Chapter 771
Living in a foggy basement, considering that the enemy is dark and we are clearly visible, he may be attacked by the old hag Agatha Freddy at any time, so Gao Fei immediately activated the "imitator" professional ability "Master of Disguise" On the basis of ", I set a layer of "transformation technique" for myself.

Counting the effect of "Enlargement", the current species type of Goofy is "Large Elemental Creature (Fire Subspecies)". On this basis, if you perform the 2-ring "Transformation", you can only become medium-sized to super-large "Elemental Creatures", or "Fire Subtype Creatures" - such as Red Dragons.

Gao Fei's chosen transformation target is "Super Large Wind Elemental".

Following the rules of the "transformation technique", the attributes before and after the transformation remain the same, and the species type also remains the same, but the external physical characteristics, natural defense, natural weapons, natural movement methods, and talents of the transformed target are acquired.

"Wild Transformation" + "Transformation Technique" finally turned Gao Fei into such a nondescript monster:

First off, he looks like a huge whirlwind of human form.

But if you look closely, you will find that there are flying flames mixed with the roaring airflow.

Gao Fei at this moment has both the high temperature of the fire element and the gaseous characteristics of the wind element. He is immune to fire damage and can fly freely like the wind element.

When Gao Fei activates the talent of the wind element and transforms into a whirlwind form, he looks like a fire tornado!

The high-speed circling hot air blows away the thick fog in the basement, exposing the ugly face of the old hag who was stunned by shock.

After clearing his field of vision, Gao Fei was impolite, maintaining the form of a fire tornado, and rushed straight at the old witch, dragging her into the hot wind.

Agatha Freddy was engulfed in a super-large fire tornado, and suffered 3d6 high-temperature burning damage every round, plus 3d6 wind blade cutting damage.

She struggled desperately, but couldn't break free from the shackles of the whirlwind.

Seeing that he was about to be trapped to death in the fire tornado, in desperation, he barely maintained his focus on casting spells, and also blessed himself with a 2-ring "transformation technique".

Old hags belong to the "hag subspecies" of "fey creatures" and can turn into other types of hags, such as the "sand hag" that Goofy is already very familiar with.

After transforming, the old hag's body, which was originally as hard as pig iron, quickly disintegrated into a pool of yellow sand, which was blown into the sky by the whirlwind, and finally was scraped to the corner of the wall and piled up.

This pile of loose "activated quicksand" crawled into the cracks in the corner of the wall, and disappeared from Gao Fei's eyes in a blink of an eye.

"Old witch, you can't run away!"

Gao Fei sneered and switched forms again.

Not long ago, he came into contact with the Sand Hag in Ma Yun's mod, and he knew the weakness of this monster very well.

This time, Gao Fei first used the "wild transformation" ability of the druid mask to transform himself into an earth elemental form, and then performed the "transformation technique" to put on a water elemental shell.

The earth element + water element stimulates a magical chemical reaction, and finally turns into a clay giant between solid and fluid.

This is Gao Fei's "Mud Elemental Form"!
Or to use the term "Internet celebrity" often mentioned in food videos, Gao Fei is now in a state of "non-Newtonian fluid".

In this state, Gao Fei can stretch his mud body infinitely, drill through the cracks in the wall, and trace the secret passage he walked through when he arrived.

At this time, the old hag in the form of activated quicksand was wriggling on the ground in the secret passage.

Animated Quicksand moves at about the same speed as Animated Slurry.

One escaped in front and the other chased after. Under normal circumstances, Gao Fei would not be able to catch up with the old hag.

However, his imitator mastered the "dexterous movement", turned on the "sprint", and the movement speed doubled!
In addition, on the "running and jumping boots" that Gao Fei won in the duel for Captain Dreyfus, the constant "oil on the soles of the feet" is still in effect in the transformed state, increasing the movement power by an additional 30 feet per round.

Counting these two bonuses, Gao Fei's movement speed was four times that of the old witch, and he caught up in a blink of an eye.

In the dark underground tunnel, a large mass of wriggling mud adhered to the same wriggling yellow sand, tightly entangled.

The water precipitated from the mud soaked the quicksand, and quickly turned the quicksand into mud...

Agatha Freddy, who became a sand hag, also has the weakness of being afraid of water.

Realizing that her body was soaked and her movements became more and more sluggish, she was so frightened that she hurriedly canceled her transformation and turned back into a flesh and blood body.

Gao Fei also took advantage of the opportunity to change back to the clay elemental form, stretched out a pair of wet clay sculpture giant palms, and grabbed the old witch's neck.

Agatha Freddy stuck out her tongue after being pinched by him, her face turned purple, and she was still dying to fight back, freeing up her claws to strangle Goofy's throat, and her sharp nails sank deep into the mud.

The old hag who lost her magic belt has only 25 points of strength.

Goofy's clay elemental form has the same base strength as the earth elemental form with 21 points.

Counting the bonuses of "Giant Enlargement", "Bull Power" and "Rage", the strength attribute has increased to 31 points, and the body size is also larger than the old hag.

In the grapple confrontation between the two sides, it stands to reason that Gao Fei should have the upper hand.

However, he had tried his best, but he couldn't stably suppress the old hag, and he couldn't help but wonder to himself.

Taking advantage of the gap in the scuffle, Gao Fei glanced at the astrolabe again, and found that the old hag had mastered the specialty of "proficient in grappling".

At this time, the old hag has become unconscious due to suffocation for a long time, her mouth is wide open like a goldfish deprived of oxygen, and her pupils are dilated.
Gao Fei sneered secretly.

Old witch, you think too much.

Elemental creatures do not need to breathe, sleep and eat, and can still survive.

Since there is no need to breathe, of course there is no suffocation.

What's more, the mud element has no organs such as bones, flesh, nerves, and internal organs, and has no fatal points, and even has no fixed shape. The old hag strangles Gao Fei's neck desperately, just like pinching a ball of maltose. You won't feel the slightest pain.

The old hag was not stupid, and finally saw that this stalemate was not an option, she exerted her last bit of strength, wriggled her lips, and uttered a weak chant.

She wanted to cast "Thunder Wave" again to shake Goofy away.

Gao Fei didn't intend to give the old witch Xianyu a chance to turn around, so he hit the old witch hard on the face with a fierce head hammer.

The thick mud dripped down, covering the old hag's face, and blocked her eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

The old hag had already been pinched and had difficulty breathing, but she was suddenly filled with mud, unable to speak, her spellcasting was interrupted, her eyes turned white, and she stopped breathing in despair not long after.


I have something to go out today and tomorrow, so I can only update two chapters, and the third one will be restored the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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