Savior Simulator

Chapter 69 The True Face of Yesenia

Chapter 69 The True Face of Yesenia
As for the sentinels, it's just luck.

5 points of damage reduction armor, whether it is high or not, whether it is low or not.

The sentries tried their best to slash at Hua Jackal's body. As long as their luck is not too bad, at least they can break through the defense.

Under the leadership of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, the patrol team besieged four jackals that showed their true colors, and quickly controlled the situation, capturing Yesenia's housekeeper alive, while the three male servants were beheaded on the spot, and their bodies showed the appearance of jackals. Prototype.

Only two of them were slightly injured, and the other four sentinels fell to the ground and fell into a coma after being hypnotized by the jackal's supernatural gaze.

Jiang Feng walked over, kicked each of them, and woke up all the sleeping sentries.

Gao Fei didn't kill the housekeeper on purpose, just wanted to save a living person for interrogation.

In the game world, interrogating prisoners is actually a "lobby" or "intimidation" check. The former method is soft, while the latter method is hard.

Berserkers have their own "intimidation" skills, and they are also very good at the art of "extorting confessions". Gao Fei naturally chose to be tough.

The butler was knocked unconscious by Jiang Feng's stick during the battle, his head was bleeding, and he looked miserable.

Gao Fei stepped forward and slapped him awake.

Without further ado, let's have a severe torture first!
The sand bowl-sized fist greeted him in the face, and three punches hit him until his face was full of peach blossoms, howling like wolves and begging for mercy.

Gao Fei is not a sadist. The reason why he beats up before interrogating is completely following the game mechanism: torture the prisoner in advance, and then interrogate, and the "intimidation" check has an advantage.

Since the game is designed like this, of course it is not for nothing!
After some effective torture, the difficulty of the test required to extract a confession dropped from 10 to 5. Gao Fei threatened them a little, and the butler recruited them all.

As Gao Fei and Jiang Feng guessed, this so-called distressed caravan was actually a vassal force of the Noxos gang. The second is to act as an internal support for the sand bandits.

According to the agreement, a gang of gnolls under Noxus' command will launch a surprise attack on the barracks tonight.

As soon as the bandits outside made a move, the jackals set fires everywhere in the barracks, cooperating inside and outside to create chaos!
"Your leader, Yesenia, also turned into a jackal?" Jiang Feng asked the housekeeper.

" mistress is not a jackal." The butler was beaten bruised and swollen, but when he mentioned the mistress, he couldn't help showing admiration on his face, "She is a powerful Lamia, to be precise , is the most noble mistress of the Lamia clan!"

Gao Fei quickly opened the astrolabe to check the information, and Yesenia's illustrated book was indeed updated.

Because Yesenia's level is too high, the information provided by the astrolabe is not perfect, but only a brief description of "Lamia", a mysterious banshee living in the desert area.

The Lamia family has only females, and in order to reproduce, they must be combined with male humanoids.

Similar to jackals, Lamia also has the innate ability to transform. She often enters and exits human communities in the image of a beautiful woman, hooking up with men to carry on the family line.

The boys born by Lamia are still human beings, and they are discarded, and only the girls who inherit Lamia's lineage are brought back to the nest to be raised.

Stripping off the disguise of magic, Lamia is only a real beauty from the waist up, and her lower body resembles a strong lion. Her temperament is also between that of humans and beasts. Most of them are cruel and evil. Sometimes it also hunts and eats human beings, and drinks blood like hair.

In addition to the ability to transform, Lamia also has a strong talent for magic. As she grows older, she has learned more and more spells, especially good at enchantment and illusion magic.

Lamia's sharp claws have supernatural powers, and when killing prey, they can also extract the opponent's perception attributes.

Among all the Lamia, the most powerful individual is honored as the "mother", not only has stronger spellcasting ability, but also has a more outstanding transformation talent.

In addition to the two forms of human and "lion woman", Mistress Lamia can also change into the form of "snake woman", which is half human and half python.

As far as Yesenia is concerned, the information given in the astrolabe illustrated book is limited.Gao Fei only knows that her spellcasting talent is equivalent to that of a level 8 warlock. The six attributes are strength 20, agility 19, constitution 18, intelligence 16, perception 16, and charisma 21!

Seeing this, Gao Fei couldn't help cursing secretly, "Damn!" !

It’s really hard to tell what a person looks like. Yesenia, who looks delicate and fragile, is actually a "hexagonal warrior" whose strength and physique are comparable to Basaka's, and her agility and perception are not inferior to Somo's. "!"
After being amazed, Gao Fei couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat for General Rodriguez.

"Brother! You think you're picking up girls, but you're actually committing suicide!"

The butler's confession confirmed Gao Fei's worries.

Before attending the dinner, Yesenia secretly ordered the servants to put drugs in the wine in the kitchen, intending to charm General Rodriguez and the noble officers who were going to the dinner, and kidnap those who can be kidnapped, but can’t take them away Just stabbed to death!

Knowing Yesenia's overall plan, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were very anxious, and led the team to the headquarters in a hurry to stop the plot of the femme fatale.

The crowd had just walked not far away when they suddenly heard a sharp and urgent siren from the sentry tower.

Jiang Feng stopped in a hurry, aroused 5 points of true energy without thinking, and performed the light kung fu "Flying Step", like a flexible big spider, galloped up the scaffolding, turned over after a few ups and downs, and climbed up the towering sentry tower, condescending Looking out of the camp.

Gao Fei was not as skilled as Jiang Nvxia, so he quickly switched to the "God's perspective" and looked down at the movement outside the barracks from a high altitude.

Through the moonlight, Gao Fei vaguely saw the smoke and dust billowing on the Gobi Desert, and a gnoll battle group with a total of no less than a thousand people was marching rapidly in the night, rushing towards the barracks aggressively.

Among this large-scale gang, besides jackals and hyenas, Gao Fei also saw many big red snakes covered in flames, and a group of small monsters flying in the air and breathing thick smoke, and they had already approached the camp in the blink of an eye.

The guards on duty on the sentry tower found that the enemy was coming, and quickly blew their horns to sound the alarm.

The soldiers in the camp came out of the tent one after another, but they couldn't find the officers directly under the central government.The lower-level soldiers who lost their command lost their rules and ran around the camp in groups of three and four, unable to organize an effective defensive front in time.

At the same time when the bandits attacked, the jackals who had been hiding in the camp as merchant travelers also jumped back one after another, overturning the oil barrels mixed in the wine barrels, causing lamp oil to flow everywhere, throwing a torch, and immediately ignited the flames , showing the momentum of burning the company.

(End of this chapter)

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