Savior Simulator

Chapter 799 Road Trip

Chapter 799 Road Trip
After spending a peaceful night at the Merauke Hotel, after breakfast the next day, Gao Fei and his party followed Tangning to the parking lot.

Tang Ning's car was a modified Land Rover SUV, which could fit the entire team of seven people into it.

When it was time to get in the car, everyone discovered that a layer of steel wire mesh was installed on the outside of the window, which looked very weird.

"Xiao Tang, did you refit your car yourself?" Wang Daqing patted the wire mesh, and couldn't help laughing, "It's a good Land Rover, and it looks like a prison car for escorting prisoners. Is it necessary?"

"Brother Daqing, I don't want to make the car look so ugly! But there's no way. It's not easy to go out in this kind of ghost place. In order to save my life, I can't be too careful!"

Tangning raised the hood and inspected the car skillfully, while complaining to her teammates about the appalling security situation in the area.

"The security situation in the country of Batavia is already bad enough, and the Irian Jaya area where we are at the moment is the province with the worst security in the country!"

"This place, historically, was a colony of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It became independent after World War II. In the 60s, it was briefly established as an independent country. It was quickly invaded by the Batavian Republic. In a disgraceful way, it forcibly Annexed this territory."

"The residents of Irian Island have different ethnic and cultural traditions from the main ethnic group of Batavia. During the colonial period, they were influenced by missionaries from Europe. Most of the elites of the local residents converted to Christianity. The country forcibly annexed, of course, refused to submit obediently, and the calls for independence have never subsided."

"The entanglement between the Batavian government and the natives of Irian Island over the years is hard to describe in detail!"

"The local anti-government armed forces have been besieged and suppressed countless times by the government forces. Every time the government forces unilaterally declared victory in suppressing the bandits, the anti-government armed forces would revive and fight guerrillas everywhere on the island, causing the Batavia authorities to suffer."

"In this environment, think about it, how can the security situation in society be so good?"

"The police station here is useless. Rich people and big companies can rely on hiring guards to ensure safety, and the poor can only ask for more blessings."

"In this dangerous country, any small malfunction of the vehicle may lead to death."

"For example, the tires of the car were not checked and replaced before driving, causing the car to blow out halfway. The driver had to get out of the car and change the tire before going back on the road. As long as the driver got out of the car, he might be killed by robbers ambushing on the side of the road."

Tangning sat in the driver's seat, started the engine, and continued:
"The reason why the car windows are equipped with anti-riot steel mesh is because not only robbers haunt the road, but also perverts throw stones at passing vehicles for fun. I have encountered such unfortunate things before!"

Gao Fei was sitting in the passenger seat, listening to Tangning's complaints, he felt quite uncomfortable.

In the final analysis, it is still the same sentence, the biggest gap between people does not lie in acquired things such as wealth and status, it is often doomed at the moment of birth.

A person born in a peaceful and stable country, or born in a country where order collapses and law and order is bad, is the gap between the "simple model" and the "hell model".

As Tang Ning has always emphasized, people who are used to a peaceful life often have an illusion that a good security environment is free and everyone deserves it.

There are so many countries in the world, but there are only a handful of developed countries dominated by the Western world that are truly peaceful and prosperous. Most regions have not yet escaped the threat of war and poverty.

In terms of probability, the probability of a person being born in a poor and backward area is much higher than that of being born in a developed country, because the poor do not deserve attention, and few people can even point out the location of these underdeveloped areas on the map.

Only when you go out for a walk and see the dark and chaotic corners with your own eyes, will you know how rare peace and stability are. What some people take for granted is an unattainable dream for another group of people in this world.

The public facilities in the south of Irian Island are backward and outdated, and only the road near the city has a flat asphalt road.

After driving for half an hour, the car left the urban area of ​​Merauke, and the dangerous journey officially began.

The road ahead was full of potholes, pits and stones, and the car stumbled and stumbled.

Tangning was already used to this kind of road conditions. Wearing sunglasses, she focused on driving without looking sideways.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Yun, Ma Tao, Qi Tian, ​​and Wang Daqing had never suffered such a crime, and felt very tormented in the car.

Every time the car passes through potholes, the passengers in the car are like bouncing on a trampoline.

Wang Daqing, who was the biggest, accidentally hit his head on the roof of the car, his forehead was swollen and he screamed in pain.

"Grandma, what a bear! When I was a soldier in southern Xinjiang, I never encountered such a broken road. It was my life!"

Seeing Comrade Wang's miserable appearance, everyone learned a lesson, and hurriedly tightened their seat belts and fixed themselves firmly on the seats.

However, the seat belt is too tight, oppressing the chest and abdomen, and uncomfortable.

After a long time, the breath was not smooth, coupled with the violent bumps and the feeling of motion sickness, it seemed that the high tide was coming.

Xiao Ma, who was the weakest among the passengers, was the first to retch.

Tangning had no choice but to slow down the car and try to drive as smoothly as possible.

Ma Tao searched all over his pockets, but couldn't find any plastic bags, so he took off his baseball cap and handed it to his sister sitting in the back row.

"If you can't bear it, just spit it in the hat."

"Forget it, this hat seems quite expensive..."

"At a time like this, it doesn't matter if it's expensive or not! I advised you not to come, but you're disobedient, are you suffering now?"

"Tch! It's just a little motion sickness, I can persevere!" Ma Yun retorted stubbornly.

She put her brother's hat upside down on her head, closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and took a deep breath, trying to minimize the impact on the ear vestibule.

Xiao Ma, as a quasi-medical doctor, knows that doing so can effectively alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness in theory.

However, from a practical point of view, it does not seem to work very well.

Tangning took out a bottle of motion sickness medicine from the astrolabe and handed it to Gao Fei beside him.

Gao Fei swallowed two pills, then passed the bottle to Qi Tian behind him, and then passed it back to Ma Yun and Jiang Feng.

After taking the medicine, everyone's motion sickness symptoms were relieved, but new troubles came again.

Irian Island has a typical tropical maritime climate. In this hot and humid season, it rains on at least one of the three days.

A group of dark clouds blocked the sun, and with the rumbling roar, thunderstorms came suddenly.

The raindrops fell on the hot and dry ground, splashing clouds of water mist.

(End of this chapter)

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