Savior Simulator

Chapter 646 Silence Mushroom

Chapter 646 Silence Mushroom

The fangs and claws of the male lion are strengthened by the "magic tooth collar", which is equivalent to a +1 magic weapon. It can easily tear the fur of the warg, coupled with the overwhelming advantage in strength, after a round of swooping, it will kill this evil beast. The wolf bit down until it was half breathed, and completely lost the ability to resist.

Dimitri stepped on his dying prey and turned to roar at the other warg.

The lion's roar integrated the "Warrior" professional ability "taunt", and successfully broke through the Warg's will save, forcing it to give up fleeing, turned around and rushed forward.

This kind of act of overestimating one's own capabilities soon caused the evil wolf to kill himself.

At the same time that Dimitri was rampaging the worgs, Vass also led the dwarf workers out of the mine.

Although these Winkies were short in stature, they were not lacking in courage. Using pickaxes and slings as weapons, they assisted Dimitri the lion in dealing with the remaining wolves and tengus.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Yun, Nick and Vita teamed up to destroy the enemies trapped in the sea of ​​flames. When they came back to join the lion, they found that all the remaining enemies had been killed by the dwarves.

Gas thanked everyone on behalf of the miners, cleaned up the ferocious Warg and Tengu supervisors, and vented his anger on them.

The gnomes also specially collected a lot of small white mushrooms that grew in the depths of the mine, and gave them to the travelers as a thank you gift.

"These mushrooms smell of... well, straw musty after the rain."

Dimitri glanced at the scarecrow, and then returned to the pile of mushrooms, with an undisguised disgust on his face.

"Friends, let's say it in advance! Some of you may think that mushroom soup is delicious, but for me, the noble lion, the king of beasts, don't use mushrooms to satisfy my hunger even if I starve to death!"

"This is not just a matter of taste preference, it's more about the dignity of a carnivore!"

"Mr. Lion, you misunderstood, these mushrooms are not for eating...Of course, the soup made of silencer mushrooms is really delicious."

Vass explained with a smile.

"What are you talking about, silencer mushroom?" Pony classmate became interested, "The magic book of Ivanola, the oriental witch, records this rare mushroom, which is said to have a magical property."

"Oh, how amazing?" The Scarecrow asked curiously.

"Closing the ears with noise-cancelling mushrooms can completely isolate the sound waves from the outside world. Just like a deaf person, taking off the mushroom earplugs will restore hearing immediately."

"That's right! You really deserve to be a learned lady mage!"

The dwarves looked at Ma Yun with admiration.

"Isn't this thing equivalent to natural earplugs?" Jiang Feng was puzzled, "It's really a bit magical to say it's magical, but I really don't see what these mushrooms are useful for."

"That's fine, why do you use mushrooms to plug your ears and make yourself deaf?" The lion didn't understand, and said angrily, "It's better to cook soup!"

"Oh, dear ladies and gentlemen, listen to me!"

Gas climbed onto the mine cart and waved his arms to signal for everyone to be quiet.

"Now we have good news and bad news."

"The good news is that we defeated the Warg and Tengu!"

"The bad news is that this matter will soon reach the ears of the old hag in Sand Castle!"

"Maybe we should send someone to the castle and plug the old witch's ears with silencer mushrooms."

The Tin Woodman once again showed his talent as a "sneering craftsman", making the surrounding dwarves laugh.

"Hey! It's not funny, listen to me, everyone listen to me!"

Unable to keep his naturally lively and boisterous compatriots quiet, Gas had to raise his voice as much as possible.

"Listen everyone, besides the wargs and the tengus, the old witch has a group of even more terrifying accomplices, namely the harpies!"

"If nothing else happens, the old hag will soon order the bird demon to suppress the riot in the mine. We have to prepare for the battle in advance!"

Hearing the word "bird demon", the naughty dwarves immediately became as quiet as chickens, with frightened and uneasy expressions on their faces.

"Was, what kind of creature is a harpies?" the Tin Woodman asked.

"A monster that is half man, half bird."

"Sounds like a relative of the Tengu."

"In fact, the two are completely different!" Gas emphasized loudly. "More precisely, the characteristics of these two creatures are completely opposite!"

"Tengu has a crow's head, but no wings."

"The bird demon's body and face are very similar to human women, except that its hands and feet resemble bird claws, and there are a pair of wings on its back that can fly."

"Understood." The Tin Woodman nodded, and concluded solemnly: "The Tengu is actually a 'human-bird', and the harpy is the real 'bird-man'."

"Good guy! I'm even more confused after hearing your summary!"

The lion scratched his head.

This is called listening to what you say, like listening to a word.

"Don't worry about these minutiae, Gas, you go ahead and say, besides flying, what other abilities does the harpy have?" Ma Yun asked.

"You've got the point, Ms. Mage!" Gas said with a serious face, "The scariest thing about bird demons is their moving voices!"

"When a person hears the song of the harpies, he will often be fascinated by it, and go to the harpies desperately, until his throat is cut off with the sharp claws of a dagger!"

Hearing Gass' description, Gao Fei couldn't help thinking of the bard's "Ecstasy".

The singing of the harpies also seems to have a fascinating effect.

With doubts, he opened the astrolabe, searched for the human-faced harpies, and soon found the relevant illustrated book.

The harpy, also known as the "Harpy", is a distant relative of the famous sea banshee "Siren". The average attributes are: strength 14, agility 17, constitution 15, intelligence 7 , Wisdom 14, Charisma 17.

Just as the siren's song enchanted sailors in mythology, the harpies possessed a supernatural gift known as the "song of seduction."

Creatures that hear the harpy's song become "fascinated" unless they succeed at a Will save.

"Song of Temptation" is like an enhanced version of "Ecstasy", not only has no limit on the number of times it can be used, but also has a wider range of influence, the singing sound is as far as 300 feet, which is equivalent to 5 times that of "Ecstasy"!
In addition to "Song of Temptation", Harpy also has talents such as "Dark Vision", "Sharp Hearing", "Proficient Dodge" and "Multiple Attacks".

The harpy is good at using bows and arrows, and can shoot two arrows in a row every round.

Such a monster that can fly and shoot well, and also has powerful field control skills, the reason why the challenge level is only 3, seems low, maybe because its average HP is only 45 points, and the defense level is only 15, which belongs to the thin-skinned and brittle monster Types of.

After seeing the information on the Harpies, Gao Fei understood why Gas asked everyone to carry the silencer mushrooms with them.

If the bird demon really comes, just plug the ears with two silencer mushrooms to block the "song of temptation" and avoid being fascinated.

(End of this chapter)

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