Savior Simulator

Chapter 659 Giving Too Much

Chapter 659 Giving Too Much

Since ancient times, the Canaanites have been a business-minded people. Most of the Canaanite immigrants in Avalon are engaged in trade, finance, and news publishing.

Rich gringos are inevitably hated by the locals, let alone immigrants from hostile countries
During this unrest, many shops run by Canaanites were destroyed by thugs, and incidents of beating, smashing and looting emerged one after another.

The Dreyfus case was also involved in this political turmoil, because the person involved in the case was a Canaanite immigrant, and his suspicion of collaborating with the enemy and traitor was even greater.

In the face of pressure from all sides, the key witness in the Dreyfus case, Albert Franklin, stood up bravely.

The old man voluntarily defended Captain Dreyfus and was willing to accept examinations including lie detection, proving that his communication with Captain Dreyfus was just a normal communication between friends, and he had absolutely no intention of spying on intelligence.

However, the military court never gave Franklin a chance to prove his innocence, and directly deported him.

Shortly thereafter, the court-martial sentenced Captain Dreyfus to life imprisonment and exile to "Devil's Island" in the absence of evidence.

This brutal judgment thoroughly angered those who sympathized with Dreyfus in the society.

In the parliament, the ruling party and the opposition party launched a more intense verbal confrontation on the Dreyfus incident.

Even in the family, couples or fathers and sons often had violent disputes because they opposed and supported the trial of Captain Dreyfus, and finally divorced or even severed the relationship between father and son.

When the time came to the winter of 1627, the Dreyfus case had been fermented for more than two months, and it had evolved from an ordinary criminal case to a carnival of national governance.

Both sides of the opposition think they have mastered truth and justice.

In addition to the simplest appeal of revealing the truth, this case is also related to partisan disputes and the evolution of wars in the New World.

Should the war in the New World be continued in accordance with the intention of the ruling party, or should we accept the call of the opposition party representing the majority of the people to stop the war as soon as possible and seek peace?

Left and right gave tit for tat answers.

The vast majority of people in the literary and art circles belong to the left-wing camp.

Running appeals, writing articles, and widely participating in activities in support of Captain Dreyfus, set off a vigorous social movement.

Emile Edward, a national treasure writer of the Kingdom of Fiji, a contemporary literary giant, published a blockbuster article "I Accused", exposing the truth about the Dreyfus incident, and was the first to publicly point out that Major Frame lied to the court-martial and the public , and framed Captain Dreyfus on charges.

Not long after this article was published, the great writer died mysteriously at home.

After investigation, the police claimed that the cause of death was gas poisoning.

People on the left generally believe that this survey result is pure fart!
People prefer to believe that Frame's party, afraid of the truth being revealed, used a despicable murder to silence Emile Edward, who was trying to uphold justice, forever!
The death of the great writer completely angered the intellectual class, and they spontaneously devoted themselves to investigating the truth of the Dreyfus case.

Many people are powerful.

Fire cannot be contained in paper.

More and more investigation evidence shows that Dreyfus was most likely framed, and Major Henry Frame, who reported him as a collaborator and traitor, was actually out of jealousy and wanted to use fabricated evidence to get rid of this and his own. Opponent for the position of Director of Competitive Intelligence.

Continue to investigate, and the truth will be revealed in a short time.At that time, not only will Major Frame's reputation be ruined, but the nobles and senior military officers who supported him before, conservative MPs and leaders of the ruling party will also be slapped.

The honor and shame of too many people are tied to this case, and Captain Dreyfus must be a traitor.

If he wasn't, then he should be a dead man.

Seeing that things were going to be overwhelmed, the conservatives carried out some judicial operations and instructed Major Henry Frame to take the lead, apply to the court for a judicial duel, and defend their honor with their lives.

On the other side of the duel, Captain Dreyfus contracted tuberculosis in prison and was too weak to fight.

The wife of Captain Dreyfus, under the recommendation of Mrs. Jones, came to Musk's office and asked Musk to represent her husband's injustice.

In order to save her husband, she did not hesitate to go bankrupt.

In fact, the wealth she and her family can mobilize is simply too great.

When Lisa, as Musk's agent, tried to offer a commission of 7000 gold pounds and waited for Mrs. Dreyfus to bargain, the other party froze for a moment, and even showed anger.

"Miss Colter, do you think my husband's innocence and freedom are only worth 7000 pounds?!"

"Ah... no, you mean... we can earn more?"

"Miss Colter, Mr. Justice, I don't allow you to offer such a low commission! In addition to the 7000 pounds in cash, after the duel, I will also give you a small gift worth no less than the same amount. , what do you think?"

"Oh, my dear Mrs. Dreyfus, you are too generous! What can we do? Only as you wish, of course."

Gao Fei accepted Mrs. Dreyfus' commission not only for the sake of money, but also to uphold the justice in his heart.

He'd heard of Major Frame's rivalry with Captain Dreyfus for a job when he'd been at a Hellfire Club gathering.

Paul Porter and others also knew that Major Frame was ambitious, and in order to seek a higher position, he was very likely to falsely accuse his competitors.

However, after all, Frame is a member of the club, a member of their circle.

Even against their conscience, they had no choice but to openly support Frim.

Regardless of the dissuasion of Paul Porter and others, Gao Fei insisted on standing up for Captain Dreyfus and accepting the duel initiated by Henry Frame, which was tantamount to taking the initiative to draw a line with the Hellfire Club and set up a large number of bad guys for himself. I provoke the enemy.

This price is too high, is it really necessary?
Finally, there was a letter that strengthened his belief.

The letter was from old man Franklin, asking this little brother to stand up for the innocent Captain Dreyfus and win the duel.

Old man Franklin has been deported from the country, and he is far away across the ocean, so he cannot provide Gao Fei with substantial benefits for the time being.

However, if Gao Fei is willing to help this favor, the old man Franklin will remember his kindness, and he will be very grateful in the future.

Not to mention the "return", just relying on his friendship with the old man, Gao Fei must help with this favor!
After receiving the entrustment, according to the procedure, the next step is to investigate the strength of the dueling opponent and designate countermeasures.

Goofy didn't even need to investigate in person. The private investigator hired by the Dreyfus family had already sent a detailed information about Major Henry Frame to his firm.

(End of this chapter)

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