Savior Simulator

Chapter 641 The Witch of Wenji Township

Chapter 641 The Witch of Wenji Township
Internet addiction is like a spring, the tighter it is, the stronger the rebound.

Xiao Ma, who had not been online for 40 hours, sent Gao Fei and Jiang Feng a letter after class the next afternoon:

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! I'm coming!"

Gao Fei is writing his graduation thesis. He has just chosen a topic and is looking up information.

Jiang Feng, who was across the desk, was also preparing for his graduation project. The title was very high-key, called "Yuan Universe and MMT".

Needless to say, "Metaverse" is a very popular outlet for virtual economy nowadays.

"MMT" is what's known as Modern Monetary Theory, and it's a hot topic.

Gao Fei couldn't figure it out, how could these two irrelevant concepts be connected?
However, Comrade Xiao Jiang pointed out that the strength of economics lies in combining various seemingly unrelated things, and by analyzing related variables, we can find the hidden economic principles.

Applying this set of research methods, economists can intervene in any field and forcibly explain a wave. How about "economic imperialism"?

Gao Fei felt that her research method was similar to the "Little Wuxiang Gong" in martial arts novels, and she was suspected of "holding a hammer in her hand, everything looks like a nail".

Of course, he doesn't understand economics, and his thesis is also a fool's play. It belongs to "reinventing the wheel" and is just for a degree certificate. He really has no right to criticize Xiao Jiang.

"Richest man, it's only 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and you start playing games. As a freshman, wouldn't you be a little too depraved?"

"Brother Fei! I've finished today's class and finished my homework. I've finished all the previews!"

"No... Where did you get so much time?"

"In order to spare time to play games, I got up at 5:[-] in the morning and went to the library to study by myself. I didn't sleep at noon, and I was studying in the classroom. My classmates all praised me for my hard work!"

"In order to play for a while, you really worked hard." Gao Fei couldn't laugh or cry.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and go online, don't waste precious time!"

Under the urging of Xiao Ma, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng had no choice but to open the astrolabe and log in to "Savior Simulator".

The two accepted Ma Yun's invitation and entered the mage module "The Wizard of Oz" as allies.

The game scene has left Patra Fort, the "City of Ceramics", and came to the Gobi Desert with long yellow sand.

This is the western border of the country of Oz, the legendary Wenji Township rich in gold.

It is said that Theodora, the Witch of the West, the ruler of the entire Winkie Township, lives in a castle in the desert.

Before heading out, travelers have two more things to do.

One is to inquire about news in small town taverns, especially rumors about the witches of the West.

The Winkies of the town, the dwarves who live in the Gobi Desert, are so afraid of Theodora that they dare not even speak her name publicly, substituting "that witch".

In the description of the Winkies, Theodora's image is unpredictable.

Sometimes it was an ugly old woman with a complexion like yellow sand.

Sometimes she turns into a sexy beauty with scantily clad clothes.

Another dwarf claims that the Witch of the West is not a human being, but a sculpture of vicious wisdom made of sand, which can be disintegrated into a pile of yellow sand and merged into the desert at any time, just like a drop of water disappears into the sea.

As for the magic power of the old witch, people's opinions are surprisingly unanimous.

Among the four great witches in the south, east, north and west, Theodora the West Witch ranks second, second only to the South Witch Glinda.

Ma Yun has seen the East Witch and the North Witch. The former is a level 12 night hag mage, and the latter is a level 12 half-elf warlock.

Since the Witch of the West is recognized as stronger than the two of them, and the cap level of this game mod is level 12, it is not difficult to speculate that Theodora should be a level 12 warlock.

The reason why it is presumed that she is not a mage is because in people's descriptions, this old witch does not have the habit of carrying magic books with her. She is keen on discovering the ancient ruins in the desert, but she is not interested in the ancient books in the underground ruins. She only wants to collect treasures and magic items.

Theodora is the most greedy of the four witches.

This old hag firmly occupied the gold mines in the desert, and forced all adult male Winkies to spend six months a year, bringing their own dry food and tools, to mine ore in her mine.

Because of this heavy corvee, the Winkie people hated Theodora deeply, but they dared not openly resist her tyranny.

Theodora is not only powerful in mana, but also has a large group of accomplices to help her maintain her cruel rule.

This includes the Tengu clan.

Since the idol that the tengus once worshiped, the Gorgon Patra, was killed by Theodora and transformed into a corpse and imprisoned in the "City of Ceramics", the tengus have become the slaves of the old witch, mainly responsible for the mine. Worked as a supervisor in the field, ruthlessly whipping dwarf laborers who dared to be lazy.

In addition to the tengu, it is said that the old witch has many more murderous accomplices.

For example, a group of black wolves who can speak human language and are very cunning, and many banshees who have vulture wings and are half human and half bird.

As for whether these rumors are true, and what kind of monster they correspond to, Gao Fei and others are still unable to determine.

Before going to the "Golden Sand Castle" where Theodora lived, Gao Fei obtained Ma Yun's consent and stole from her... To be precise, it should be "replicated"—several spells.

After some trade-offs, the current spell list for Gao Fei's level 5 "Spell Thief" is as follows:
Ring 0 - Whip of Thorns, Hand of the Mage/Owned;

1st Ring - Magic Missile;

2nd Ring - Invisibility, Fuel, Searing Ray.

The two replaced spells, "Magic Energy Explosion" and "Detect Undead", the former was replaced by "Magic Missile", which also had the force field attribute, and the latter could not find a suitable occasion for the time being.

"Hand of the Mage" comes from the professional ability "Remote Handling" of the Spell Thief, and does not need to occupy the Spell Stealing position.

There are also three second-level spells, "Invisibility", "Fuel Oil" and "Scorching Ray", all carefully selected by Gao Fei.

"Invisibility" + backstab sneak attack, needless to say, a must for the rogue profession.

"Fuel Technique" + "Scorching Ray", the combination of "Adding Fuel to the Fire", a tactic that combines field control and damage, is simple and practical.

In fact, Gao Fei also wanted "fragile mark" and "attribute enhancement", but unfortunately, a level 5 magic thief can only keep 5 stolen magic at most, and the space is limited, so he has to reluctantly give up.

Ma Yun spent an astrolabe energy to quickly skip the long rest, and the magic that was stolen by Gao Fei face to face was automatically reset and returned to her known spell list.

The adventurers replenished fresh water and dry food in the Gobi town, and bought five camels.

After getting ready, everyone, except Dimitri the lion, rode a camel and continued to advance towards the hinterland of the western desert where the gold mine is located.

(End of this chapter)

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