Savior Simulator

Chapter 680 The Missing William

Chapter 680 The Missing William

After finishing the three devils, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Martin, they left the wine cellar with the hounds, intending to find Mrs. Gordon on business and receive the agreed 1500 gold Dujia reward.

However, the three walked out of the warehouse door, only to find that only the butler was waiting outside the door, and Mrs. Gordon and Alice, mother and daughter, had disappeared.

"It's very wrong..." Jiang Feng couldn't help but think the worst, and muttered in the private chat channel, "Could Mrs. Gordon want to cross the river and tear down the bridge, so as to lose the pay she was due?"

"No, no." Gao Fei comforted his girlfriend, "She is also the police chief's wife after all, so there is no need to offend us and ruin her reputation for such a small amount of money."

"Miss Quinn, and the two detectives, some accidents happened at home, and my wife had to go back to deal with it. I can't wait for you here. Please forgive me."

The gray-haired old housekeeper apologized on behalf of the master.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng looked at each other, and they both had a premonition that the troubles of the Gordon family didn't seem to be over yet.

"It's not convenient for Fang to disclose, what kind of trouble did your master encounter?" Gao Fei asked.

"Well... you should ask your wife face to face." The butler hesitated to speak.

Even Martin sensed that something was wrong, and asked Gao Fei in a low voice: "Brother, can we still get our reward?"

"That's not a problem. The problem is whether you still want to earn some extra money."

"Who doesn't want to make money!"

"Then come with me to find Mrs. Gordon to find out what happened to her family unexpectedly."

Feeling apprehensive and curious, the three of them followed the old housekeeper back to the front living room. As soon as they entered the door, they could feel the gloomy and gloomy atmosphere in the room.

Mrs. Gordon was wiping the corners of her eyes with her handkerchief.

Mr. Gordon came home before the off-duty time of the police station, smoking his pipe one after another, frowning and looking sad.

Seeing everyone entering the door, the Gordons barely cheered up and stood up to greet them.

Jiang Feng told the story of expelling the devil from beginning to end, and finally made a guess.

"Mr. Gordon, if that little devil named Brad is not lying, the person behind the scenes who hired the devil to make trouble at your house is probably the mysterious leader of the 'Blood Anchor Gang', the underworld godfather known as 'Boss'! "

Mr. Gordon nodded, seemingly unsurprised by the findings.

"Mr. Gordon, how much do you know about this 'boss'?" Goofy asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wayne, I don't know much about this person, I only know that he has been active in the city since more than ten years ago, ruled the underground world of Binhai City with extremely cruel means, and fought with the 'Raging Waves Pirates' The regiment' maintains an unusually close working relationship."

"For many years, the Blood Anchor Gang has been playing the role of the pirates' smuggling and sales agents in Coastal City. It couldn't be more appropriate to say that they are in collusion."

"If you want to crack down on organized crime in Binhai City, the Blood Anchor Gang is an unavoidable stumbling block."

Mr. Gordon clenched his fists, and his expression gradually became agitated.

"In order to complete this mission, I did not hesitate to sacrifice my life, but my family...should not bear this too heavy a price for me."

"Those gangsters tried to attack my daughter first, and now even William was kidnapped by them. It's shameless!"

Mr. Gordon couldn't control the grief and indignation in his heart, and he punched the table heavily.

"Honey! It's all my fault!" Mrs. Gordon cried and hugged her husband's arms, "I should have listened to your advice and stayed in the provincial capital with William and Alice... But, I really don't trust you Go alone."

"Okay, dear, it's meaningless to say these things now, the most important thing now is to try to rescue poor William."

Mr. Gordon clutched his wife's hand, his face heavy.

"Please forgive my presumptuousness. It seems that your son was kidnapped by the Blood Anchor Gang. When did this happen?"

As soon as Jiang Feng received the main plot prompt, he took advantage of the opportunity to ask the Gordons.

"This evening, after school, William didn't come home on time."

Mrs. Gordon spoke with a sob.

"Because of Alice's matter, I was also worried about William, so I sent a servant to pick him up from school."

"About half an hour ago, the servant came back in a hurry and told me that William was kidnapped at the school gate, and brought back a letter marked with a blood anchor."

"Can you show me that letter?" Jiang Feng asked.

Mrs. Gordon looked back at her husband with tears in her eyes.

Mr. Gordon nodded and handed over the letter left by the kidnapper.

Upon opening the letter, the content was exactly as expected.

The Bloodanchor Gang claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of William Gordon and made two conditions for the Gordons to redeem their son.

First of all, before sunset tomorrow, the 3 gold duga ransom must be sent to Xionggu.

In addition, the Blood Anchor Gang also asked James Gordon to publish an announcement in tomorrow's "Marina Morning Post" in the name of the police chief, publicly promising to abandon the plan to crack down on the gang and seek peace with the Blood Anchor Gang.

At the end of the kidnapping letter, leave such a straightforward threat:

"If any of these two conditions cannot be fulfilled, I'm sorry, just wait for your son's body to be collected!"

"Mr. Gordon, with all due respect, the gangster's kidnapping of your son and extortion of ransom is just a pretense. Their real purpose is to force you to publish in the newspapers publicly and tarnish your reputation." Jiang Feng said.

"I quite agree with you, Miss Quin," sighed Mr. Gordon.

"So what are you going to do?" Jiang Feng asked bluntly, "Are you going to sacrifice your own flesh and blood and insist on performing your duties; or give up your original intention and save your son's life?"

Mr. Gordon clenched his fists, bowed his head, and said nothing.

Anyone could see that this man was struggling violently.

"My dear...We have only one son, William!" Mrs. Gordon couldn't help crying, "My dear, you are the chief of police, why don't you send all the police officers out to try to rescue our son ?”

"I'm sorry, but that's not acceptable." Mr. Gordon shook his head and smiled wryly. "If all the police force in the city can be deployed, William can be rescued safely. I don't mind doing it for a while, but doing so may have the opposite effect."

"Why?" Martin couldn't help interjecting.

"I feel ashamed to say it. The Binhai City Police Station has been infiltrated by gangsters, and even I, the chief, dare not say whether a police officer who appears to be honest on the surface has colluded with the Blood Anchor Gang in private. , how could it be possible to entrust the life of the only son to them to rescue?"

"My God! Mr. Chief! If your words spread, the whole city will be disappointed with the police!" Martin exaggeratedly shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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