Savior Simulator

Chapter 691 Rope Demon

Chapter 691 Rope Demon

While the monster was crawling slowly, it was still twisting its tentacles, scratching at itself, trying to dig out the bullets deeply embedded in its body.

The intention is obvious.

The monster has already discovered that the bullet that hit itself is bound with the "Silence Technique", which prevents it from sounding the alarm.

Of course, Gao Fei couldn't let it pick out the silent bullet, yelling and attracting more gangsters.

Taking advantage of his invisible state, Gao Fei raised his hand and shot "Scorching Ray".

call out!call out!call out!
Three lines of fire shot out one after another.

Huge monsters with shells as hard as granite must have had high natural armor.

And judging from its clumsy crawling movements, the agility attribute is definitely not much higher.

Using magic rays to deal with this type of monster is the easiest way to break the defense.

Sure enough, the three rays hit the monster one after another, including the sneak attack effect, causing a total of 70 points of damage!
Including the shot just now, Gao Fei had already caused nearly 100 points of damage to it in total, but the strong monster did not fall down, and the blood bar was about 1/10 left by visual inspection.

Worth!Is it so hard to beat? !

Gao Fei quickly opened the astrolabe to check the details of this monster.

It turned out that this is a large strange monster called "Rope Demon", with a challenge level of 6.

The tree rope demon is indeed as rough and thick as it looks, with 104 health points, a natural armor of 14, and its attributes are: strength 23, agility 8, constitution 19, intelligence 9, perception 16, charm 12.

The tree rope demon is naturally good at mimicry, and when it is still, it is exactly the same as a thick stalactite pillar.

When it makes a Disguise (Deception) check, it counts toward double its proficiency modifier, and rolls the best roll.

Prey deceived by the rope monster's camouflage and within 60 feet of the monster are surprised and entangled in its tentacles.

The tentacles of the tree rope demon are very resilient, even if they are cut off by a sharp blade, they will automatically regenerate after one round.

The surface of the tentacles secretes a superglue-like mucus, once entangled, it is difficult to break free.

The prey that is entangled by the tentacles of the tree rope demon has to make a fortitude saving throw every round, and every time the saving throw fails, it must accumulate a level of "exhausted" state.

Accumulated grade 6 exhaustion, directly died of cardiopulmonary failure.

In fact, most of the prey captured by the tree rope demon are not even worthy of this relatively humane death method, but are stuffed into the big mouth full of sharp teeth by the tentacles and bitten to pieces.

In addition, the tree rope demon has also mastered talents such as "vigilance", "proficient in first strike", "proficient in grapple", "weapon specialization" and "multiple attacks".

Fortunately, Gao Fei hit by mistake and broke the disguise of the tree rope monster with one shot. Otherwise, as long as he took two steps forward and entered the attack range of the tentacles, he would probably be entangled and sent directly.

At this time, the Rope Demon had discovered that the infiltrator was good at invisibility, so he twisted one of his tentacles and probed into the cave where the lantern was placed on his body.

It took out the lantern and shone it on where Goofy was hiding.

The magical light swept across Gao Fei's body, immediately dispelling the "invisibility" he had just blessed, and lit up a circle of violet fluorescent light on his body, making it particularly conspicuous.

Gao Fei's heart trembled, and he made a spell-casting gesture without thinking.


Gao Fei shot five magic missiles before the rope demon's tentacles came over.


The remaining life of the tree rope demon couldn't bear the continuous bombardment, its body collapsed, and its six tentacles also decomposed into a rotten glue-like substance after death.

Gao Fei's heart hanging in his throat finally fell back into his stomach.

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, he opened the astrolabe, checked his status, and found that he was marked with the "demon fire" mark, and he could not become invisible within 10 minutes.

The tree rope demon does not have the ability to cast spells. Gao Fei guessed that the "demon fire" probably came from the mysterious magic lantern.

He used the "Mage's Hand" to pick up the lantern from near the corpse of the tree rope demon, and used the astrolabe to identify it.

It turned out that this was an "extraordinary" level magic tool called "visual lamp", which was specially used to deal with invisible creatures.


·Visual Light (Blue, Extraordinary)
Overview: It looks like an ordinary lantern, but when you take off the lampshade, it can emit magical radiance with anti-invisibility function.

Synchronization requirements: hunt creatures that are good at invisibility, or creatures of spirit body, incorporeal body, gaseous state, etc.

Initial performance: 30-foot range, eliminates invisibility.

Level 1 Synchro: Eliminate invisibility at 60 feet; mark the enemy target with the "demon fire" mark, making it impossible to be invisible, and automatically gain an advantage in the attack launched against it.

Level 2 Synchro: Eliminate invisibility at 120 feet; mark hostile targets with "demon fire"; and force gaseous, incorporeal, and spirit creatures to return to reality.


Gao Fei held up the "vision light" and took a look around. After confirming that there were no invisible enemies, he opened the door to the cell.

As seen by Father Gallup with the help of the crystal ball, there is a large iron cage against the wall of the cell, and the haggard-looking teenager is locked in the cage.

Gao Fei walked over, opened the cage, and called out in a low voice.

"William, come out! Your father sent me to rescue you!"

The young man raised his head slowly, as if he had just woken up from sleep, with confusion in his eyes.

Gao Fei was worried about Ye Chang's dream, so he reached out and grabbed him, trying to help him up.

However, at this moment, William Gordon jumped up by himself like an electric shock.

A strange red light flashed in his eyes, he quickly pulled out the rapier, and stabbed at Gao Fei's heart.

Gao Fei was taken aback and hurriedly dodged.

The sharp sword passed through his armpit and scratched the inside of his left arm, causing a burst of burning pain.

William Gordon seemed to be possessed, and without saying a word, he continued to attack with his sword.

Gao Fei exited the cage, seeing the frenzied boy rushing to chase him down, he slammed the cage door shut.

William slammed into the iron gate unexpectedly, seeing stars on the spot, and the world was spinning for a while.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to pull out the pistol, turned the handle upside down, and hit him hard on the head.

A well-timed sap knocked William to the ground and passed out.

Gao Fei let out a breath slowly, collected himself, first opened the astrolabe to check his status, and found that he had been poisoned.

Similar to the needle trap on Cody's bedroom door, William's rapier was also coated with Wyvern poison.

Fortunately, Gao Fei carried the detoxification potion presented by Father Gallup with him, took the medicine to detoxify quickly, and performed "first aid" to stop the bleeding.

Next, Goofy checked William's health status.

No wonder this kid had a sudden convulsion, making no distinction between friend and foe.

It turned out to be cursed!

To be precise, William's sword was cursed.

As long as anyone holds the hilt of the sword, if they fail to save their will, they will be cursed, become renounced, and stab anyone they see, like a mad dog!

Gao Fei recalled when he used the crystal ball to detect William before, and felt very strange at that time, why didn't the kidnapper disarm him?
Now I finally understand.

It turned out that this is an insidious trap!

(End of this chapter)

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