Savior Simulator

Chapter 639 Skilled Stealing (for Subscription)

Chapter 639 Skilled Stealing (for Subscription)

"Ha, my friend, you are so considerate!" Martin couldn't help expressing emotion, "Miss Quinn, the many coincidences between you and Rogge make me believe that there is such a thing as fate in the world."

"But having said that, one yard is worth one yard. We also saved you today. How will you repay this favor?"

Jiang Feng smiled knowingly, unbuttoned his satchel, took out two rolls of banknotes stolen from Bagham's house, and distributed one roll to Gao Fei and Martin.

"Mr. Detectives, please accept this disrespectful gift. I hope that the 2000 Gold Duga banknotes can strengthen our friendship."

"As for the remaining belongings..." Jiang Feng patted his bulging satchel, "I'm going to send it to the church and ask my uncle, Father Gallup, to give it to poor families in the city."

"You are as kind as an angel! Miss Quinn, on behalf of the poor friends of Pipe Street, I thank you for your generosity!"

Martin's fat face turned into a flower with a rainbow fart, without delaying him stuffing the money into his pocket.

The three of them sat on the ground and shared the spoils. Afterwards, both Gao Fei and Jiang Feng received a system prompt:
"You have completed the main storyline milestone of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe and the occupation level +1!"

Goofy's "Spell Thief" has been upgraded to level 5.

Proficiency modifier +1, HP +7, sneak attack damage roll 3d6.

The total number of stealing tricks has increased to 5, and a core ability "proficient stealing tricks" has been acquired.


Proficiency in Stealing Spells: When you steal spells from others, you can steal multiple spells at once, the upper limit of the number = proficiency modifier.


Previously, Goofy's "Spell Thief" could only steal one spell at a time.

Now with "Skilled Stealing", the efficiency of stealing has been greatly improved.

The proficiency correction of level 5 "Spell Thief" is +3, so Gao Fei can get up to 3 magic spells from the target once he steals.

It should be noted that "proficient in stealing spells" only improves the efficiency of stealing spells, and does not change the upper limit of spells that Gao Fei can retain, which only depends on the professional level of the spell thief.

Jiang Feng's "Sanctuary" has also been upgraded to level 5,
Proficiency modifier +1, HP +7, sneak attack damage roll 3d6.

The newly realized professional ability is the "magic technique" that Gao Fei had seen before from "Archangel" Umberto.


Magic: Use melee weapons to conduct "contact" and "ray" spells, and activate the spell effect the moment the weapon hits the target.


In addition, level 5 "Temple Raiders" can also choose the first 2-ring divine spell.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Feng should give priority to the most practical second-level magic spell "attribute enhancement" or "resistance to energy damage."

These two spells belong to the nature of "big gift package". The former includes six subtypes of cow, cat, bear, fox, owl, and eagle, and the latter includes resistance to the five energy attributes of fire, electricity, acid, cold, and sound waves. boundary.

Even if you don't choose these two most comprehensive spells, "Silence", "Spiritual Weapon", "Protection from Poison", "Less Restoration" and "Walking Step" are all reasonable options.

However, considering the "magic technique" he had just learned, Jiang Feng had a different idea.

All of the spells above are certainly good, but unfortunately none of them work well with Magic.

Jiang Feng didn't want "Magic" to be a decoration. If he wanted to use it, he had to match it with at least one contact or ray spell.

She looked at the 2nd-level magical spell that "Raiders of the Templar" can choose from the beginning to the end, and finally locked on the target-"Wounding Art"!

2nd level "Wounding": You convert magic into negative energy, fingertips burn with pale necrotic fire, touch a living creature and deal 10d6 necrotic damage to it; subject fails Fortitude saving throw, life The value cap will be reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage it takes.If you cast this spell on an undead creature, it provides 10d6 healing.


"Wounding" is a standard melee contact magic, and its damage is so high that it has reached the upper limit of a level 2 spell.

With the "magic technique", Jiang Feng could use a thin sword instead of empty hands to conduct the "injury technique".

Her rapier is a "divine bestowed weapon", with its own advantages in attack rolls, and the damage is additionally included in the perception correction, plus the 10d6 "wounding technique", it is easy to deal explosive damage!
This is not finished.

Don't forget that Jiang Feng's "Holy Templar" is also good at backstabbing sneak attacks, and the rapier is a typical high-crit weapon.

Imagine that when she quietly approached the enemy from behind, she suddenly stabbed with the back of her sword.

In addition to normal weapon damage, Dexterity modifiers and Wisdom modifiers (for divinely granted weapons), 3d6 bonus sneak attack damage, and 10d6 "inflict wounds" are added.

On this basis, if it happens that the 15% critical strike chance is triggered... the damage figure will be exaggerated!
Except for a very few boss-level characters, they will basically be killed by her in seconds.

Martin was promoted to level 5 ranger.

Proficiency correction +1, HP +9.

The magical link with Nature's Companion has been enhanced to share spell effects with the Hound.

Beginning at 5th level, a ranger can choose a second type of favored enemy.

Martin chose "humanoid" without hesitation.

In this adventure module with the city as the stage, the hostile forces of the protagonist group often come from within human society.

Martin also learned a new level 1 natural magic, which is the very practical field control magic "entanglement".

Gao Fei was tempted for a moment, considering whether to steal Martin's "entanglement technique".

But then it occurred to me that Comrade Pony had better field control spells than "Entanglement", such as "Spider Web" and "Fuel Oil".

Now that he has stolen Martin's "entanglement technique", he has to replace it if he has no chance to use it, so he doesn't bother with it.

Martin's hound "Landlord" has also been upgraded to a level with the owner, HP+8, and the total life value has increased to 40 points.

When necessary, you can give it a shot of "magnification" to act as an MT.

There are still no bonus classes in this chapter.

The three candidate bonus specialties are "Parry", "Powerful Attack" and "Dual Wielder".


Dual wielders: Both hands are equally balanced, not limited by weapon types.In dual-wielding combat, the main-hand weapon has an attack advantage, and the off-hand weapon damage can also be modified by strength or agility.


Gao Fei has nothing to hesitate, so he chooses "Dual Wielder" in seconds!
His "Spirit Thief", the default fighting style is to wield a rapier and a dagger, which is suitable for matching with "Dual Wielders".

In the street melee not long ago, Gao Fei also seized three revolvers from Bagham's mercenaries, one of which was given to Jiang Feng, and the other two were kept for his own use.

Dual-wielding pistols, you can also get the enhancement of "Dual Wielding", plus the bonus specialty "Rapid Shot" obtained in the previous chapter, Gao Fei can fire three shots in one round of attack!

(End of this chapter)

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