Savior Simulator

Chapter 756 Colleagues are going to be blackened

Chapter 756 Colleagues are going to be blackened

"In the most ideal situation, I can launch the rocket by myself, go straight to the clouds, and find the goblin passage home."

"If it can't be done, I will analyze the construction technology of the rocket and the locator. Maybe I will have the opportunity to manufacture it myself in the future."

"In the worst case, the rocket can't be launched, and the construction technology can't be learned. I still have a bad idea."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Feng asked Ma Yun curiously.

"Remove the rocket!" Student Xiao Ma said murderously, "As long as there are valuable parts, pack them up and take them away. Even if you sell them to the system store, you can get a little money back!"

"Ah?!" Jiang Nvxia was stunned, "Would it be too much for you to do this?"

"Anyway, tomorrow's rocket launch is bound to have an accident. Anyway, I'm sure I won't be able to take the rocket back to my hometown as planned. Why don't I disassemble the rocket into parts now, and get a little bit of benefits? It's better to have a good time!" Ma Yun resented say.

"It's not unreasonable for you to say that, but doing so would be too sorry for Master Oz. He will be very sad to find that the rocket he worked so hard to make is dismantled into scrap iron and sold for money..." Jiang Feng couldn't bear it.

"I'm a little sorry for Master Oz, but Sister Feng, think about it, if I, the protagonist, are destined not to be able to return home safely by rocket tomorrow, what's the point of Master Oz launching the rocket?"

"Instead of letting him risk a ride on a rocket alone, I'd turn my grief into strength and try to build a more advanced rocket, or find some other way to get me home."

After listening to classmate Xiao Ma's analysis, Gao Fei couldn't help complaining: "The richest man, you are running all the way in the direction of blackening! How did you transform from a pure and kind little girl into one who fears the world will not be chaotic?" Where's Le Ziren?!"

"Hmph! I don't want to be like this either, it's all the hateful game designers who forced me to take this path!"

Ma Yun said angrily.

"If a person is told that her efforts are in vain and that she cannot escape the tricks of bad luck, there are only two roads before her."

"Either accept the arrangement of fate, act as a puppet for the screenwriter, and bite the bullet and run the bloody plot of the main plot."

"Either go out and make a big fuss, try to break the arranged fate, or crash the game, and everyone will die together!"

"If you were me, how would you choose?"

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng looked at each other, speechless.

Ma Yun raised a question about the nature of "games".

Any game that advertises "high degree of freedom" and "open world", no matter how perfect it is, it is impossible to achieve real freedom, and it is impossible to really let players do whatever they want. There must always be a minimum plot context, providing a limited number of The branches and endings of the game are for players to choose.

Even if the plot is randomly generated by the computer, it will inevitably be repeated in the end.

In fact, the game mode with the highest degree of freedom is the oldest tabletop running group game. The rules are open and transparent, and players can play freely to the maximum extent.

However, even if it is a board game running group, the GM is indispensable to supervise and do everything possible to control the whims of the players, and pull the game process that is constantly drifting back to the pre-written main script track, otherwise the game will not continue up.

Real life is probably the only thing with a higher degree of freedom than board games.

It's a pity that life, as a game, also has to abide by various apparent or hidden rules.

In this game, no one knows whether he is the protagonist who can change his life against the sky, or just an NPC whose destiny trajectory has been designed in advance.

Once you have doubts about your own life, you will either fall into the vortex of fatalism, and feel that everything you do is meaningless, like a walking dead; or you will infinitely expand your desires, try to do things that are contrary to common sense and shock the world, and constantly seek new stimulation to prove yourself Alive and with free will.

Xiao Ma seems to have the latter mentality.

Among the group of gamers, this kind of mentality is actually very common.

To put it bluntly, I want to fight against the game makers. You want me to beat the dog, but I insist on chasing the chicken, which is somewhat "secondary".

The launch time of the rocket is at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

Student Xiao Ma got up two hours earlier, and sneaked out of the hotel at dawn.

For fear of being blocked by her companions, she didn't tell the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman and Lion of her plan, and only brought along Toto, a mechanical dog who was absolutely loyal to her.

The rocket launch site is located in the backyard of the palace, and there are guards nearby, patrolling day and night.

Ma Yun shot herself an "invisibility technique", and with the emotion of "it's not me, but the world", she planned to sneak into the launch site, and then cast the 3-ring "deep sleep" to bring down the guards and seize the rocket.

However, as soon as she walked to the wall in the backyard of the palace, she heard a familiar sneer behind her.

"Who is there!"

Ma Yun turned her head alertly.

In the alley shrouded in darkness behind him, a figure wearing a cloak can be seen faintly.

The mechanical dog Toto yelled at the man, trying to prevent him from approaching his mistress.

The mysterious man walked forward slowly with a sneer while raising his right arm.

The wide sleeves of the robe slid down the smooth wrist, revealing a slender hand.

Raging waves of magic power are gathering in her palm.

Ma Yun couldn't recognize what spell the opponent was casting.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he hurriedly used the "dispersion technique", intending to counter the opponent's spell.

At the same time, she also ordered Toto to release the "dispersion technique" with the help of the clockwork module. The two dispersals are superimposed, and there is a higher probability of counterattack.

But it's all useless.

Both Ma Yun and Toto's "Dispel" failed to pass the spell-casting attribute check.

This also means that the magic that the opponent is casting is at least 4 rings.


The mysterious man has completed the casting process and chanted a spell that symbolizes "metal".

A golden light gushed out from her palm, and instantly swept over Ma Yun and Toto.

Ma Yun herself was not harmed, but the metal products she carried were all magnetized, broke through her pockets, fell to the ground, and absorbed into a large ball.

Worse still is Toto.

The moment this mechanical dog assembled from countless steel parts was impacted by a strong magnetic field, the magic circuit in its body was strongly disturbed and temporarily unable to operate normally.

The iron body of the mechanical dog was also magnetized, and it flew out with a whoosh, and was attached to a metal trash can by the side of the road.

Ma Yun froze for a moment, and hurriedly checked the battle data automatically recorded by the astrolabe, only to realize that the opponent had just cast a 5-ring magic called "Magnetizing Cone", which was designed to restrain steel constructs!
(End of this chapter)

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