Savior Simulator

Chapter 67 Yesenia

Chapter 67 Yesenia
When Jiang Feng heard General Rodriguez's words, he was almost so angry that he couldn't get angry with his immediate boss face to face, so he could only rant wildly to Gao Fei through the astrolabe private chat.

"Rodriguez, this old fox, is usually very shrewd! Why can't he move his legs when he sees a beautiful woman, and even treats me as a competitor in the love field! Without three catties of hydrocephalus, I can't say this kind of bastard talk!"

"As gamers, we are on the sidelines. No matter how smart Rodriguez is, he is just an NPC. From his standpoint, look at the young and beautiful Yesenia, and look at the handsome and handsome Baron Lopez who became famous at a young age, isn't it? Don’t you really have any sense of crisis in your heart?”

Gao Fei smiled and comforted Jiang Nvxia.

"Hmm... Listening to what you said, it really makes sense. The problem is that we have already seen that Yesenia is not a good person, and we must try to prevent problems before they happen!" Jiang Feng said distressedly.

"Why don't you try to persuade the general again?"

"Okay, one last time!"

Jiang Feng reluctantly went to find General Rodriguez, and returned within 2 minutes with a dark face, waved his hand at Gao Fei, and said angrily: "The old guy doesn't eat oil and salt, I'm so mad!"

"Did the system prompt you to pass a lobbying check?"

"It's okay if you don't say this, but I will be even angrier if you say this!"

"Is the lobbying check to persuade General Rodriguez very difficult?" Gao Fei asked.

"DC25, do you think it's high?!"

Gao Fei was also speechless.

With such a high level of difficulty in lobbying, unless Jiang Feng was lucky and made a 20-point success, it would be useless to grind his mouth.

It was obvious that Jiang Feng didn't cast the lucky points with a probability of only 5%, and all his good words were in vain.

"It's okay for the old guy not to listen to my persuasion, but he even deliberately asked me to find Yesenia on behalf of all the officers, and invited that coquettish woman to attend the banquet held in the officer's dining room tonight, and welcome her Wash the dust—wash her grandma's legs!"

Jiang Nvxia was about to explode in anger, and concluded sadly: "This is called 'as soon as the sperm enters the brain, the IQ goes offline'!"

Gao Fei had never seen her so angry before, he was both sympathetic and funny, so he could only patiently comfort her to calm down.

"Calm down, my classmate Jiang, this is just a need for the plot of the game, why should you get too involved in the drama?"

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, nodded his head lightly, managed to control his irritability, and asked Gao Fei: "The old guy forced me to invite Yesenia because he wanted to disgust me. I'm afraid I won't be able to control my violent temper. What if we disagree and fight?"

"Relax, I'll go with you to meet Yesenia and find out what kind of medicine she sells in her gourd. If she dares to speak ill of you, you don't need to do anything. I'll beat her up for you!"

Jiang Feng's complexion improved a lot, he shook his hand vigorously, and said with deep feeling: "Among these big pigs who are obsessed with sex, only you are the most reliable!"

Gao Fei scratched his head, not sure if Jiang Nvxia was praising or scolding himself.

Later, according to the general's entrustment, Gao Fei accompanied Jiang Feng to Yesenia's tent and invited her to attend today's dinner.

Jiang Feng has recovered his calm state of mind, and he is neither humble nor overbearing when facing Yesenia.

Gao Fei kept in mind that the role he played was the adjutant of the Baron, an illiterate and reckless man of barbarian origin.

When Jiang Feng was talking with Yesenia, he stood silently in the shadow of the tent, secretly watching his words, trying to tell whether Yesenia was insincere.

It's a pity that this woman's acting skills are too good, Gao Fei failed the DC 18 "Insight" check, and finally couldn't tell whether she was lying.

In order not to arouse Yesenia's vigilance, Gao Fei couldn't keep staring at her, so he turned his eyes away from her face, and accidentally saw a pile of yellow sand in the corner of the tent, and walked closer to observe out of curiosity.

Yesenia immediately noticed his actions, and turned her head to look over, her eyes seemed a little erratic.

Gao Fei caught this subtle change in expression, and deliberately asked her in a rough voice, if she would like to help clean up this pile of obstructive sand.

"No need to trouble you, respectable lieutenant." Yesenia had a sweet smile on her face, "In my hometown of Media, there is a traditional custom. Gather a pile of sand in the residence and use it as an altar to pray for safety."

"Ang? What a strange custom!"

Gao Fei continued to play the role of a barbarian who didn't understand the style. He squatted in front of the sand pile, freed his right hand, and poked deeply into the sand. Disappointed.

Pulling out his hands covered in sand, Gao Fei stood up, and the moment he turned his head, he saw the fleeting tension on Yesenia's face, and the facial muscles were still twitching slightly, as if he had pinched the two hands just now. On her hat.

Through these details, Gao Fei became more and more suspicious that there was something wrong with the pile of sand. Unfortunately, the clues collected so far were not enough to reveal the secret that Yesenia was trying to hide.

Yesenia's complexion quickly returned to normal, and she smiled and said to Jiang Feng: "Thanks to the kind invitation from Your Excellency General, I will definitely be there on time for tonight's banquet. By the way, will Mr. Major also attend the banquet tonight?"

"I'm going to lead a patrol tonight, so I won't accompany you." Jiang Feng replied coldly.

"Oh, that's such a pity!" Yesenia shrugged and spread her hands.

Leaving Yesenia's tent, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng exchanged views, and both felt that this woman acted suspiciously and had ulterior motives.

"The pile of sand in Yesenia's tent is weird, but it's a pity that it's inconvenient to search it thoroughly in front of her," Gao Fei said.

Jiang Feng bit his lip, rolled his eyes, suddenly showed a sly smile, and whispered to him: "Let's find a secluded place and spend the energy of the astrolabe to investigate Yesenia's tent. Consciously put down your guard and reveal the secret!"

"good idea!"

The two hurried into an empty tent. Jiang Feng confirmed that no one was paying attention, so he activated the long-range reconnaissance mode of the astrolabe and locked the detection angle on the inside of Yesenia's tent.

In team mode, Gao Fei can share Jiang Feng's scouting vision.Switching to God's perspective, eyes pierced through the tent, I saw Yesenia standing alone in front of the one-meter-high sand pile, as if thinking about something, her slightly squirming lips seemed to be talking to herself, and she looked very nervous. The outside is weird.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng couldn't help but hold their breath, and watched Yesenia silently, expecting her to show her fox tail.

After about 5 minutes, Yesenia rang the brass bell, summoned the grey-haired butler and three uniformed servants, and ordered them to send a bucket of good wine to the patrol team to reward the soldiers who worked hard on duty.

(End of this chapter)

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