Savior Simulator

Chapter 677 The Devil's Romance

Chapter 677 The Devil's Romance

"Don't you often beat Dak for fun? Why pretend to have a good relationship with him!"

Jiang Feng exposed the devil's hypocrisy in person, but the other party shook his head and laughed.

"You don't know this, naive nun. Although it sounds contradictory, abusing your lover is also a way to enhance your relationship. It can even be said that this is a more advanced romance."

"When you are tired of the same pleasure-seeking,
Brad grinned slyly, making explicit hints.

"Is it okay to hit with a stick?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Jiang Feng was stunned, unable to understand why such a ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Devil, you are perverted!"

Jiang Feng couldn't help turning his head to look at Gao Fei.

There was a small flame eager to try in his eyes.

"Hey! What are you thinking about?!"

Gao Fei broke out in a cold sweat and yelled at her in the astrolabe.

"Comrade Xiaojiang! You have been hit by the devil's 'suggestion technique'! Wake up!"

Jiang Feng's "Sanctuary" has a perception attribute as high as 20, and the priest is also good at will saving throws, so she can still be bewitched by the little devil's "suggestion technique". It can only be said that she is not very lucky.

Gunshots sounded suddenly.

Martin buckled the trigger of the shotgun and made the wisest decision in the most reckless way.

The silver-plated bullet pierced through the imp's damage reduction armor, and a large cloud of blood exploded on his chest.


This shot interrupted Brad's focus on casting spells.

Jiang Feng immediately got rid of the "suggestion technique", pulled out his two guns full of shame, and fired continuously.

The little devil hastily turned into a mouse, got into the hole dug in advance in the lid of the empty wine barrel, and used the thick oak barrel as a shield to avoid the nun's angry shots.

Jiang Feng fired three shots in a row.

Although the divinely strengthened bullet missed Brad, it shattered the wine barrel and could no longer provide full cover for the imp.

"Damn it!"

Brad secretly regretted provoking this fierce and violent nun, and hurriedly cast "invisibility".

At this moment, he suddenly felt a chill down his back, and couldn't help shivering, the "invisibility" couldn't be used.

Not just "invisibility".

"Suggestion" and "Attribute Enhancement" also mysteriously disappeared from his spell list.

Taking advantage of the little devil's attention being attracted by Jiang Feng and Martin, Gao Fei remotely controlled the "Mage Hand" and stole three spells from him.

Among them, "attribute enhancement" is the most practical.

He wanted to keep it, but there was no vacant space, so he had to reluctantly give up, together with the "invisibility" and "suggestion".

For "Spell Thief", after mastering the specialty of "Proficient Spellcaster", the biggest limitation is no longer the level of the stolen spells, but the inability to keep more stolen spells.

This feeling reminded Gao Fei of playing a certain generation of "Resident Evil". Due to the limited space in the backpack, even if he picked up precious herbs or clips, he had to discard them.

For a patient with severe "hamster syndrome" like him, who does not take advantage, he suffers a disadvantage, it undoubtedly caused great mental torture.

In order to vent his depression, Gao Fei waved his hand and shot a string of "magic missiles", blasting the little devil who turned into a mouse out of the broken wine barrel.

Most of the health bar had been knocked out, and Brad quickly transformed into a stronger wild boar form.

The natural defense has been raised to level 7, the strength is 16, the agility is 12, and the constitution is 19. With the strengthening of body size and constitution, the upper limit of HP has also increased significantly.

The wild boar in the form of a devil showed a ferocious disposition, straightened out a pair of scimitar-like fangs, and rushed towards the stairs howling.

Gao Fei saw that he wanted to run away, so he fired two shots and knocked down the wine barrels on the nearby wooden rack.

Two heavy wooden barrels filled with red wine tumbled down.

One of the barrels fell right on the boar's back, and the other blocked the charge, forcing Brad to stop.

Martin ordered the hounds who had been blessed with the "Giant Enlargement Technique" in advance to block the wild boar, and stood guard at the stairs of the wine cellar, releasing the "Entanglement Technique" to hinder the wild boar's footsteps.

First blocked by the wine barrel, and then entangled by vines popping up all over the place, Brad was deeply surrounded and raised his head and howled anxiously.

Responding to his call, a shadow suddenly floated from the top of the wooden frame of the wine cellar, spread its wings, and swooped down from the sky.

Gao Fei quickly reminded his companions to be careful, and at the same time raised his gun and fired at the flying black shadow in the air.

Jiang Feng also showed his two guns and shot into the sky frequently.

In an instant, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng fired a total of six shots, each hitting Sombra with one shot.

The foul-smelling dark blood fell like raindrops.

At the same time, Gao Fei finally saw the true face of the shadow.

The devil hiding in the shadow of the ceiling looks like a small gargoyle, holding a trident that is too big for his four-foot-high stature, and throwing his long black hair behind his head, Each root is like a hard and sharp steel needle, extending from the spine to the tip of the tail, covered with the same spikes.

In a hurry, he didn't bother to carefully read the investigation information provided by the astrolabe. He only knew that this was a "Thorn Demon" with a challenge level of 3. It was a small, low-level devil that usually served as a messenger or spy for a higher-level devil.

The injured Thorn Demon let out an angry scream, which hurt everyone's eardrums.

The Thorn demon flicked its tail suddenly, and two spikes detached from the tail, like crossbow arrows, and shot at Gao Fei and Jiang Feng respectively.

The reaction of both of them was not slow, and they jumped to one side respectively.

The spikes passed by and were nailed to the wine barrel. They exploded unexpectedly, spewing out a large cloud of flames, as if loaded with high explosives!
Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were caught off guard, and were hit by the fragments from the burst wine barrel, receiving 3 and 4 puncture damage respectively.

It doesn't matter if there are minor injuries, but what's more troublesome is that the two barrels of red wine were ignited by the flames. If the fire is not extinguished as soon as possible, the entire wine cellar will be set on fire if the fire is allowed to spread!

Jiang Feng quickly used the "water making technique" to put out the fire.

The Thorn demon hovering in the air held up the trident, trying to swoop down and stab Jiang Feng, forcing her to stop casting.

(End of this chapter)

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