Chapter 778
"Even if you can make up a reason and ask for a two-month vacation, what about your studies?" Ma Tao asked his sister angrily, "You start to do badly in freshman year, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to graduate in the future?"

"Hmph! It's not easy? I asked my roommate to help record the class video, and I can use the 'Assisted Learning System' to make up the class at night. You can do it yourself!"

Ma Yun put her hands on her hips and raised her head high, showing the confidence of a talented girl.

Ma Tao knew he couldn't persuade his younger sister, so he could only let her go.

In fact, he was more worried about his sister's safety than his studies.

However, Ma Yun is already an adult over the age of 18. When she volunteers to become a special police officer, she also has to bear the corresponding professional risks.When the elder brother nagging too much, it will arouse the younger sister's rebellious psychology, thinking that he is too lenient.

Seeing that Ma Tao stopped talking, Yao Guang looked at Gao Fei with concern in his eyes.

"Gao Fei, I've noticed since you entered the door that you seem to be in a bad mood, do you have something on your mind?"

Gao Fei raised his head to meet the gentle gaze of the station master, and smiled gratefully.

"Station Master, can I quit this mission?"


Qi Tian, ​​Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Jiang Feng and Wang Daqing were all taken aback by his words.

Everyone's eyes were focused on his face, and their eyes were full of confusion.

"Gao Fei, you don't want to accept the task of tracing the source of the hero medicine. It is definitely not because you are afraid of risks. I am curious about what you are worried about." Yao Guang's expression was still gentle.

"I just heard something from Brother Daqing, which touched me a lot. Before I cleared my mind, I was worried that I would not be able to firmly carry out the mission you gave me as usual."

Gao Fei couldn't help but confide his inner struggles to the stationmaster.

"Hero medicine has given countless ordinary people the opportunity to acquire superpowers and realize their dreams. Isn't this a good thing?"

"Now let's track down the gang that manufactures and sells hero drugs, and destroy this illegal organization, and then what?"

"Then ordinary people can no longer buy hero medicine, and can only give up their dream of becoming a superhero, and return to the mediocre daily life of being a cow and a horse, and we kill countless people's dreams of surpassing themselves. Isn't this cruel? ?”

After hearing Gao Fei's question, Yao Guang suddenly smiled.

"Gao Fei, I'm very pleased that you can think so."

"Relaxed?" Gao Fei scratched his head in surprise, "I myself think this kind of thinking is very secondary..."

"It's precisely your ideas of 'secondary school' that reflect your yearning for social justice, and your stance is still on the side of ordinary people."

Yao Guang looked at the young man in front of him with a soft smile on his lips.

"Gao Fei, we all know that there is a saying called 'the ass decides the head'. When a person's identity and status change, for the sake of safeguarding his own interests, his position often changes accordingly."

"Look at yourself now. As a trainee special police officer with extraordinary abilities, and the most outstanding young talent among all special police officers, you are destined to become one of the future leaders of Tiangong and the idol of all those with extraordinary abilities."

"How much does your interest have to do with ordinary people?"

"Your position, your great future, the extraordinary class you represent, and the gap between ordinary people who lack extraordinary abilities are even greater than the difference between a prince and a beggar."

"If you only think about yourself, if you don't treat ordinary people as your own kind, what you should do now is to find out the source of the 'hero medicine' as soon as possible, completely destroy the formula of this secret medicine, and prevent ordinary people from taking medicine to mutate opportunity so that they will never gain the power to challenge you."

"Yes, even inside Tiangong, there are quite a few people who regard themselves as masters and try to monopolize extraordinary power, just like the church in the Middle Ages monopolized the privilege of interpreting scriptures and even reading and literacy, thinking that uneducated fools are docile lambs , himself a shepherd."

"And you have never had such selfishness, otherwise you wouldn't be the first to announce a powerful hidden profession like 'Dragon Warrior', and you wouldn't be embarrassed to investigate the source of 'Hero Medicine'. This is what I admire most about you The place."

Yao Guang stepped forward, took the initiative to hold Gao Fei's hand, and passed through his fingertips a body temperature that a metal construct should not have.

"Gao Fei, I hope you can always maintain the mentality at this moment, soberly realize that there is no upper limit to extraordinary power, if you try to trample ordinary people under your feet, you will eventually be trampled under your feet by stronger people."

"Station Master, thank you for your teaching." Gao Fei barely restrained his inner emotion, "I don't think I will have any great achievements in the future, but I will never forget your warning - to live a personal life, you must Treat others as human beings."

Yao Guang nodded in relief, and gently let go of his hand.

"I can answer the question you just asked."

"Gao Fei, in fact, as early as a year ago, we discovered that the 'hero drug' had flowed into the markets of various countries, and it was becoming more and more widespread, but Tiangong didn't take action to control it immediately. Do you know why?"

"Obviously not because of lack of control ability." Gao Fei shrugged.

"Of course Tiangong has the ability to nip this gang that manufactures and sells hero drugs in the bud. The question is whether we should do this?" Yao Guang smiled slightly. "In fact, the opinions of Tiangong's senior management are not unified. The reason for that boss is exactly the same as the question you raised just now."

"Because of the controversy, we did not deal with this matter immediately and decided to observe for a while."

"If this organization focuses on selling medicines to make money, Tiangong will not interfere, whether it costs 100 yuan or 10000 yuan to sell a pill."

"Unfortunately, this organization failed Tiangong's tolerance."

"Over the past year, the organization's ambitions have grown wildly, using hero drugs to cultivate many mutant party members, strengthening private armed forces, and actively intervening in violent conflicts and terrorist activities around the world."

"What's even more unbearable is that this organization also extends its tentacles into the territory, colluding secretly with separatist forces, providing terrorists with hero drugs, screening out more destructive mutants from them, and sending instructors to teach them the skills of launching terrorist attacks. Indirectly lead to countless bloody cases."

"According to Tiangong's statistics, in the past year, half of the mutant crimes around the world involved people who had awakened superpowers after taking hero medicine."

"Gao Fei, you just said that ordinary people also have the right to pursue extraordinary power. This is of course true. However, when a person obtains extraordinary power, he thinks that he is no longer ordinary. ?"

(End of this chapter)

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