Savior Simulator

Chapter 687 Chichitak

Chapter 687 Chichitak
Gao Fei put away his guns, switched to a dagger, squatted in front of the corpse of the first goblin bear to be shot, stabbed him in the heart, dug out the bullet embedded in his chest, and wiped the corpse clean.

This bullet attached with the "Silence Technique", after hitting the bear goblin, was embedded in his flesh and blood, and still exerted the effect of opening a 20-foot "Silence Barrier".

The duration of "Silence", in minutes.

According to Gao Fei's current casting level, the "Silence Technique" on the bullet can last another five or six minutes, so it cannot be wasted.

Gao Fei threw the bloody bullet, raised his hand to catch it, kicked open the door of the dormitory with his kick.

Whistling silently, he walked in leisurely.

"Hi! Good morning, my dear friends! Did you sleep well?"

Silent greeting, naturally no one answered.

The snoring in the dormitory also disappeared under the suppression of the "Silence Barrier".

There were three simple bunk beds against the wall, and the leather and hay on the beds gave off a strong smell of sweat.

The canopy bed facing the door was empty, and four goblin bears slept on the canopy beds on the left and right sides.

All are dreaming soundly, unaware of the changes outside the house.

Gao Fei observed the space inside the dormitory, the length, width and height were all less than 20 feet, which did not exceed the standard of the "Silence Technique".

He placed the bullets blessed with the "Silence Technique" on the wooden table in the center of the dormitory, and placed them neatly.

Then he drew out the two guns at his waist, walked up to the sleeping goblin bear, pointed the muzzle of the gun at his head, and called them one by one.

Attack sleeping creatures, aim at the vital points, and it will definitely trigger a critical strike!

If it is a thief class, it will definitely trigger the sneak attack special effect!
Gao Fei shot one shot at a time, and the gun shot quadruple the critical damage, and executed all the four sleeping bear goblin bandits.

What is a professional killer?

This is not much more refreshing than the hard front of Bala!
To deal with the goblin bears in the dormitory, Gao Fei went a little farther, applied an "invisibility spell" to himself, and then turned back to put the "silent bullet" into the magazine of the pistol.

In the corner of the dormitory, there is a locked secret door.

Gao Fei used the "remote technique", easily pried open the lock, pushed open the hidden door, and walked in.

Through a corridor about 10 meters long, there is an iron door in front of it, and the rare candlelight is projected on the floor of the corridor through the crack of the door.

Gao Fei walked to the door, found that it was not locked, and peeped in through the keyhole.

This room is about the same size as the dormitory just now. There is a large bed against the wall and a set of desks beside the bed.

A goblin bear in a chain mail shirt sat at the table with his back to the door, looking at a string of gold necklaces with diamond pendants in the candlelight, focusing on checking whether the diamond pendants were flawed.

Directly above the candlestick, at a height of about one meter, hangs a shriveled human head.

The sky cap of the head is pierced by iron hooks.

The chains connected to the iron hooks hang down from the ceiling.

This head, like a chandelier, hangs quietly above the bear goblin's head, looking eerie.

Gao Fei couldn't help wondering.

This human head chandelier is just a small decoration that suits the bear goblin's aesthetic taste, or does it have another secret?

With doubts, he opened the door a gap, so as to gain a wider view and observe the layout of the house.

Under the effect of the "Silence Technique", there was no sound when the door was opened, nor did it disturb the bear goblin who was contemplating appreciating jewelry.

Gao Fei first observed the human head hanging in mid-air.

With the skill of thieves, it can be seen that a "magic alarm" is installed on the shriveled man's head.

As long as an outsider crosses the threshold, this alternative siren will be activated immediately, screaming like a dying wail.

As for the bear goblin living alone in the room, it was Chichitak, the tribal chief of Bear Valley, and the fourth leader of the "Blood Anchor Gang".

This bear chief has a level 6 "Warrior" profession, with exactly 100 health points, and the attributes are strength 18, agility 20, constitution 18, intelligence 10, perception 12, and charisma 11.

As a born bear with a strong physique, it is not surprising that Chichitak has 18 strength attributes, but the agility attribute is as high as 20 points, which is completely inconsistent with his style of painting.

Gao Fei continued to look down, and found that this bear chief had mastered the "Dual Wielder" specialty just like himself, and the "combat style" he chose was also a two-knife style. No wonder the agility attribute is so high!
In addition to "Dual Wielder", Chichitak also mastered "Proficient Initiative", "Delicate Movement", "Proficient Critical Strike", and "Weapon Finesse".

In addition, as a level 6 "warrior", Chichitak is immune to fear, and has also acquired professional abilities such as "taunt", "toughness", "perseverance", "flying the tide", "aggressive attack" and "perseverance".

Among all the abilities mentioned above, only "perseverance" is something that Gao Fei has never seen before. Out of curiosity, he took a second look.


Perseverance: In the state of full blood, the character's attack roll and save test are +1 each, and the weapon damage is +1d6; on this basis, every time HP drops by 20% of the full blood state, there is an additional +1 attack and save check, + 1d6 weapon damage.


Worth!This trick is a bit awesome!

Gao Fei was secretly surprised.

He didn't know much about the profession of "warrior" before, and he thought it was just a brainless fool.

Now it seems... well, "warrior" is indeed a reckless profession, but the key to being stronger than I imagined lies in this core ability called "perseverance".

For a warrior with "Perseverance", for every 20% decrease in health, the hit, save and damage will increase by one level.

Just like the protagonist of the hot-blooded comics-every time you stand up after being knocked down, you will become stronger!

The most powerful moment of the "Warrior" is the remaining blood stage when the HP is less than 20%. In total, he can get +5 attack rolls, save resistance and 5d6 extra damage. The degree of strengthening is quite astonishing!
To deal with this kind of Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, you must not grind your blood slowly with him.

Either use field control spells and control them until you die.

Either sneak attack from behind and kill with one hit.

In short, try to avoid triggering the "Perseverance" special effect.

As a rogue, Goofy of course prioritized backstabbing Chichitak.

But before doing it, the head siren must be dismantled.

The straight line distance from the door to the siren is about 25 feet.

A very subtle, even sweet distance.

Goofy's "magic hand" can extend up to 30 feet, just enough to reach the siren.

The "Mage Hand" is not a living thing, and its size is small, so it will not trigger the "magic alarm".

This means that Goofy can hide outside Chichitak's bedroom door, use the magic thief's professional specialty "long-distance technique", remotely control the "mage's hand", and try to dismantle the siren hanging in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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