Savior Simulator

Chapter 698 The real keyboard warrior

Chapter 698 The real keyboard warrior
"That is to say, you took hero medicine two weeks ago?" Jiang Feng asked Deng Hui.

"That's not true." Deng Hui scratched his head and laughed dryly, "I didn't dare to take that kind of medicine with no manufacturer and unknown ingredients at first."

"I kept it in my hands for a week. Later, more and more people posted on the forum, saying that after taking the hero drug, they really got superpowers and evolved into mutants. They even recorded videos showing all kinds of strange superpowers. I I can't stretch myself a bit..."

"So you took the medicine?"

"Well, at first I didn't expect to be able to awaken superpowers. After all, the seller also said that on average, one person in 1000 can awaken. If it doesn't work, he can get a full refund."

"Refund if it doesn't work...haha!" Jiang Feng laughed, "This reminds me of years ago, there was an Internet celebrity named Meng Mi who sold the book of success on the Internet. Promotion and salary increase, full refund... It’s ridiculous, people really bought it, and there are quite a few of them!”

"Actually, there is a more classical version of this kind of deception." Gao Fei continued his girlfriend's words, "It's the kind of charlatan in ancient times who only sold birth-preserving pills, one tael of silver a piece, and guaranteed to have a boy. If the baby is a girl, The drug money will be refunded, anyone with a little common sense of probability can see that this is definitely a good deal that is sure to make a profit!"

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! That drug dealer is indeed a liar, but if you think he continues to use this old trick, then you underestimate him!" Deng Hui said with a serious face, "Think about it, if he is just a Ordinary scammer, how can I awaken superpowers?"

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng looked at each other.

That's right, if it's just someone who sells fake drugs online, including Deng Hui, how can one in a thousand drug users really awaken their superpowers?
At this time, a bell rang outside the window.

Deng Hui turned his head and asked Liu Jinsong: "You still have class in the afternoon, so go back first."

Liu Jinsong nodded, told Deng Hui to eat the meal while it was hot, said goodbye to Gao Fei and others, and left.

Deng Hui opened the lunch box, said while eating:
"I don't know whether to say I was lucky or unlucky. On the afternoon of taking the hero medicine, I felt like the description in a martial arts novel, 'opening up the two veins of Ren and Du', and I could clearly feel the fluctuation of the magic power in the surrounding space. Although the fluctuation is very slight, I just feel it!"

Gu Siyi couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

As a mutant, of course she was no stranger to the mysterious feeling described by her cousin.

Not to mention Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

"Xiaohui, Blue Star is currently at a low ebb in magic power. Even if you can feel the magic power fluctuations, you can't extract magic power from the surrounding environment. Without magic power as energy, how can you activate superpowers?"

Even a mutant like her who has evolved to a mature stage needs to absorb magic power during the outbreak of the magic tide, store it up, and save it for use when the magic power ebbs, just like a human battery.

Deng Hui awakened superpowers by taking drugs, at most equivalent to a mutant in the developmental period, and Shudu is not a magic-rich area, how can he use superpowers immediately?
Gao Fei and Jiang Feng also had the same question.

Three pairs of eyes stared at Deng Hui on the hospital bed, expecting his answer.

Deng Hui chewed the sweet and sour pork tenderloin in his mouth, and said vaguely: "I don't quite understand either... It seems that the hero medicine I took contains a wealth of magic power, and it is directly injected into my body, just like putting on the medicine for me. a battery."

"So, what superpower did you awaken?" Jiang Feng asked directly.

Deng Hui held the lunch box with a strange expression on his face.

After deliberating for a while, he spoke.

"Sister, do you know what 'Keyboard Man' means?"

"Of course I know, that's not a good word!" Jiang Feng sneered.

"Indeed, ordinary keyboard warriors are just a group of Internet trolls with high eyesight and low abilities, but I am different. When I awaken my superpowers after taking the medicine, I will become a real keyboard warrior!"

"Every word I say through the Internet, I must be responsible to the end. On the contrary, anyone who promises to me must do what he says!"

"Oh my god, what are you talking about?" Gu Siyi was stunned by his cousin, "I've never heard of this kind of super power, it's much more complicated than my 'Steel Muscle'!"

Gu Siyi scratched her head.

"Deng Hui, to be honest, not only your cousin, but I also don't understand how to use your superpower. Can you give me an example?" Gao Fei asked with great interest.

Deng Hui nodded and raised his rice spoon.

"In the first example, on the afternoon of taking the medicine, my roommate Li Lei and I played games online. We agreed on a 'father-son game'. Whoever wins will be the father, and the son will kowtow to him."

"Brother Fei, you also know that in the boys' dormitory, people usually make jokes like this, let's forget it, no one takes it seriously."

"But that afternoon, when I lost to Li Lei, I had an inexplicable thought - if I don't fulfill my promise, my life will be worse than death!"

"So you kowtowed to your roommate and called you father?"

"Hmm..." Deng Hui nodded awkwardly, "But I won the next round, and Li Lei also seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. He kneeled on the ground and kowtowed to me three times, calling me dad respectfully."

"At that time, the roommates watching the fun were all laughing wildly, thinking that we were acting, and saying that we were a conjugated father and son... In fact, only Li Lei and I knew it in our hearts. This is really scary!"

"Later when the two of us told the story, Liu Jinsong and Qu Yang were dubious, and asked me to find someone else to test whether it is really possible to use superpowers to force people to fulfill their bets."

"At that time, I had a whim and wanted to try it by the way. I bet face-to-face with people whether it would work or not. It turned out that it didn't work. I had to use identity information such as network ID, email address, or phone number to transmit my superpowers."

"On the bright side, this means that my ability has no distance limit, as long as there is a network and a telephone line, I can force the two parties in the conversation to do what they say!"

"It's strange... Among the ten types of mutants listed in Tiangong, there is no such superpower that must be spread through the Internet." Gu Siyi frowned.

"It sounds like a meme virus built on the information network." Gao Fei thought about it.

"Have you ever bet with strangers online?" Jiang Feng asked Deng Hui.

"Yes! Of course I want to find someone to test it out!" Deng Hui became excited. "At that time, I met a big troll on the Internet. Win, the loser performed a handstand pissing live, and I won 2:1 against that kid.”

"According to that kid's past peeing behavior, he will definitely deny it in various ways after losing. I was not used to his stinking problem that day. I activated my superpower and directly forced him to fulfill his bet and perform upside down peeing in public! Hey! What a pity you guys I didn't watch it, don't mention how funny that scene is..."

(End of this chapter)

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