Savior Simulator

Chapter 732 Imprisoned Istna

Chapter 732 Imprisoned Istna
Jiang Feng also came over and looked at the stubborn little hag.

"There's not even a gap between this and the glass pillar, Eastna, how did you get in?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"Hmph! Isn't that easy?" Eastna put her hands on her hips and raised her chin triumphantly, "I have been promoted to a level 9 mage, and I have learned the 4th-level magic 'Anywhere'. Send it in!"

"Really?" Jiang Feng was dubious, "That is to say, you can teleport directly from the glass pillar as long as you cast the 'Any Door' again?"

"That's right! You don't need to be nosy at all, if I want to leave, I can leave at any time!"

Eastna raised her voice deliberately, sounding like she was trying to embolden herself.

"Okay, Eastna, think about your life in the glass pillar, and we won't bother you anymore, bye!"

Ma Yun winked at Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, then turned and left.

"Hey! You guys...Damn..."

Seeing the three of them turn and leave, Eastna couldn't hold back.

She was anxious, but she was embarrassed to ask her old enemy to help break the cage and let herself out. She kicked the inner wall of the glass angrily. As a result, the defensive barrier was activated, and the inner wall of the glass flickered and crackled.

Eastna was shocked by the electric shock. She screamed in pain and jumped up and down with her feet hugged.

Gao Fei was amused by her miserable appearance, and turned around to ask her, "Where's your 'any door'?"

Eastna's beautiful face was flushed with embarrassment, and she suppressed her embarrassment, and said the truth bitterly: "The arbitrary door... I was locked up before I had time to learn it."

"Anyway, you have plenty of time now, just learn spells in this glass cage that has been quiet for years and is stable in this world!"

Ma Yun laughed and teased the hag's daughter.

"My spell book was snatched by the golem guards, what a fool!" Eastna yelled angrily.

Seeing her miserable but fierce appearance, Jiang Feng was both funny and sympathetic, and asked Gao Fei and Ma Yun in a low voice: "This guy is so pitiful, should you let her out?"

"Let her out... Will she repay us and attack us?" Ma Yun hesitated.

"Don't worry about that. As the saying goes, ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi, with the current strength of the three of us, it's easy to kill this little hag together."

Gao Fei saw Eastna put her ear against the inner wall of the glass, eavesdropping on her conversation with her companion, secretly amused, and purposely raised her voice to tell her.

"Actually, I hope that she will turn against us when she comes out. In this way, we will have a reason to kill her and search for spoils from her, such as her pearl earrings and gemstone rings. Although they are not magical items, they are also worth a lot of money."

When Eastna heard this, her face turned blue with fright, she quietly took off her earrings and rings, put them in her pocket and hid them.

At this time, Gao Fei received an unexpected system prompt.

"Passing a successful 'Intimidation' check, you will gain an advantage in the next negotiation with Eastna!"

great!My brother likes dealing with bad women the most.

Gao Fei walked up to the glass pillar with his hands behind his back, and looked at her with a smile through the glass wall strengthened by magic.

Eastna felt terrified when he saw her, she pretended to be fierce, and yelled, "Stinky boy, what do you want!"

"Estna, if you agree to two conditions, we will try to release you."

"Hmm... What are the conditions, let's talk about it first!" Eastna's face was full of guard.

"First of all, after you get out of trouble, you must help us explore this ancient ruins. Before the end of the expedition, we must regard each other as companions, unite as one, and prevent internal strife."

"This is the first condition."

"No problem, I promise you!" Eastna nodded cheerfully.

"The second condition is that the spoils harvested during the expedition belong to the three of us, and you have no right to distribute them."

"Well, you miser, you actually want to use Miss Ben as a free cow and horse, it's too disgusting!"

Eastna gritted her teeth angrily and stomped her feet in anger.

If eyes could kill, Gao Fei would have been poked into a sieve by her at this moment.

Gao Fei smiled coldly, not saving her face at all.

"Estna, you'd better figure it out, now you are the one asking us, there is no free lunch in the world!"

"Without you, the three of us can still explore, so why should we share the benefits with you?"

"Just because you were an enemy of Dorothy, and we didn't fall into trouble, it's considered that we have done our best, and you don't know how to flatter you!"


"I don't have time to listen to your ramblings. Come on, as long as you shake your head, we'll leave immediately!"

Eastna was quite frightened by his fierce demeanor, but she was unwilling to give in in her heart. After hesitating for a long time, she decided to take the next best thing and save some face.

"I can accept these two conditions, but I also have one condition, you must help me defeat the golem guards and take back my spell book and amulet from them!"

Gao Fei had a private chat with Jiang Feng and Ma Yun through the Xingpan team channel.

After the three discussed, they reached a consensus.

Next, Gao Fei will come forward and continue to bargain with Eastna.

"Things that belong to you can be returned to you, but before that, you have to lend Dorothy a copy of the spell book."

Ma Yun copied Eastna's spells, and Gao Fei's imitator can also prostitute for nothing. This is called "one fish, two meals"!
While Eastna was still thinking about it, Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and checked her spell list to see if there was any spell worth stealing.

As expected, Eastna has been upgraded to a level 9 mage, and her intelligence attribute is 20 like Ma Yun's. Today, she has prepared 14 spells, which are:
Ring 0: detect alignment (natural), detect magic (natural), mage's hand;

1st level: magic missile (natural), ray of enfeeblement (natural), mage armor, shield, mark of vulnerability;
2nd level: invisibility (natural), web, mirror image, searing ray;

3rd level: deep sleep (natural), fireball, lightning bolt, frost nova, dispel, fly;
4th Ring: Dimensional Anchor, Blight.


Eastna has the bloodline of the night hag, and some of the spells belong to the talent of the bloodline, similar to a warlock, and can be cast directly without preparation.

High-flying Spell Thief can now steal up to 3rd level spells.

Among Eastna's third-level spells, "Lightning Beam" and "Frost Nova" are attack spells that Ma Yun does not have.

These two spells were indeed good, but they weren't good enough for Gao Fei to eliminate the existing spells specifically for them, so he had to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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