Savior Simulator

Chapter 661 Protecting Arrows

Chapter 661 Protecting Arrows
Gao Fei couldn't help being deeply moved by Paul Porter's sincere blessing.

He didn't expect that Paul Porter, a playboy from a noble family, would pay so much attention to his friendship with him.

"I will win, Paul." Gao Fei shook his hand vigorously, "Political opinions aside, we will always be friends, and I will be there for you whenever you need me. Say hello and be there whenever you are called."

"Oh! Really?" Paul Potter's eyes sparkled, "Brother Justice, can you fight my rival for me?"

"Get out! Can't you kid do something serious?!"

Gao Fei laughed and cursed and pushed the young master away, turned around and walked to the referee's seat, shook hands with the three referees one by one, and signed the disclaimer.

He also shook hands and hugged today's duel opponent, Major Frame, and politely wished "good luck" to each other. In front of the public, he pretended to be a gentleman.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of shaking hands, Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and investigated the details of Henry Frame by the way.

The chest armor worn by this person, the long sword and large shield equipped are all +1 enchanted equipment.

In contrast, Gao Fei didn't even have a magic weapon or magic armor on him, making him look a bit shabby.

Major Frame's various attributes are: strength 20, agility 14, constitution 18, intelligence 12, perception 15, charm 20.

Among them, the strength, physique and charm that are more important to the profession of "Arcane Knight" are very prominent.

Gao Fei also saw through the astrolabe the specialties that were not listed in the information provided by the private investigator.

There are four items in total, namely "Strongness", "Iron Will", "Powerful Attack" and "Brutal Strike".

Including the bonus of the "Strongness" feat, Henry Frame has 103 HP, which is thicker than Goofy expected.

In addition to his poor character, Major Frame is indeed a young officer with excellent qualities in all aspects, and he is also the strongest opponent Gao Fei has encountered in the duel field so far.

Enchant breastplate and shield, combined to provide Frim +10 defense, agility modifier +2, combined defense rating 22.

The most sophisticated weapons in Gao Fei's hands are nothing more than pistols, rapiers and a long whip, among which the pistol is the most lethal.

+1 on attack rolls with a masterwork pistol, plus the +4 Dexterity modifier and the +3 Proficiency modifier, for a total of +8.

The first tactic Gao Fei devised was to hold both pistols and shoot at Major Frame from a long distance.

However, based on the offensive and defensive data of both the enemy and the enemy, a simple calculation shows that the probability of shooting through the opponent's defense is only 35%.

The hit rate is a bit low, but it's not impossible to hit.

However, two things happened next, forcing Gao Fei to give up the two-gun tactics.

The first is a rule announced by the referee.

Both parties in the duel must not continue to float in the air for more than 30 seconds.

Also, the vertical height of the float must not exceed 100 feet.

If you violate this rule, you will be given a warning for the first time, and you will be sentenced to lose if you do it again!

The group of conservatives who supported Major Frame, noble lords and senior officials of the ruling party on the sidelines all showed Mona Lisa smiles when they heard the referee announce this rule.

Obviously, there is a PY transaction in it!

This public judicial duel has deviated from the original intention of justice in terms of rule design!
"MMP! Target me!"

Gao Fei was so angry that he cursed secretly.

In the first two duels, what Gao Fei left the deepest impression on the audience was his good marksmanship and flexible mobility.

Everyone knows by now that Musk Justice is an accurate marksman, good at flying high in the air, and shooting from a condescending position.

If his opponent is not good at shooting and lacks the ability to fly, he will be reduced to a human target in the duel arena!
Major Frame's agility attribute is only 14 points, his marksmanship is average, and he doesn't master the flying spell. Letting him shoot at Gao Fei is tantamount to committing suicide.

The rule announced by the referee seemed to impose the same constraints on both sides of the duel. In fact, it had little effect on Frim, but it was equivalent to abolishing Goofy's wings.

It's tricky to limit the suspension to no more than 100 feet.

Frim's strongest ranged attack, the "scorching ray," has a range of 120 feet, well outside the rule limit.

Gao Fei's pistol can guarantee a stable trajectory within 180 feet, but now he is forced to confront his opponent within a hundred feet. There is no way to go whoring for nothing.

Knowing that this rule is not good for him, Gao Fei has no way to protest.

What the referee said was high-sounding.

The flight height is limited to allow referees and spectators to clearly see every detail of the battle.

Otherwise, if you fly to the clouds, no one on the ground can see what you are doing. If there is any violation, who can stop it?

The purpose of limiting the flight time is to avoid the endless delay of the duel.

Otherwise, if you fly in the air without falling, your opponent on the ground will not be able to hit you, and the two sides will continue to confront each other endlessly. When will the duel end?
Faced with these seemingly reasonable rhetoric, Gao Fei could only swallow a dumb loss.

If it is only limited by the rules, the flying + two-gun tactics can still make do with it, then the two protective spells blessed by Frame will completely dispel Gao Fei's thoughts.

The information provided by the private detective before lacked the two spells that Frame was good at.

Now Goofy finally knows what it is.

One is the 0-ring "blade protection", which reduces physical damage by half within 6 seconds.

Another one turned out to be... 2-ring "Protective Arrow"!

2nd ring "Protection Arrow": lasts for 1 hour/level, the subject gets damage reduction armor 10/magic for long-range weapons; absorbs up to 100 points of long-range damage.


When this spell was invented, there were no firearms in the world.

It's called "protective arrows", but it can also be used for bulletproofing.

Gao Fei's two pistols are not magic weapons, and it is almost impossible to penetrate the double bulletproof system composed of "blade protection" + "protective arrows" on Frim's body.

Sighing helplessly, Gao Fei put his guns back into his storage gloves, and could only confront Frame head-on.

Level 6 "imitator" has only 44 HP, which is less than half of the opponent's.

Frym has established a "weapon bond" with the +1 long sword in his hand, and the attack has an advantage, and the damage is additionally included in the charm correction.

He also mastered the two specialties of "Powerful Attack" and "Brutal Strike", which strengthen melee damage, as well as the more violent "Magic".

Gao Fei fought against him, and he had to rush to the street after holding on for less than half a minute.

How to deal with this kind of ruthless character who has both offense and defense?

Fortunately, in addition to flying sniper, Gao Fei also has a set of backup tactics, which are suitable for dealing with the current predicament.

The referee announced that the duel has entered a countdown, and the two sides still have 1 minute to make final preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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