Savior Simulator

Chapter 761 Father and Son

Chapter 761 Father and Son

"By chance, Umberto's father met the boss's wife at the company's reception, a noble lady who came to Hailan for vacation."

"This lady comes from a noble family in Avalon. She is beautiful, rich, and affectionate."

"Umberto's father is the tallest and handsome middle-level employee in the company. He is a typical handsome, romantic and affectionate sea-blue man. Compared with him, the boss is a typical indifferent, old-fashioned, uninteresting and honest man. .”

"What happened next, you can guess without me telling you, Umberto's father cheated on the boss's wife."

"In the beginning, maybe he was just acting on the occasion, just thinking about having fun, but he didn't realize that the noble lady Feizhen was a ruthless character, forcing her husband to divorce him, and even got most of the family property through lawsuits."

"After that, the noble lady gave her lover an ultimatum: Either abandon his wife and children and marry her, or pack up and leave the company, and don't even think about working in the business industry in the future."

"Umberto's father... Just like the stereotype of the sea blue man, he is not a man with a lot of backbone, and he succumbed quickly."

"In order to please that noble lady, he cruelly abandoned his original wife and young son, and followed his new love to Avalon to develop his career."

"Umberto's mother, a poor little woman, couldn't accept the cruel reality, so she took her son across the ocean and came to Avalon to look for the wrongdoer."

"Finally found a husband, but the other party treated the mother and son as indifferently as strangers, allowing them to endure hunger and cold in the rented house in the slums on Patus Street, to fend for themselves."

"Umberto's mother was devastated and died in despair less than two years after arriving in Avalon."

"At that time, Umberto was under ten years old, so he had to live alone in the slums, and he embarked on the shameful way of making a living as a gangster at a young age."

"Poor Umberto, I will never forget the tragic night when my mother stopped breathing on the sickbed, and I will never forget that I sold my only cotton coat in the winter just to get some money to bury my mother..."

Speaking of this, Claire's eye circles were slightly red.

"Umberto was determined to sever ties with his father, and at the same time, he did not want to implicate his father, who had already entered the upper class, and shame his decent new family because of his illegal activities, so he changed his surname to 'Aye. sposito'."

Goofy nodded knowingly.

In Aquamarine, the word "Esposito" means "exposed to the street".

Many orphans who were abandoned by their parents when they were born were adopted by churches or orphanages. Since they did not know their original surnames, they were named Esposito. To put it bluntly, they were children picked up on the street.

"For many years after that, Umberto's biological father never visited his son once. Until three years ago, his second wife died of illness and his business encountered a bottleneck. He decided to give up his career in Avalon and return to hometown development."

Claire goes on to tell the story of Umberto's life.

"On the eve of returning to China, the old man came to Patus Street to look for his son for the first time in more than ten years, and asked Umberto if he wanted to go back to Hailan with him."

"Umberto categorically declined his father's invitation."

"One is out of resentment against his father, and the other is because his father has re-established a family, and there is a half-brother with him. Umberto does not want to destroy his father's new family."

"After the old man returned to Hailan, his business grew bigger and bigger. With the surge in wealth, he seemed to have finally regained his conscience. He often wrote letters to his eldest son, sent money and gifts to Umberto, and persuaded Umberto at the end of each letter. Please go back to your hometown and reunite with father and son."

"Umberto refused to go to Hailan to meet his father. He seems to enjoy his current life more than being a rich second generation who enjoys everything."

"Part of the money sent by my father was used to renovate the cemetery for my deceased mother, which is regarded as repaying the debt owed by my father."

"Umberto gave all the rest of the money to the poor, and didn't keep a penny for himself."

"The old man knows that Umberto likes famous wines, and every year when new wines from major wineries are on the market, he will send a batch to his son."

"Umberto never drank the wine sent by his father, he placed it on the wine cabinet at random, and used it to entertain friends and gang brothers."

Claire pointed to the wine cabinet behind her.

"Musk, Lisa, now you know why I invite you to drink such expensive red wine?"

"What a wonderful and poignant story."

Gao Fei picked up the wine glass in a complicated mood.

"Let's make a toast to Brother Umberto. I hope he can get out of the shadow of his abandoned childhood as soon as possible and untie his knot."

Just as the three of them were clinking glasses, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and Mario Ricardo ran in hastily.

"Hey! Good evening, brother Musk! Miss Lisa! Claire, do you know where the boss has gone?"

"Brother Umberto is at the Savoy Hotel. Captain Dantès invited him to dinner. You are in a hurry to find him. Is there anything urgent?" Claire asked.

"Well, since the boss is not here, it's useless to worry, let's chat while drinking."

Mario sat down beside Goofy, took the red wine handed by the red-haired girl, and drank it down.

Wiping the corner of his mouth, Mario burped contentedly.

"You're wasting a good wine in such a rough way."

Claire scolded Mario angrily, then poured him another glass of wine.

Mario resentfully changed his way of drinking, holding a goblet and asked Gao Fei: "Brother Musk, do you still remember that ogre?"

"What ogre?"

This nonsensical question completely confused Gao Fei.

"Oh, no wonder you can't remember, it was more than half a year ago." Mario shrugged helplessly.

In this game mod, the time span of half a year is not too large. Have you ever encountered an ogre during this period?

Gao Fei recalled a little bit, and soon remembered.

"Mr. Mario, are you referring to that ogre that was fighting in the boxing ring when I came to the Paradise Tavern for a party half a year ago?"

"That's right! It's that big stupid guy!"

Mario nodded with a smile.

"At that time, several boys in our gang took turns to challenge the ogre on stage, but they were all beaten down by him."

"Later, your kid took the initiative to challenge you on stage. Claire and I thought you were trying to kill yourself at the time, and advised you not to joke about your own life."

"Only Brother Umberto can tell at a glance that your strength is far superior to that of the ogre. Not only did he agree with you to fight on stage, but he also placed a heavy bet on you. In the end, you really defeated the ogre!"

(End of this chapter)

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