Savior Simulator

Chapter 750 Theodora's Treasure

Chapter 750 Theodora's Treasure

Ma Yun shook her head, and said to it with a solemn face: "Istna, I dare to swear to the gods, what I tell you is the truth, believe it or not."

Eastna stared into her eyes, unable to see the slightest sign of deceit, the anger in her heart gradually turned into frustration...

"Treacherous little village girl! I'm unlucky today, and I fell for your tricks!"

Eastna knew in her heart that Ma Yun hadn't lied to her, but in order to save face, she couldn't admit this fact.

"I wrote down this account, let's wait and see!"

Crying and throwing down a fierce threat, the little hag turned around and ran away, disappearing into the depths of the night in a blink of an eye.

Ma Yun looked at the back of her going away, and recalled the scene of fighting side by side before, feeling heavy in her heart, very uncomfortable.

Gao Fei saw that Xiao Ma was depressed, so he patted her on the shoulder and comforted her softly.

"The relationship between you and Eastna is not just a simple misunderstanding. The seeds of conflict were planted as early as the prologue of the game. You are destined to become a pair of old enemies."

"You have nothing to do to Eastna, and Eastna has nothing wrong with it. If you have to blame someone, you can only blame the evil game screenwriter for designing such a bloody plot."

"That's right! It's all the fault of the dead horse's plan and the stupid screenwriter!" Jiang Feng nodded in agreement, "Anyway, it can't be the player's fault."

Ma Yun cheered up and smiled: "Brother Fei! Sister Feng! We have already killed the old witch Theodora, why haven't we received the reminder to complete the milestone of the main plot?"

"I haven't received a reminder, it just means that the main plot of this chapter has not been completed yet." Gao Fei thought for a while, and then said, "Actually, we still have a lot to do."

"For example, go to the gold mine and rescue the scarecrow and the tin woodman who are trapped in the mine to work hard."

"There is also the elimination of the old witch's henchmen and the liberation of the enslaved residents of Winkie Township."

"Before that, we have to search the old witch's castle, maybe we can get something valuable."

"Oh! That's right! Valuable things!" Jiang Feng was reminded by his boyfriend's words, and immediately beamed with joy, "The old witch is very coquettish. The utensils in the room are all made of pure gold, even the cages for keeping hamsters are made of gold. It's worth a lot of money!"

"Yeah! Let's go find the gold!"

Classmate Pony is worrying about having no money to make sand golems, and when he thinks of the gold hidden in the castle, he becomes emotional.

Once the old witch died, all the tengus and wargs under her command disappeared without a trace.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun started from the attic and searched down one floor after another.

Wenji Township is rich in gold.

Over the years, the gold mine has been monopolized by Theodora, and she has indeed accumulated a lot of wealth.

All the gold utensils in the room were packed away by the three of them.

Finally, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun came to the underground warehouse where the mechanical cornerstones were originally parked.

After some carpet searching, a secret door was found.

Ma Yun received a system prompt that only characters with a skill of "Skillful Hands" not lower than +9 and proficiency in "Thief's Tools" could open this secret door.

This also means that without the help of foreign aid, the player must choose the profession of "trickster" in order to open this secret door and obtain the treasure of the old witch.

In the prologue of this mod, players can choose from one of four mage paradigms.

Comparing these four paradigms, it is not difficult to find that in the middle and early stages of the game, due to the restrictions of the school of magic, the trickster's spellcasting ability is the weakest of the four paradigms.

It is precisely in order to make up for the innate shortcomings of tricksters that game designers leave a secret door here to provide extra loot for trickster players.

According to the normal game flow, even if Ma Yun rescued the scarecrow Weta who was trapped in the mine, with Weta's trickster level, he would not be able to open the secret door and help Ma Yun get the treasure.

After all, the mage paradigm of artificer is already too strong.The game designers don't want her to become stronger, causing the subsequent game flow and combat to become less challenging.

Unfortunately, people are not as good as God.

Next to classmate Xiao Ma, there happened to be two "God Thief" and "Grand Thief"!
Gao Fei's Spell Thief, and Jiang Feng's Raider of the Templar, both have a professional level of 8, and their proficiency correction is +3.

The agility attribute of both of them is 18 points, and the skill based on the agility attribute is +4.

When the two are added together, the "skillful hand" skill +7.

What if it's 2 o'clock?
"This problem is easy to solve." Jiang Feng said with a smile, "I bless myself with 'Cat's Elegance' and increase the agility attribute by four points, just enough to meet the requirements for opening the door."

"It's not necessary." Gao Fei smiled lightly, and went straight to open the door.

He has the specialty of "skillful hands and empty space", and the "skillful hands" skill is counted as double proficiency correction, and he can easily open the secret door without adding additional buffs.

The moment the secret door opened, everyone was dazzled by the golden light.

Large blocks of gold bricks are piled up in the secret room.

The three suppressed their excitement and counted the total value of the gold bricks equivalent to 6 gold coins!
In addition, Gao Fei also found a small gold-cast box in the secret room.

Pry open the lock, lift the lid, and what you see is a beautiful blue luster!
Inside the box was a pile of blue gemstones, each the size of a sugar cube, neatly stacked.

"My God!"

When seeing the gold bricks all over the floor, Ma Yun could barely maintain her composure, but now seeing these blue gemstones, she couldn't help exclaiming excitedly.

"Magic crystals! They are all high-quality magic crystals! I'm not dreaming, am I?!"

The magic crystals in the small box weigh a total of 3 pounds, which is converted into 3 gold coins.

If you only look at the value, a large pile of gold bricks is obviously more valuable.

But in the eyes of mages, magic crystals are definitely more precious resources than gold!

The most indispensable material for all enchanting crafts in the world, including the manufacture of constructs, is the magic crystal.

"With this windfall, Xiaoyun is not far from realizing her dream of making sand golems." Jiang Feng smiled gratifiedly.

"Sister Feng! You and Brother Fei also have a share of these treasures!"

"Brother Fei and I are not short of money now, so you don't need to be polite to us."

"Well... how about this, I keep the gold bricks for myself, how about the three of us sharing the magic crystal equally?"

"Okay, just do as you say."

Student Xiao Ma got this treasure worth 6 gold coins, and then managed to earn 5000 gold coins in the future, so he would have the capital to make sand golems.

Of course, she had to raise her spellcasting level to level 11 first.

In addition to this windfall, Ma Yun also found a lot of spell scrolls in the secret room, all of which were spells that the old witch Theodora was good at during her lifetime.

Ma Yun checked all these scrolls and picked out the ones she hadn't transcribed yet. There were 14 scrolls in total:
0th—lesser phantom, dry water;

1st—disguise, burning hands;

2nd Ring - Fog Sight, Misty Step;

4th—stoneskin, scrying, charm monster;

5th—control winds, mirage, teleport, malicious polymorph, animate object.

(End of this chapter)

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