Savior Simulator

Chapter 671 Evil lingering

Chapter 671 Evil lingering
"Dear Louise, you are as generous and kind as the Virgin Mary, and you have brought us the gospel of getting rich."

Gao Fei held her hand, his eyes full of affection.

"Rogge, my dearest friend, you can't imagine how happy I am to be of help to you!"

Jiang Feng also had an affectionate expression on his face.

"Hey! You two, don't think I'm air!" Martin, who was forcefully stuffed with dog food, couldn't help complaining, "When you fall in love, can you think more about your bachelor friends, at least Don't show affection in front of poor old Martin, God, it's cruel!"

"Wang Wang!"

The hound growled next to it, as if echoing the owner's protest, even it couldn't stand this overly sweet "dog food".

"Miss Quinn, you are a well-known rich woman in the city, and your family has money to spend, why do you need a commission? A mere 500 Gold Duga is not enough for you to buy a set of jewelry!"

Martin asked resentfully.

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that there was a little flaw in his acting skills.

The heroine she played, as Martin said, inherited a large inheritance from her parents and grandmother, and it stands to reason that she disdains to share the commission with two poor friends.

However, in real life, she is not a rich lady, and she does not have strong financial resources to squander at will, and her personality is also of the type that is careful and careful, and knows how to live.

Perhaps it is because the game has just started in this chapter, she has not yet fully entered the role, and she still habitually acts according to her own style of careful calculation, which inadvertently leads to the separation of the character's behavior and its personality.

After a short silence, Jiang Feng smiled slightly, and asked confidently: "Mr. Page, do you think I care about remuneration? No, I am enjoying the wonderful feeling of exchanging my labor for harvest. To be honest, sometimes I am very I envy you and Martin."

"Both of us came from poor backgrounds, and we didn't eat the next meal. What's there to envy!"

Martin shrugged and spread his hands, his face full of disapproval.

"What I envy is precisely the poor background of the two of you, earning food with your own hands."

Jiang Feng sighed with a melancholy look on his face.

"I have never worried about money since I was a child. It seems that there is nothing worth pursuing. Anyway, I can buy whatever I want."

"Gentlemen, you are honored by labor, and a rich girl like me who lives on family property and pensions never knows what it means to be self-reliant, and sometimes feels like a blood-sucking leech parasitizing on the poor... Alas, You will not understand this kind of depression and guilt."

"So sometimes I also want to break through the class gap and try to feel self-reliant. Of course, I don't mean stealing ill-gotten gains, which are not legal income after all."

"What I care about is not the mere 500 gold Dujia commission, but to prove that I am also a glorious laborer, and I am definitely not a 'rentier' who has been criticized by progressives."

After hearing her "voice from the heart", Martin scratched his head with complicated emotions.

"Miss Quinn, I don't think self-reliance is something to be proud of. It's an honor to be able to eat without working hard!"

"To be honest, you feel guilty because you are too kind and full of sympathy. If I were in your position, I wouldn't care what bullshit progressives do!"

"Whoever dares to babble in front of me and accuse me of being a 'rentier' who enjoys what I get for nothing, I will slap him with money!"

"The pattern is small, my friend."

Gao Fei smiled and patted Martin on the shoulder, while chatting privately with his girlfriend in the astrolabe.

"Comrade Xiao Jiang, that wave of acting just now was very good!"

No wonder people often say, "Women are born actors".

Three people and one dog came to Gordon's mansion in a carriage.

Mrs. Gordon hadn't recovered from the shock she received in the morning, so she cheered up to receive three visitors and showed them around the house.

The highlights of the visit include the staircase where the mysterious laughter came from, the kitchen where knives and food were frequently missing, and the garden where four hounds were killed.

The "landlord" stopped under the blood-stained flowers and sniffed.

Goofy and Martin exchanged glances, and they both stopped, waiting patiently for the hound to recognize the remaining breath of the scene.

"The landlord seems to have found suspicious traces." Gao Fei whispered to Jiang Feng, "I hope the hound's sensitive nose can help us find clues to trace."

"If I can smell something, at least it can prove that my hunch is correct. The mastermind behind these weird events is definitely not the incorporeal soul." Jiang Feng replied after thinking.

Incorporeal undead, such as wraiths, leave neither tracks nor scents for hounds to track.

As soon as he walked into the gate of Gordon's house, Jiang Feng used his professional ability and highly developed perception to search for negative energy.

So far, she has not noticed the enrichment of negative energy, so the possibility of undead haunting is very low.

Jiang Feng noticed a mysterious evil spirit lingering in the Gordon family's mansion, which might be the root of many strange things.

While the hound was still sniffing among the flowers, Jiang Feng turned around to chat with Mrs. Gordon, making indirect remarks.

"Ma'am, you and your husband are members of the State religion, aren't you?"

"Miss Quinn, our whole family is a devout believer in the Church of the Holy Light, and we never miss a single service."

Mrs. Gordon answered solemnly.

Jiang Feng observed her expression and saw no signs of lying.

"Not even one of your servants is a pagan?"

"Of course!" Mrs. Gordon hesitated for a moment, and explained with a complicated expression: "You also know that the status of our coastal city is very embarrassing. There are Far Eastern troops stationed at the Canal Customs and the Naval Base, and there are often Far Eastern soldiers and military families in the city. , I have no prejudice against people from the Far East, but I think it is inappropriate to allow them to preach in the city!"

Mrs. Gordon grew more and more excited.

"Miss Quinn, you are a nun of the Church of the Holy Light, a cleric of the Sun God, people from the Far East brought the belief of the Goddess of Fate to Binhai City, and the 'Sindra Church' is very popular, not only for ordinary citizens, but also for nobles and officials. A lot of people have converted, don't you worry that there will be trouble if this continues?"

Jiang Feng first quietly inquired about the religious situation of Binhai City with the astrolabe, and then answered solemnly:

"Madam, regardless of my priesthood status, I have always maintained a tolerant and open-minded attitude towards faith."

"Ms. Destiny's church is a legal belief publicly recognized by the imperial government and the Holy See. Even if we feel uncomfortable, we cannot use coercive means to prevent others from converting."

Sighing, she pretended to be confiding, and then said to Mrs. Gordon:

"When a country is defeated on the battlefield, and even the customs and military bases are forced to be leased to the victorious country for 99 years, it is very difficult to prevent missionaries from the victorious country from entering the country. There is no way to do this. We can only accept Reality."

(End of this chapter)

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