Savior Simulator

Chapter 689 The Boss' Letter

Chapter 689 The Boss' Letter
The module "Hong Kong Raiders" was customized for Jiang Feng by Tiangong Design Department.

Gao Fei couldn't complicate Jiang Feng's file reading just to satisfy his curiosity.

"Why are you hesitating? Of course you have to unlock it!"

In the Xingpan chat channel, Comrade Xiao Jiang's firm support came.

"Playing games, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, the most important thing is to satisfy your desire to explore, don't leave any regrets!"

"If you fail to open the lock, you will lose some clearance rewards. Anyway, there are no particularly good NPC occupations in this chapter, and we don't need a mere reward specialty. But if you miss the hidden plot, wouldn't this game be a waste of time?!"

Hearing what he said, Gao Fei was relieved.

Put aside the distracting thoughts of worrying about gains and losses, and let's do it!
Facts have proved that Goofy's luck is not too bad.

The 2.25% chance of failure did not happen to him.

After successfully prying open the door lock, Gao Fei opened the door and entered the house. He immediately removed the alarm and let out a long sigh of relief.

Compared to the bear goblin's residence, this room is surprisingly tidy.

The bed and the table, with the inkwell, the quill, the wine, and the goblet on the table, all seemed to be human implements.

Gao Fei searched the house, but found nothing valuable, only found an open letter under the pillow.

This letter was written by the "boss" of the Blood Anchor Gang to "Black Hand" Cody. The content is also very simple. It is to instruct Cody to assassinate the former police chief of Coastal City, Gilbert Bagham.

Gao Fei compared the signing time of this letter, and recalled the time when the heroine played by Jiang Feng sneaked into Bagham's mansion to steal, and suddenly realized!
"Comrade Xiao Jiang, do you still remember the scapegoat you took on your back last time?"

Gao Fei said to his girlfriend through the astrolabe.

"On the same night you stole from Bagham's house, this corrupt official was assassinated. Afterwards, the murderer was charged on your head."

"In fact, the person who assassinated Bagham that night was the assassination captain of the Blood Anchor Gang 'Black Hand' Cody, and the person who ordered him to assassinate was the mysterious boss."

"Great! I have a wronged person and a debtor, now I know who to settle with!" Jiang Feng gritted his teeth, "By the way, it was just a coincidence that Cody chose to assassinate that night, or did he know in advance that I was going to Bagham's house... …Well, steal from the rich and give to the poor, use me to distract the guards, and blame me by the way?"

"The time for the assassination was designated by the boss. Cody is just an executor. He probably didn't know that you happened to be at Bagham's house that night."

Gao Fei pondered, and added: "If this is premeditated, the person who set up a trap to harm you is more likely to be the mysterious boss. Before you act, did you disclose this to others?"

"Obviously not!" Jiang Feng shook his head blankly, "How did the boss know that I was going to Bagum's house... so what, financial management?"

"When you left Lucas's house that night and changed into a night walk, you might have been recognized by the guests at the banquet."

Gao Fei guessed.

"According to this, the boss of the Blood Anchor Gang also attended the banquet that night? This is too outrageous. Could it be that the gang leader's public identity in the city is a certain socialite?!"

The more Jiang Feng thought about it, the more he shuddered.

"That night, at least thirty or forty socialites attended the banquet at Lucas's house. I will check them one by one when I have time. Now I have to hurry up and rescue the hostages."

Gao Fei turned off the call, thought for a while, then put the letter back under the pillow, and restored all the things in the house, including the door lock, alarm and needle trap.

I hope that when "Black Hand" Cody returns, he won't find that someone has entered his room.

Leaving Cody's room, Gao Fei walked forward a short distance, and saw a stone staircase extending downwards.

He scouted first to confirm that there were no traps set on the stairs. First, he continued the "Invisibility" technique, and then refilled the "Silence Technique" with the bullet that had exhausted its magic power for the second time. He walked down the stone stairs to avoid making any mistakes Voice.

At the end of the stairs, there is an iron gate.

Goofy hid by the door and watched through the fence.

Opposite the fence is a rather spacious underground hall.

In the northwest corner of the hall, there is a small closed door.

Open the small door and you will be able to enter the cell where William Gordon was held.

On the wall of the underground hall, there were leather whips and irons hanging, as well as many instruments of torture that Gao Fei couldn't recognize, all rusty and smelling of blood.

It can be seen that this hall is the execution chamber of the gang.

I don't know how many unlucky people have suffered flesh and blood here.

In the empty hall, there was no one in sight.

In the center of the hall stands a smooth stalactite column with a pale cyan surface.

The bottom of the stone pillar is thick and the top is thin, and the whole is conical, about 3 meters high, and the top almost touches the ceiling.

There are a total of seven irregularly distributed caves on the stone pillars, and it is unclear whether they are naturally formed or artificially excavated.

The topmost cave, used as an alcove, contained a lantern.

The leather shade flaps upwards.

The crystal-clear glass lamp wall emits bright light, and through the stalactite cave, a cone-shaped beam of light is formed, which is just projected on the door of the cell.

This beam of light reminded Gao Fei of an old game called "Death Squad".

The protagonist of the game wants to sneak into the military base and do damage. The two most troublesome things are to avoid police dogs and searchlights.

Once it is illuminated by a searchlight, an alarm will be triggered immediately, attracting a large number of enemy troops to chase and kill.

The lantern in the stalactite cave looks like a simple searchlight no matter how you look at it.

If Gao Fei wants to open the cell, he will be exposed to the light, and I am afraid there will be no good fruit to eat next.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and scouted the lantern.

The distance is too far to provide perfect identification information.

But one thing is certain, there are magic fluctuations on the lantern, either it is blessed with a "magic alarm", or it is a magic tool itself.

It would be reckless to walk directly into the light.

The correct approach is to first use the "Mage's Hand" to disarm the possible magic alarm on the lantern, lift it out of the stalactite cave, drop the shading lampshade, and then pry open the door of the cell.

With such thoughts in mind, Gao Fei opened the iron gate first, and was about to walk into the execution hall, but stopped, a question arose in his mind.

Under normal circumstances, the cell where important hostages are held should have the strictest guards. Why is there no one in the hall?
A reasonable explanation is that the guards in the cell have been transferred to patrol the outside of the lair. The "boss" doesn't think that anyone can sneak through the many checkpoints to sneak here, so there is no security force outside the cell door.

From a player's point of view, this makes sense.

However, Gao Fei still felt that something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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