Savior Simulator

Chapter 764 3 Ogres

Chapter 764 Three Ogres

The Freddy family's big house is surrounded by flat floor tiles, and the courtyard is not shaded by trees and has a wide view.

On this moonlit night, if Gao Fei and the others walked directly to the door of the big house, they would be noticed by the guards immediately.

Iron whistles were hung around the necks of the three guards.

Once someone sneaks in, the whistle will be blown immediately to alert the Freddy couple.

At that point, if the Freddys questioned why they broke into the house at night, it would not end well.

While Gao Fei was thinking about countermeasures, three big men walked over with sticks on their shoulders, and the straight-line distance from the bushes where everyone was hiding was no more than 20 meters.

Claire saw that the three were chatting, but couldn't understand the language they were using, so she lowered her voice and asked the companion beside her, "What are those three guys talking about?"

Mario shrugged and spread his hands, expressing that he didn't understand either.

"Listening to their pronunciation, it seems that they are speaking the language of giants. The distance is too far to hear clearly."

Lisa thought for a while, then took out the holy emblem from her pocket, chanted a prayer in praise of the Sun God in a low voice, and blessed herself with a 2-ring divine spell "Detect Thoughts", which is commonly known as "Mind Reading".

Since she couldn't hear what the three big men were saying, Lisa simply read their voices directly.

There are often language barriers in the communication between intelligent creatures.

But using magic to read the voice of the heart, there is no need for a translator, and one can directly understand what the other party is thinking at the moment.

After casting the spell, a silver magical aura that symbolized the "School of Prophecy" appeared in Lisa's eyes.

At this time, three strong men had already passed in front of her, with their backs turned to this side.

The exploration area of ​​"Detect Thoughts" is a 60-foot cone-shaped space directly in front of the eyes, which happens to envelop all three of them.

The will resistance of the other three people is not high, and it is easy for Lisa to see through their thoughts.

Lisa watched their backs, silently reading their hearts, and her face gradually became solemn.

When the backs of the three strong men went away, she let out a breath and whispered to Goofy, Mario and Claire:
"These three guys are really not human!"

"In fact, all they can think about is cannibalism!"

"It seems that they are indeed ogres in disguise?" Mario raised his eyebrows.

"These three guys probably used the 'Disguise' potion to disguise themselves as humans. As for their true colors, they are ogres, or other human-eating monsters, I'm not sure yet." Lisa replied cautiously.

"They want to eat people, don't they?" Claire took the quarrel and said through gritted teeth: "This alone is enough to prove that they are not good people! The Freddys who sheltered them are probably also monsters in human skin!"

"Sister Claire, don't be impulsive. I have another question." Gao Fei turned to Lisa and asked, "Have the three monsters revealed where they plan to go for a feast of human flesh?"

"It's the workhouse near this mansion!" Lisa said bitterly, "Those three monsters called the basement of the workhouse a 'canteen', and they said that as long as you obey your mother, don't be lazy when patrolling at night, don't worry about it." Drink, and tomorrow morning, they will be able to go to the 'canteen' to enjoy the sumptuous breakfast prepared by their mother."

"Good guy! It's hard to say whether Mrs. Freddy can eat people, at least she has good cooking skills in cooking human flesh dishes!"

Mario made an inappropriate joke.

No one laughed except himself.

Goofy opened the astrolabe and looked at the adopted children of Freddy's family.

The three man-eating monsters disguised as humans have a challenge level of 3, their health is around 70 points, their natural defense is +5, and they have "strongness", "weapon specialization (bludgeoning)", "powerful attack" and "Four Talents" specialties.

The average attributes are: strength 21, agility 8, constitution 16, intelligence 6, perception 12, charisma 7.

Gao Fei compared the ogre's data, and it was almost the same!
The problem before us is how to deal with these three ogres in human skin as soon as possible, and at the same time prevent them from blowing their whistles and alarming the Freddy couple who raised them.

Goofy switches out "Mage Mask" and "Warlock Mask".

The spells prepared by the "mage mask" include 0-level "magic trick" and "dancing lights", 1-level "magnification" and "shield", 2-level "attribute enhancement" and "mirror image".

It's a pity that Gao Fei doesn't have the ability to predict the future, and he didn't prepare the "invisibility technique" in advance.

In this perilous environment, it was impossible for him to reset the spell list through a long rest, so he had to find another way.

After a little thought, Gao Fei had an idea, and summoned his magic pet through the "warlock mask".

The "eye of the bead ball" is suspended in the air, and the purple-black complexion has a camouflage effect in the night.

Gao Fei issued a mental command, making Pearl fly over the heads of the three guards silently, and floated directly to the eaves of the big house opposite.

Under the cover of the eaves, Pearl released a "psychic control ray", took off the hat of one of the guards, and threw it into the grass in the distance.

The guard thought his hat was blown away by the wind, so he quickly dropped his stick and ran towards the grass cursing.

The other two guards turned their heads to watch his embarrassed appearance, and laughed gloatingly.

Gao Fei winked at his companion beside him.

Everyone understood, the cat ducked out of the bushes, and sneaked behind the two guards who were watching the show.

Gao Fei has blessed himself with the "Shield Technique" and "Mirror Image Technique", and he can't use the "Mage Mask" temporarily, so he switched to the "Thief Mask" which is more suitable for the "Warlock Mask". A guard shot a "burning ray" from his back.

Three lines of fire flashed past, hitting the unprepared guards one after another.

Each ray brings an additional 3d6 sneak attack damage.




A series of damage numbers popped up, and the guard who got hit was instantly killed by Gao Fei on the spot!


At the same time that Gao Fei shot, Lisa also used the "command technique" to freeze another guard whose back was facing this side, making him unable to move for one round.

Mario, Claire, and Simba the Lion took the opportunity to pounce on the live target and killed it within one round.

On the other side of the grass, the only remaining guard finally picked up his hat, and as soon as he put it on his head, a strong sense of dizziness hit his mind.

The "Eye of the Bead" floating above his head just fired a "stun ray" and successfully controlled him.

Gao Fei seized the right moment, switched his perspective to the Demon Pet, borrowed one of Pearl's eye stalks to activate "Ray Casting", and shot "Scorching Ray" at the dizzy guard.

This guy was physically stronger than his two companions. He fired three shots in a row, and with a breath left, he grabbed the whistle, brought it closer to his mouth, and tried to blow it.

(End of this chapter)

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