

The last ax was lucky enough to trigger a "critical strike", causing double damage and chopping off the monster's head.

Eve, Al, and Ush also laid siege to another scavenger, which had been badly injured, and quickly killed it.

After a short rest, Gao Fei grabbed the medicine according to the prescription, walked to the fermentation pit and threw stones.

This time, the fermentation pit on the right was also silent.

"It seems that there are only three scavengers in the pit, and we have killed them all." Al said, stroking his beard.

Gao Fei was still a little worried, and planned to pick up a few more stones and throw them into the corner of the fermentation pit for a try.

However, just as he turned around, water splashed suddenly in the pit behind him, and a thorny tentacle jumped out of the water and wrapped around his ankle.

Gao Fei couldn't help but took two steps back, and fell into the fermentation pit with a plop, followed by the exclamation of Jiang Feng, Eve and others.

Regardless of being drenched in the foul-smelling sewage, Gao Fei held his breath as soon as he fell into the pool, trying to climb out of the fermentation pit.

However, as soon as his hands grabbed the edge of the pit, another barbed tentacle snaked over and wrapped around his waist.

The two long snake-like tentacles worked together, trying to pull him into the deep water of the fermentation pit.

Outside the fermentation pit, "Flash Dog" Mu Ning, who had been making soy sauce, was the first to react. He rushed to the edge of the pit like flying, bit his head on Gao Fei's sleeve, and dragged him backwards, causing him to fall into the deep pit. has slowed down.

The scavenger and the flashing dog were like a tug-of-war, pulling and flying high, with two barbed tentacles hanging straight above the water.

Al and Ushi turned back into human form, and hurried to the edge of the pit to assist Mu Ning in dragging Gao Fei to the shore.

At this time, Jiang Feng and Eve also recovered from the shock, and almost simultaneously emitted "burning light" and "acid ray", interrupting the two barbed tentacles entangled with Gao Fei.

Freed from the shackles of the tentacles, Gao Fei felt light all over his body. He supported the edge of the pit with his hands and was about to climb up, when suddenly the furious roar of the scavengers came from behind him.

Looking back, the monster's upper body stood out of the water, desperately threw out the remaining tentacle, and wrapped it around Gao Fei's right arm, obviously not wanting to give up the prey that was already on its mouth.

However, no matter how unwilling it is, it cannot resist the "Flash Dog" and two strong "Bear Warriors" by itself.

The scavenging beast has 5 points of intelligence at least, and is far more aware of current affairs than ordinary beasts. Since it is irreversible, out of self-preservation considerations, it has no choice but to give up its prey and escape into the deep pit as soon as possible.

Gao Fei sensed that the tentacles wrapped around his arm were being detached, and his heart moved. He immediately grabbed the swollen pod-shaped eye sac at the end of the deposit with his backhand, and wrapped it around his wrist twice, binding the scavenger firmly to the himself.

With both feet on solid ground, the Berserker's 24-point strength attribute can finally come in handy.

With one arm, Gao Fei dragged the scavenger weighing more than 500 jin out of the pit, and with the thought of venting his anger, he flew up and kicked it rolling all over the ground, belly up, screaming like a pig being killed.

Jiang Feng, Eve, Al, and Wushi shot at the same time, and after a while, they beat the last scavenger to death.

"Brother Basaka! Are you okay?" Sister Eve ran over to comfort Gao Fei with concern.

"I'm fine, but I have to leave first."

Gao Fei waved his hands to prevent Eve from approaching him, so as not to splash her with the stinky pickle juice, he rushed out the door, ran straight to the beach, took off his armor and pants, and plunged into the sea.

Perhaps it was an illusion caused by psychological shadows. After soaking in the sea naked for ten minutes, Gao Fei still felt a faint smell of rotten fish and rotten shrimp on his body. The sauce and stinky tofu are delicious...

"Hey! Student Gao, you are the source of pollution when you walk, the smell of pickled herring remains in the places you pass, and the water quality of the entire sea has been greatly lowered by you!"

On the beach came Jiang Nvxia's gloating laughter.

Gao Fei hurriedly turned around and waved at her: "Don't come here! I'm naked!"

"Why, why don't you let people see it?"

Jiang Feng stood on the beach with his hands on his hips, looking around with his dark eyes, not at all ashamed!

"It's unlucky enough to fall into the fermentation pit. If you look at me naked again, my chastity will be incomplete..."

"Damn! You have a fart's chastity!" Jiang Feng was annoyed and funny, he took out a gray-white object from his pocket, and threw it towards him with round arms.

 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 600 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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