Savior Simulator

Chapter 656 The Shapeshifter

Chapter 656 The Shapeshifter

Because of this, most doppelgangers lead a life of depravity similar to "parasites".

Although doppelgangers are not all villains, there are creatures more evil and crazy than doppelgangers in the world, but there are few species that are regarded as a scourge by the Holy See like doppelgangers.

Rather than saying that the Holy See hates shapeshifters, it is better to say that the Holy See has responded to the public's hatred of shapeshifters.

Imagine that you are proud of your career, have a lovely wife at home, and live a prosperous life.

Unfortunately, you were targeted by a shapeshifter, and after the assassination, you destroyed your body, replaced your identity, stole your career and property, occupied your wife, and even ruined your reputation...

Gao Fei thought about it for a while, and couldn't help feeling horrified.

"Brother Musk, Miss Colter, there are doppelgangers in our organization. After a secret investigation, ten of them are the most suspected."

Umberto took out his pocket watch and glanced at it.

"In another hour, these ten people will come to the living room on the second floor of the tavern to accept my cross-examination. The next question is how to judge whether one of them has told a lie."

"Mr. Esposito, I think this is why you invited me here." Lisa's eyes sparkled, "At least you, me, Musk, Sister Claire and Mr. Mario are trustworthy!"

"Oh, poor Mario, believable for now."

Claire joked with a smile.

"Lisa, are you sure?"

Goofy asked the young "Judger".

"My 3rd ring divine spell 'discern lies' and 'guidance of confession' can both be used to identify spies. That alone is not enough insurance, I need three more things."

Lisa held up three fingers.

"Just say what you need." Umberto smiled.

"First of all, each of us needs to prepare a helmet."

"Secondly, at least 20 pounds of lead weight is required."

"Finally, we need to find a reliable blacksmith to beat the lead block into lead skin, which will be used as the inner lining of the helmet."

Sensing the confusion in everyone's eyes, Lisa explained:
"The shapeshifter's 'mind reading' can be blocked by obstacles, such as a brick wall or an iron plate."

"The denser the substance, the better the hindering effect on 'mind reading'."

"According to the records of our church, a lead sheet as thick as parchment is enough to block the mind-reading ability of the doppelganger."

"Of course, if gold is used as the shielding layer, the effect will be better than lead, but the cost will be higher, which is unnecessary."

"Understood." Umberto turned his head and said to Mario and Claire, "According to Miss Colter's request, prepare five lead-lined helmets within half an hour."

The two nodded, and immediately got up and left.

Umberto took a sip of his wine and then changed the subject.

"Brother Musk, David Fuller drowned in the river last night, did you hear?"

"Brother Umberto, did you arrange this?" Gao Fei asked in a low voice.

"I sent someone to do it." Umberto admitted frankly.

"The last time you were assassinated by the Camorra gang, I have already found out the ins and outs. David Fuller resented you as an agent of Mrs. Jones' estate dispute, hired the killer of the Camorra gang, set up a trap, and planned to solve it secretly. you."

"Fuller didn't personally come forward in this matter, and he didn't leave any excuses. Legal proceedings can't help him. However, our gang has gang methods to express dissatisfaction with this noble Mr. Banker."

After a moment of pondering, Umberto went on to say:
"Now we know that the Camorra gang has actually been vacated by the shapeshifter."

"They initially accepted Fuller's commission to assassinate you just to make money. Judging from the level of assassins selected at that time, it was obvious that they did not pay enough attention to you."

"It's different now, Brother Musk, you've become famous and attracted the attention of shapeshifters."

"Just now, the doppelganger pretended to be Mario and tried to assassinate you and Miss Colter, probably trying to replace your identities."

Gao Fei felt his scalp tingle.

Lisa's complexion also changed, and she gritted her teeth and said, "In this day and age, it is politically correct to criticize the Inquisition, but I have to say that there are indeed innocent souls on the stake, but more of them are human crumbs like shapeshifters!"

"The trend of thought in human society is like a pendulum, always swinging back and forth between the extreme left and the extreme right. If the current social climate of hypocrites goes to extremes, one day people will miss the flames of the Inquisition!"

After hearing Lisa's words, Gao Fei was quite shocked.

Of course he knows that Lisa is just an NPC in the game, and the lines are all designed.

Why do you have to arrange such a line for her?

Is it just to portray the character of Lisa, or is it an allusion?

Goofy was lost in thought.

Time passed quickly, and half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Claire and Mario returned with five lead-lined helmets.

Everyone tried to put on the helmet, and the size was quite suitable.

After a while, ten gang members came to the second floor of the tavern on time to be summoned by Umberto.

"Among you, there is a traitor! To be precise, it is a shapeshifter."

As soon as Umberto finished speaking, all ten people changed their faces.

"Brother! It's definitely not me!"

"How can I prove my innocence?"

"Who is the traitor? I will be the first to spare him!"

The crowd shouted in unison.

Gao Fei noticed that two of them seemed extremely nervous.

Especially when Lisa showed the lead-lined helmet in front of them, the two guys turned their heads to look at each other, their faces pale.

Before Umberto cross-examined her, and Lisa hadn't activated the "guided confession", the two ulterior motives suddenly turned around and rushed towards the window.

Gao Fei had been staring at them for a long time, and immediately drew out his pistol.

However, before it was his turn to make a move, Umberto dragged a row of afterimages to block the window, with thousands of cold lights in his hands.

The sound of sword drawing echoed in the air.

The two spies had collapsed.

He clasped his chest tightly with his hands, and blood gushed out through his fingers.

They didn't even see clearly when Umberto drew his sword and how he made a hole in their chests.

The reason why they are still alive is only because the "archangel" keeps their lives still useful.

Umberto Esposito, the legendary invincible man, is terrible!

The intense pain, and the fear stronger than the pain, caused the two shapeshifters to collapse on the spot, incontinent to urinate, unable to maintain their disguised form, and return to their initial appearance.

Both of these humanoid monsters have smooth gray skin that feels like cheap plastic.

As depicted in the illustrated book, the doppelganger is thin and skinny, with a flat face that has no features, as if it has been polished by sandpaper, except for the pair of emerald green eyeballs, with black striped pupils that can be seen faintly, which look very much like sticking on The bar code on the label of a supermarket product.

(End of this chapter)

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