Savior Simulator

Chapter 721 Ancient Ruins

Chapter 721 Ancient Ruins
Directly opposite the warehouse gate, there is a smooth tunnel.

Dorothy manipulated the mechanical cornerstone, climbed in along the tunnel, and left the castle in a short time, appearing in the endless desert.

In the upper right corner of the cabin screen, a miniature map is displayed.

The red dot on the map represents the position of the mechanical cornerstone.

A blinking red arrow represents the current direction of progress.

In the center of the map, a small area circled by a blue line is the excavation site of the ancient ruins, which is the destination of Dorothy's trip.

After setting the coordinates, the mechanical cornerstone can automatically go to the destination.

During the journey, the path of progress is occasionally blocked by towering sand dunes.

Dorothy can manually steer the mechanical cornerstone around the dunes.

However, the girl decided to take this opportunity to try the drilling function of the mechanical cornerstone, and pressed the black triangle button on the console.

The metal pointed cap of the mechanical cornerstone immediately buzzed and spun, and the whole head turned into a thick drill bit, which pushed in toward the base of the dune, and the yellow sand whirled out with the drill bit.

Like a red-hot awl piercing cheese, the mechanical cornerstone opens the way with a roaring drill bit, easily penetrates the dune, and advances in a straight line.

After crossing the sand dunes, the ancient civilization ruins are in front of you.

Thousands of years ago, here was originally a prosperous and rich city, but now it has been buried by the yellow sand, leaving only sporadic ruins.

Among the ruins, there are more than a dozen potholes scattered, all of which are bottomless.

These potholes were all dug out by the witches of the West. If you dive thousands of feet, you can reach the ruins of the ancient city buried under the sand.

Dorothy looked at the caves and hesitated.

She was not sure which cave to choose as the entrance of this trip, or simply drove the mechanical horn stone to dig a new tunnel, trying to explore the area that Theodora had not visited before?

Undecided for a moment, she prayed silently, asking her guardian angel for guidance.

At the same time, Ma Yun finally received a system prompt: Turn on the "spiritual séance mode"!
"Wow! It's finally my turn!"

Pony classmate excitedly got on Dorothy's body.

"The old witch made a hole, even if there are good things in it, the old witch has already taken it away, and it is no longer worth exploring!"

"The correct way, of course, is to open a tunnel by yourself!"

After making up her mind, Ma Yun was about to manipulate the mechanical cornerstone to dig a hole when she suddenly remembered something and quickly opened the astrolabe to check the properties panel of this construct.


·Mechanical corner stone
Challenge Level: Level 6

No alignment, large construct


Speed: Walk 60 feet/climb 30 feet/drill 30 feet

Defense: 20 (large size -1, natural +10, agility +1)

Skills: Perception +5
Senses darkvision, tremorsense, passive perception 15
Attributes: Strength 23, Dexterity 13, Constitution -, Intelligence -, Wisdom 16, Charisma 8
Special Abilities: Construct trait, magic detector 300 ft. (darkvision/tremorsense), damage reduction 10/adamant
Auxiliary devices: searchlights, gas storage bottles x 12 (each bottle can be used by a single person to breathe for 24 hours), engine room (can accommodate 4 medium-sized creatures), storage box (recover ancient artifacts)

"Wow~ This big steel squid is quite powerful!"

Classmate Xiao Ma was beaming with joy, tsk tsk in admiration.

She originally thought that the mechanical horn stone was just a vehicle.

Now it seems that although the mechanical cornerstone has no intelligence attribute, it is at least a semi-intelligent construct, which can execute more complex instructions. When attacked, it can also automatically counterattack according to the predetermined procedure, which is quite powerful.

At this time, Ma Yun suddenly remembered another very important thing.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! Where are you?"

"The two of us have entered your module, but currently we can only choose God's perspective, and it's not time to fight in person."

Goofy answered in the Astrolabe team channel.

"Where are your characters?" Ma Yun then asked.

"It's in this desert ruins, not far from where you are." Jiang Feng pointed to the small map on the cabin screen, "Xiaoyun, do you see the green cursor on the map? The characters of Brother Fei and I A makeshift camp was set up right there, seemingly intervening in the expedition as treasure hunters."

Ma Yun observed the cursor, and murmured: "Your camp is only two miles away from me, I'll go there to find you!"

Saying that, she activated the mechanical cornerstone, turned around and moved towards the camp.

At this moment, the game perspective switched to the camp.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng received a notification from the system at the same time that they were ready to "trance"!

The two quickly switched to a subjective perspective and took over their respective roles.

Before seeing the situation around the camp clearly, another system prompt popped up:
"A small group of sandworms is about to launch a siege to the camp! Escape from the camp as soon as possible and meet up with the teammates driving the mechanical cornerstone!"

"Huh? A handful of sandworms... How many are there?"

Jiang Feng showed his Twilight sword and pistol, watched the movement around him vigilantly, and said to his boyfriend:
"Both of us are already level 8 powerhouses. Three or five sandworms are not enough to pose a threat to us. There is no need to run away. It will be easier to kill them all directly."

Before he finished speaking, the surrounding sand trembled, and one after another, hideous sandworms came out, wielding huge and sharp jaws, twisting their poisonous tail thorns, and surrounded the camp.

"One pair, two pairs, three pairs... isn't it? There are twelve sandworms!" Jiang Feng was furious, and couldn't help but swear, "Grandma! You call this a 'small group'?!"

"You melon mother-in-law, you still count hammers! Hurry up and run!"

Before the sandworms could surround him, Gao Fei grabbed his girlfriend's hand and ran towards Ma Yun's direction!
A whole dozen sandworms chased after the two of them, billowing yellow sand and soaring into the air.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng started "sprinting" to run at full speed, and they could move 60 feet per round.

The crawling speed of sandworms is 30 feet, and they do not have acceleration methods such as "sprinting", so they cannot catch up with them under normal circumstances.

However, the two sides are not chasing on a smooth runway.

In the game, soft sand is a typical "difficult terrain".

Unless the player is naturally adapted to the desert environment like a sandworm, able to shuttle freely in quicksand, or has mastered skills such as "walking through forests" that are not hindered by difficult terrain, otherwise the movement speed will be halved when running on soft sand.

Each distance covered also forces a DC 10 Reflex save.

If the save fails, it will be caught in the quicksand and sink slowly.

Even if you can escape the quicksand trap in the end, it will delay time, and you are more likely to be caught up by the sandworm behind you.

(End of this chapter)

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