Savior Simulator

Chapter 703 Art Gallery

Chapter 703 Art Gallery

Gao Fei sighed, and scolded his girlfriend with hatred: "You bastard! The male police officer is called a certain sir, and Lin Qi is Madam!"

"Hey! It's embarrassing, it's embarrassing!" Jiang Feng covered his face with a pillow and giggled shamelessly.

Gao Fei lifted her up from the sofa, hugged her and kissed her.

"Silly Bao'er, it's past 3 in the afternoon, shall we go shopping for food, or play games at home?"

"It's still early for dinner, play games first, and have a good meal in the evening! It's such a happy decision!"

Jiang Feng said happily.

The two entered Chapter 7 of "Hong Kong Raiders". The game scene is located inside an artistic venue.

This is the "Fein Family Contemporary Art Exhibition Hall", a holy place for literati and artists in Binhai City to gather.

As well as funky exhibitions of paintings and sculptures, the venue also hosts cabaret—not the nightclub kind.

The actors who are eligible to appear on the stage in the art museum, one counts as one, must be well-known artists recognized by the upper class.

But having said that, elegant modern artworks are often too abstract to be accepted by the public, and the popularity of art museums is far lower than that of popular theaters and nightclubs.

Forced style cannot be eaten, and artists cannot survive without the support of nobles.

In the past, artists, including poets, painters, sculptors and composers, rarely considered the general public as their intended audience when creating works.

Those who engage in art are either born in aristocratic families, have time and money, and are purely "art for art's sake".

Or although they were born in poverty and living in poverty, they are supported by nobles, and they are created especially for noble lords or churches. There will always be a dedication thanking the patron at the beginning of their works.

To put it bluntly, these artists are equivalent to being taken care of by rich and tasteful princes and nobles.

However, when the time came to the 20s, with the outbreak of the Magical Industrial Revolution and the acceleration of urbanization, the upstarts of capital and the urban middle class rose rapidly, while the feudal aristocrats of various countries declined sharply and became increasingly difficult.

Many old aristocratic families owed a lot of debts, and had to auction off the artworks collected by their parents for emergency, so there was no spare money to support artists.

Artists lost their traditional patrons and had to change their style of work, trying to adapt to the times and please the "vulgar bourgeoisie" they once despised from the bottom of their hearts.

Exhibition halls, acting as intermediaries between artists and patrons, are caught in the same predicament.

Adhering to the previous style, refusing to exhibit popular works, the venues are deserted, no one patronizes, it is difficult to maintain.

But if you put your face down and don't refuse popular works, you will lose your style, be despised by artists and critics, and lose your reputation.

It is of course best to have both, but unfortunately it is not easy.

The Finn family has managed this art gallery for three generations. The reason why it can keep up with the trend of the times is due to the genius vision of the third-generation heir of the family, Mr. Walter Finn, who has grasped the delicate balance between elegance and fashion. .

Mr. Fein has inherited the family's artistic taste and has considerable business acumen. Since he took over the art museum, various exhibitions have always brought some fresh gimmicks, ignited public opinion, and become a hot topic in newspapers and social circles. Bring fiery popularity and ticket revenue to the exhibition.

For example, during the recent period, Mr. Fein planned an exhibition with the theme of "wax figures".

This subject matter is not new.

No matter how vivid the wax figure is, it is a dead thing that does not move, and it even looks a little scary. There are not many viewers who are interested in this kind of exhibition.

Mr. Fein was well aware of this.

However, he is confident that this unpopular exhibition will flourish and become a fashionable topic in Binhai City.

In order to achieve the goal of becoming a blockbuster, Mr. Fein, who has a flexible mind, broke the rigid process of traditional wax figure exhibitions and added some elements of suspense and puzzle solving.

He arranged the venue like a murder scene, the wax figure of the victim was alive, and the wound on his body seemed to be still bleeding. The men and women in the venue had different postures and expressions, some were terrified, some were confused, and some were laughing...

All these wax figures that look like living people seem to be suspected of murder.

On the back of the ticket, Mr. Fein printed an advertisement stating that the theme of the exhibition was "The Murder at the Wax Museum".

Mr. Finn also advertised in the newspaper, calling on all the ladies and gentlemen in the city who boasted of sharp minds, careful thinking, and detective skills to come to the exhibition hall to track down the murderer.

Counting from the time the audience enters the museum, if they can find out the real "murderer" among the 65 wax figures through logical reasoning within one hour, they will receive an exquisite gift - a ticket to the second floor .

This idea does not sound reasonable.

As long as one person finds the "murderer" and the spoiler comes out, everyone else will know too, so what suspense is there?
Mr. Finn even considered this question.

In addition to the 64 real wax figures, Mr. Finn also specially recruited an "actor" to pretend to be the murderer.

This actor can change his figure and appearance at will, and replace it with any wax figure in the venue.

The audience's so-called reasoning and solving puzzles, in fact, the biggest difficulty lies in finding out which one the actor is pretending to be from among all the wax figures. Either the actor is the "murderer", or the key clues to identify the murderer can be obtained from the actor's mouth.

It doesn't sound too difficult to find a living person among a group of vivid wax figures.

By observing whether there are physiological activities such as breathing and heartbeat, or simply pricking them secretly with a needle, wouldn't the actor be picked out?

It would be wrong to think so.

It's not that simple.

Mr. Fein's carefully selected actors are neither human beings nor wax figures, but something in between.

That's right, this is a "wax golem" that he spared no expense to order!
Wax golems have certain intelligence and are naturally good at "disguise". They can follow the master's instructions and reshape the waxy shape at will.

When it is still, it looks and feels like a normal wax figure.

It is quite difficult to pick out a deliberately camouflaged wax golem among the 65 wax figures.

Looking for the "murderer" is only the first half of the whole exhibition.

If you want to watch the second half, you have to go to the small theater on the second floor and buy another ticket—unless you can find the "murderer" within an hour and get a free ticket to the small theater on the second floor.

The programs on the first floor have a lot of gimmicks, mainly to attract the public.

Going up to the second floor, the art style is suddenly upgraded to a higher level!
(End of this chapter)

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