Savior Simulator

Chapter 72 Sand Man

Chapter 72 Sand Man
Gao Fei smiled, winked at Major Garcia, turned on "Rage", picked up the tomahawk, and strode towards Yesenia.

Although Garcia is a clergyman, he doesn't stick to any chivalry. He stimulates a positive energy, transforms it into shining magic power, pours it into his palms, and ignites golden flames in his tightly clenched fists. He is the "God Fist" His signature stunt "Flame Boxing".

"Oh! You three big men, don't you feel ashamed to bully me, a weak girl, together?"

Yesenia pretended to be sad, and pretended to take two steps back. Suddenly, a golden light burst out all over her body, which almost blinded everyone.

Under the shroud of magical aura, Yesenia's slender and sexy carcass was twisted and deformed sharply, maintaining the shape of a glamorous girl above the waist, but turning into a healthy lioness with a golden mane fluttering below the waist!

"Sand man, don't sleep!" Yesenia, who showed her true face, put away her smile, turned her head and yelled at the sand beside her, "Get up, and help me stop the big man with the axe!"

The yellow sand that had been quietly piled on the ground was awakened by the hostess, twisting and wriggling like a living thing, and under the surprised gaze of Gao Fei and others, it was shaped into a tall sand puppet!

Gao Fei immediately opened the astrolabe and looked at the monster illustration.

The entry just included is indeed called "Sand Man". It is an earth element creature formed by the aggregation of quicksand. It usually maintains the form of "activated quicksand". , below the knees, it still maintains the quicksand form, and can move quickly against the smooth ground.

The body of this monster made of countless fine sands is very loose, and it is difficult to effectively kill it when pierced by arrows or hacked with knives and axes. It is equivalent to 10 points of damage-reducing armor. s damage.

In addition, Sandman also possesses a supernatural ability called "Sleeping Aura". Once activated, creatures within 20 feet around must pass a will save, otherwise they will fall into a coma involuntarily, so Sandman is also called "Sandman".

At the banquet held not long ago, Yesenia took advantage of Sha Nan's "sleeping aura" and combined with drugged wine to stun all the officers, including General Rodriguez.

The well-informed Major Garcia also recognized Sha Nan, and quickly slapped a line of "protection from evil" on himself, and took out two bottles of "protection from evil" potions for Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

After Gao Fei took the potion, he temporarily gained resistance to the hypnotic effect, and then received a system prompt:
You are affected by the "sleeping aura" and must succeed on a DC 16 Will save to avoid falling asleep!
For Goofy's current level, a DC 16 Will save is quite difficult.

Fortunately, the "Protection from Evil" potion took effect at the right time, and in addition, there was an advantage in making a will save in the "Rage" state, and the "Sleep Aura" was overcome without any risk.

Gao Fei replaced the tomahawk with the big wooden stick he made himself on the deserted island, swung the stick with both hands and raised it high, and smashed it hard at Sandman's head!

There was a muffled bang, and the sand flew up.

Gao Fei's stick went down and smashed Sha Nan's head into his neck!
It's a pity that this monster is not made of flesh and blood, it is still alive and well without its head, waving a pair of long arms made of sand, trying to strangle Gao Fei's throat.

After the two sides played against each other for several rounds, Gao Fei knew it well.

Sha Nan is indeed rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and there is nothing vital about him, but when it comes to strength attributes and fighting skills, he is not as good as a level 5 berserker like Basaka.

Gao Fei activated the professional ability "Offensive Like a Tide" that he had learned after the last upgrade, and combined with "Slashing with the Trend", he swung three sticks in a row in one breath, and all of them hit Sha Nan firmly, smashing him to pieces on the spot. Countless grains of sand fell on the ground.

After being beaten violently, Sha Nan's health was less than 1/3 left. Finally, he realized that he could only be beaten by a berserker. After disintegrating, he maintained his quicksand form and slid against the floor towards Gao Fei's feet. past.

Countless particles of activated sand adhered to Gao Fei's feet, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and every step he took was extremely difficult.

More and more activated quicksand gathered and slid up his legs, forming a pile of sand that gradually rose under his feet.

The rough sand rubbed against his skin, and the weird feeling made Gao Fei feel chills down his spine. Before his legs were completely trapped by the quicksand, he used all his strength to break free from the restraints and hurriedly backed away.

However, wherever he hid, the activated quicksand followed him like a shadow, and he couldn't get rid of the entanglement no matter what.

To deal with this kind of monster that has no fixed shape and will disperse as soon as you hit it, Gao Fei couldn't use his strength, and his mood became more and more irritable. He couldn't help but stomp his foot on the ground heavily.

Unexpectedly, the quicksand all over the ground was thrown into the air by the "earth shock", and it fell on him, wrapped his head tightly, sealed his mouth and nose, and wanted to suffocate him to death.

The mouth, nose, and eyes were all covered with sand. Gao Fei secretly thanked himself for wearing the adaptation necklace and goggles in advance. He would not feel suffocated after holding his breath for a long time, and his eyes would not be fascinated by the sand. He wiped the lens with his left hand , barely gaining blurry vision.

Accidentally seeing wine barrels piled up in the corner, Gao Fei had an idea, dragged the heavy sand covering his body, walked to the corner with difficulty, smashed the lid of the barrel with a stick, and plunged into the barrel.

The oak cask, which is more than half a person tall, has a diameter wider than Goofy's waist, and contains 500 liters of wine.

Gao Fei's upper body was buried in the barrel, and the quicksand attached to the body surface soaked in the red wine, becoming moist and viscous, and the mixed liquor slowly flowed out along the barrel wall.

After rubbing his face twice in the wine barrel to wash off the quicksand attached to his body, Gao Fei raised his head from the barrel, smashed the wine barrel with a stick, and the quicksand mixed with wine poured out on the wet ground Wriggling with difficulty, trying to reshape the human form.

Gao Fei sneered, picked up a big stick and slammed into the pile of mud and sand that had just taken shape, and then triggered the "offensive like a tide", and another heavy blow with the stick sent the mud and sand flying!

At the end, he added a "slash with the trend", completely destroying Sand Man, and his body turned into a puddle of moist sand that smelled of alcohol.

After finishing Sha Nan, Gao Fei was slightly relieved, and went back to Jiang Feng and Garcia to help them deal with Yesenia.

The empty hall was quiet, and there were traces of fighting on the scene, but Jiang Feng and others were nowhere to be seen.

Gao Fei quickly sent a letter to Jiang Feng through the astrolabe, asking where she was.

Soon after receiving a reply, she learned that she was outside the gate of the camp, and hurriedly chased her out.

Not far away, Gao Fei saw Jiang Feng standing in the camp holding a stick, and Major Garcia lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"What happened to Garcia, and Yesenia?" Goofy asked her.

(End of this chapter)

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