Savior Simulator

Chapter 735 Flesh Golem

Chapter 735 Flesh Golem
Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that the glass pipe had been disconnected, and there was no steam coming over to do work on the blower, so of course the fan would not be able to turn.

At this moment, classmate Xiao Ma also ran over.

Apart from anything else, he waved his hand and cast the "Secondary Activation Technique", directly injecting vitality into the blower that lost power!

The blower was temporarily activated by magic, following the orders of Miss Mage, the blades buzzed and rotated by themselves, and a strong airflow whizzed out!

The water vapor in the air, and the steam mephit hidden behind the water vapor, were all blown away by the air current!

Eastna happened to be standing directly in front of the blower, and the hem of her cloak was also blown up by the airflow.

Gao Fei glanced at it inadvertently, and was surprised to find that... this bold little hag is not wearing underwear!

The hem of the black velvet cloak floated to Eastna's thighs, revealing her bare legs and PP...

It's a pity that after a glimpse, she held down the hem of the cloak and looked back vigilantly.

Gao Fei looked away calmly, pretending nothing happened.

Eastna didn't seem to care about the fact that she was naked under her skirt. She turned around and released "Frost Nova" twice, blasting and killing the group of mephits that were blown by the blower and gathered in the corner of the wall.

After the battle, Eastna scolded Ma Yun again, accusing her of being a daredevil, causing trouble by herself, and causing her to have to deal with the rioting mephit.

"I'm sorry, little hag! It's indeed my fault this time. Fortunately, you are here, and you can kill a large group of steam mephits in two or three strokes!" Ma Yun rubbed her head and laughed.

"Hmph! Little village girl, now you know how powerful I am!"

Eastna proudly raised her chest and akimbo, wishing she could raise her tail to the sky.

Looking at her smug look, Gao Fei couldn't help laughing secretly.

After fighting side by side this time, he has figured out Eastna's temper.

This little hag is actually not too bad, she has a relatively simple personality, as long as she flatters a few words according to her heart, she can be coaxed into elation.

After taking a rest, everyone followed the stairs to the second floor.

As Eastna said, the hall on the first floor is where the tower guards are stationed. Five tall and mighty guards are lined up against the wall, as if they are standing guard.

These five guards were all dressed in the same dress, wearing leather pants on the lower body, shirtless on the upper body, showing strong muscles, and they were all more than three meters tall.

A little observation reveals that the bodies and faces of these shirtless giants have traces of stitches, and their complexion is also white and yellow.

The reason for the mosaic-like painting style is that these fleshy golems are spliced ​​from flesh and blood taken from different corpses, which is literally a "stitch monster".

Gao Fei couldn't help thinking of the classic science fiction novel "Frankenstein", the hero of the story is like a flesh golem!
Withdrawing his thoughts, Gao Fei tried to use the astrolabe to detect the golem guards in the hall.

Fortunately, there is no secrecy barrier here, and the astrolabe can provide information normally.

The five flesh-body golems are the same in every respect except for their slightly different appearances.


In terms of defense, the flesh golem comes with a natural armor of level 10, a damage reduction armor of 5/Adamantine, and a super high magic resistance that comes standard with the golem.

Flesh golems are immune to most negative spell effects, but there are a few exceptions.

For example, fire-type and cold-type magic, although they can't directly kill the flesh golem, they can make it fall into a "slow" state.

The electric magic hit the body golems, which can restore their life and stimulate the blood and nerves that have lost their lives to become active, which is equivalent to blessing the "acceleration technique"!
In terms of attack, the flesh and blood golem has mastered "power attack" and "multiple attack", and can swing two punches per round-the fist is equivalent to an enchanted weapon.

In addition, when the flesh golem is injured, it will automatically enter the "Rage" state, with +4 power attribute, and will attack the closest creature to itself indiscriminately.

If the golem's master is present, a bonus action can be taken to calm a frantic flesh golem.

These five flesh-body golems followed the same procedure, and they couldn't be lured out one by one and destroyed separately.

If they went directly to fight in groups, Gao Fei and the others had four people and one dog, and there was a high probability that they would not be able to defeat the five flesh golems.

While he was thinking about countermeasures, Eastna smiled and went straight down the stairs without even saying hello.

As soon as they set foot on the floor of the first floor, the five flesh-body golems immediately became alert, and five pairs of eyes looked at the stairs.

At the same time, on the wall behind the golem guards, an exaggerated mouth appeared, speaking human words in a strange way.

"Visitor, listen carefully!"

"Among the five guards in the hall, one of them is different!"

"If you can pick it out, it will serve you during your visit to this mage tower, and the other guards will allow you to come and go as you please!"

"If you choose wrong, the guards will arrest you and imprison you!"

"You have 10 seconds to think, start counting down now!"

"10, 9, 8..."

Just as the "Magic Mouth" started counting, the chests of the five flesh golems collectively glowed, each showing a series of numbers, namely: 401, 601, 701, 1001, and 3001.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun all nervously observed the fleshy golem, trying to find the one that stood out from them before the countdown ended.

Eastna looked composed.

This morning, she had accepted a similar test here, but failed to give the correct answer within the stipulated time, and was arrested by the golem guards and locked in a glass cell.

This time the puzzle is slightly different from the morning.

However, the solutions to the two questions are similar.

Eastna learned from a pitfall and learned her wisdom, prepared in advance, and got the correct answer in a blink of an eye.

She was not in a hurry to say the answer, but raced against time to negotiate terms with Ma Yun.

"Little village girl! Give me back my mother's spell book and silver shoes, and I will tell you the correct answer to this question."

Ma Yun cast an angry look at the little hag who took advantage of the fire.

The silver shoes had already been snatched by the Witch of the West, even if she was willing to accept Eastna's offer, she still couldn't get what she wanted.

What's more, this puzzle seems very simple to her, there is no need to ask the hag's daughter for help,

"The correct answer is Golem No. [-]!"

The girl's crisp voice echoed in the hall.

The "magic mouth" on the wall stopped the countdown and slowly disappeared.

Eastna's face suddenly darkened, and her eyes were unspeakably frustrated.

(End of this chapter)

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