Savior Simulator

Chapter 695 Sudden coma

Chapter 695 Sudden coma
"Gaofei! I called Xiaofeng just now, but she hung up... I didn't bother you, did I?"

On the phone, Gu Siyi's slightly disturbed voice came.

"No no!"

How could Gao Fei have the nerve to tell the truth?
I had to make up an excuse to help my girlfriend prevaricate.

"Jiang Feng just now... was washing clothes, her hands were covered with soap scum, slippery, she didn't hold the phone steady, and accidentally hung it up."

At first, Jiang Feng thought he was just making up nonsense, but after a closer look, it seemed that it wasn't all nonsense, he bit his lip, smiled shyly, stretched out his hand to pull the elastic band of Gao Fei's underwear, and flicked him with a rubber band.

"It's good that I didn't bother you! By the way, today is your birthday, right?" Gu Siyi said solemnly: "Gao Fei, I wish you a happy birthday!"

"Thank you, Sister Gu, I didn't expect you to remember this." Gao Fei couldn't help being moved.

Jiang Feng pursed his lips, inexplicably jealous, and pinched his waist.

Gao Fei gritted his teeth in pain, and had to hold back, lest Gu Siyi on the other side of the phone would hear something strange.

"Sister Gu, what's wrong with calling in such a hurry?"

"I'm fine, it's my cousin who's in trouble!"

"Oh, what happened to Deng Hui?" Gao Fei asked.

"He seems to be short of money recently..." Gu Siyi hesitated to speak.

"Deng Hui cares about your borrowing money?"

"Well, just two days ago, Xiaohui asked me to borrow 1 yuan, but he didn't let me tell his parents."

"Deng Hui's parents usually control him very strictly?"

Gao Fei remembered that Deng Hui's father was the captain of the Municipal Economic Investigation Team, and his mother was a university teacher.

Generally speaking, this kind of family does not restrict the only child too much financially, but the family education must be extremely strict.

Deng Hui would rather ask his cousin to borrow money than ask his parents. What does this mean?
As Deng Hui's peer, Gao Fei could completely guess the kid's mentality.

"Deng Hui didn't dare to tell you, what is he borrowing money for?"

"That's right! No matter how I inquired, he refused to tell. He made it very mysterious, which made me worry even more!" Gu Siyi said angrily, "It's rare for my cousin to say something, don't say 1 yuan, ten thousand yuan. Wan, I have to help him get it together! The problem is that this kid won’t tell me what I spend the money on? Do you think he treats me like an outsider!”

"Sister Gu, your mentality is the standard 'helping younger brother demon'." Gao Fei couldn't help laughing, "Does Deng Hui have a girlfriend, so the expenses are relatively high recently?"

"Ah? Is it very expensive to find a partner?" Gu Siyi asked blankly, "This has touched my blind spot of knowledge... When you and Xiaofeng are together, do you pay for the usual food, drink and entertainment?"

"The two of us are reimbursed by the unit for meals and shopping, and basically don't spend money. Occasionally, we buy vegetables to cook for ourselves, or watch a movie, and we also take turns paying the bills. It is basically an AA system."

"When Jiang Feng buys things online, she spends her own money, including the clothes and shoes she bought for me..."

Gao Fei shook his girlfriend's hand, expressing his gratitude to her for her kindness.

Jiang Feng pursed his lips into a smile, snuggled into his boyfriend's arms, took the phone from him, and put on a serious expression.

"Xiao Gu! To be honest, among young girls nowadays, traditional women like me who are good wives and mothers are very rare. You use me as a yardstick to speculate how other girls get along with their boyfriends. This is simply not comparable. sex!"

"Damn it! Let you pretend again! What is rare? I'm also a good wife and mother!" Gu Siyi angrily said, "It's a pity that all the boys around me are blind, and no one dares to give me an opportunity to show the virtuous and virtuous virtues of traditional women." Opportunity……"

"Hehe... okay, after all, Mu Guiying and Fan Lihua are also considered traditional women, why don't you grab a husband as well?"

"I'll fuck you! Xiaofeng, you're with Gao Fei. If you're good, you haven't learned it. You'll be sarcasm in optics!"

Gu Siyi complained to her best friend, and then got back to the topic.

"If it's because of the high cost of falling in love with Xiaohui, there's no need to hide it. His parents want him to find a girlfriend as soon as possible!"

"What I'm more worried about is that Xiaohui will not learn well and spend money in other places, such as giving rewards to online female anchors, or indulging in krypton gold games. It is said that one order of krypton costs 648..."

"Krypton gold is not bad for playing games. It's understandable. In case Xiaohui is addicted to online gambling, the 'beautiful dealer's online card dealer' seed... If I lend him money, will it hurt him instead?"

"Sister Gu, I don't have much contact with Deng Hui. Based on my impression of him, this kid is very clever. It's possible for him to get big rockets for the anchor lady or make money in the game. As for online gambling, it shouldn't be so... that he hacked other people's casino websites."

Gao Fei smiled and comforted Gu Siyi.

"Well, if it's just spending money recklessly, it's not a big deal. At noon today, I received a call from Xiaohui's roommate, saying that he fell ill suddenly, passed out, and was sent to the school hospital." Gu Siyi said in a low tone.

"Sudden coma... sounds a bit like anemia symptoms." Jiang Feng couldn't help but start to think, "If Deng Hui is really eager to raise money... this kid, wouldn't he know how to sell blood?"

"What are you talking about?" Gao Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What age is this, and you're still selling blood..."

"Sister Gu, how is Deng Hui doing now?"

"Half an hour ago, I woke up. I called him. He said it was okay, but his voice sounded weak."

Gu Siyi's words could hardly conceal her anxiety.

"I want to inform his parents that he is unwilling!"

"I asked him what he was hiding. The kid was stubborn at first, but later he was afraid that I would tell his parents, so he finally let go and said what he took... hero medicine."

"Damn it!" Jiang Feng couldn't help but swear, "I was worried about this just now, so I'm not ashamed to say it directly! Xiao Gu, your cousin is... addicted to drugs, right?"

"A good person, once he gets poisoned, he's useless! No amount of money can fill this bottomless pit! Besides, Deng Hui's father is a police officer, so I'm afraid he will be implicated too!"

"Xiaofeng! Don't talk nonsense! My cousin will never take drugs, he promised me himself!" Gu Siyi raised her voice.

"You believe what your brother said? You are really a helper!" Jiang Feng disagreed, "Then tell me, what is the so-called 'hero medicine' that Deng Hui took?"

There was silence on the phone, Gu Siyi seemed to be hesitating.

After a while, Gu Siyi finally spoke, her voice was very low, a bit secretive.

"Gao Fei, Xiao Feng, do you have such a case in the archives of your Tiangong special police, that is, a person, who was normal at first, but after taking some kind of drug, suddenly awakened superpowers, like a real mutant people?"

(End of this chapter)

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