Savior Simulator

Chapter 632 Card Bug

Chapter 632 Card Bug
The leading actor played by Gao Fei watched Jiang Feng sneak into the mansion from the perspective of God before it was his turn to play.

There are a dozen guards patrolling the Bagham family compound.

The guards all wear whistles on their chests, and when they find intruders, they will immediately whistle to warn them, and they must be carefully avoided.

Of the twelve guards, eight of them are Bagham's servants, and their challenge level is only 1/4, which is not worth mentioning.

There are also four more powerful professional mercenaries, all with a challenge level of 3.Wearing a standard leather armor, with a long sword and pistol on his waist, his every move reveals a shrewd and capable temperament.

"It seems that Bagham also knows how hated he is." Gao Fei said to Jiang Feng through the Xingpan private chat channel.

"That's right, if it wasn't for doing too many bad things and having ghosts in your heart, why would you arrange so many bodyguards to patrol day and night."

Jiang Feng frowned slightly, feeling a little worried.

"The guards are divided into four groups, and groups of three take turns to patrol. Each group is led by highly vigilant professional mercenaries. It is difficult to find a gap to sneak in."

There is less than 2 minutes between each group of patrols.

Jiang Feng had to complete the two tasks of sneaking in and unlocking in just 2 minutes, which was too difficult to be sure of success once.

If there is a slight mistake, the guards will be alarmed. At the least, it will be a waste of time to come tonight, and at the worst, it will be difficult to get out of the body.

"Is there a way to distract a group of guards?" Gao Fei gave his girlfriend an idea.

"let me try."

Jiang Feng removed a tile from the edge of the eaves, intending to throw stones to ask for directions.

At this time, a dark cloud covered the moonlight, and the moist breath brought by the night wind heralded the impending rain.

Jiang Feng suddenly had an idea, put down the tiles first, and then cast the "water making technique", creating a light rain over the Bagum mansion.

The cloudy night sky, combined with the stormy atmosphere, provided the perfect cover for the artificial rainfall.

The patrolling guards did not notice anything unusual.Instinctively ran to the nearby buildings and stood under the eaves to avoid the rain.

Jiang Feng took advantage of the chaos to climb over the wall and sneaked into the Bagum's house, leaning against the flower bed, hunched over, covering his figure with flowers, avoiding the guards, and came to the window sill of the big house.

To pry open the window bolt requires a DC 10 "Sleight of Hand" check.

Jiang Feng's dexterity skill +6, coupled with the assistance of thieves' tools, has an advantage in the lockpicking check, and he can easily enter through the window.

At the dinner at Lucas's house, the heroine has obtained reliable information and is convinced that Bagham has hidden most of the treasures in the basement.

After Jiang Feng entered the hall, he quickly found the stairs leading to the basement.

The stairs went all the way to the end, and what stood in front of him was an iron door with a "secret lock".

It took a minute, and with a little luck, she managed to pry open the magic-reinforced iron door and enter the basement.

After confirming that there were no guards in the basement, Jiang Feng made a series of spell-casting gestures, creating dancing balls of light.

With the "dancing light technique" lighting, the collections in the basement can be seen in a panoramic view.

This is just one of the rooms where Bagham collected ill-gotten wealth, and the furnishings were so extravagant that Jiang Feng was amazed.

Twelve exquisite oil paintings in frames are placed against the wall.

Each painting is a rare treasure with inestimable value.

The wine cabinet displays precious vintage wines, and piles of painted china, gold and silverware and antiques are randomly placed in the cabinet like ordinary tableware.

The most eye-catching is the jewelry box decorated with ten pieces of mother-of-pearl, neatly arranged on the bookshelf, showing extraordinary value.

Jiang Feng walked to the bookshelf and checked it out. The ten jewelry boxes were all locked. To open each box, you need to cooperate with thieves' tools and successfully complete a DC15 "skillful hand" check.

For her current level, the difficulty of this test is not low.

What's more troublesome is that every jewel box is blessed with a "magic alarm".

Any failed lockpicking, or attempt to remove the box from the bookshelf, would set off an alarm, calling all the guards outside.

The lock of the jewelry box was so delicate that Jiang Feng couldn't use the thief's tools to gain an advantage, so he could only make a normal check.

She gets +6 on Sleight of Hand checks, and has a 15% chance of succeeding on DC 60 checks.

If the box fails to be opened, the probability of triggering the alarm is 40%.

"A simple calculation shows that the probability of you opening all ten jewel boxes is only 0.6%. Unless you are lucky enough to land heads on ten coins in a row, it is best not to open these treasure boxes." .”

Gao Fei reminded his girlfriend.

This is indeed an advice based on rational analysis, but it cannot persuade a woman to turn away resolutely in front of the jewelry box.

"Antiques and oil paintings are both cumbersome and difficult to get rid of. You still have to try to get these jewelry boxes. They must be full of valuable things!"

Jiang Feng said unwillingly.

"If only I had learned the 'knocking technique', or got the 'Trap Expert' specialty. Before unlocking the lock, I could disarm the 'magic alarm' first, so I don't have to worry about it."

It's a pity that her "Templar" does not have the ability of "trap expert", and she is still unable to learn the 2-ring magic "knocking technique", which is specially used to pick locks and dismantle traps.

Changed to Gao Fei's "Law Thief", because he has mastered the ability of "Trap Expert", in the same situation, he can dismantle the trap based on "Magic Alarm" before opening the box.

Gao Fei suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, you can cast the spell 'Magic Alarm' yourself, right?"

"That's right, the prologue gets the bonus specialty 'Sentinel', and comes with 'Magic Alarm'... Oh! I thought of it!"

Jiang Feng's eyes lit up and his eyebrows danced with excitement.

"One item can only bless a set of magic alarms! If you continue to stack magic alarms, you must either choose to extend the duration of the alarms, or replace the old ones with new ones!"

"Watson, you have finally discovered your blind spot."

Gao Fei laughed and teased his girlfriend.

"A post on the Tianren Forum mentioned that there is a near-bug strategy technique, which is to cast spells maliciously in a seemingly benign manner, thereby reducing the difficulty of the game."

"For example, if the blood volume of a certain boss drops below 1/2, it will cast 'Righteousness Like a Rainbow' to enter a stronger second stage."

"If the player replenishes the boss' blood from time to time, his blood volume can always be kept above 1/2. This seems to be an act of goodwill."

"In fact, in this way, the first stage of the battle is lengthened, so that the boss consumes all of his magic power in the relatively weak first stage. Without magic power, he cannot cast 'Righteous Qi like a Rainbow', and cannot enter until he is killed. The second stage..."

Maybe it's because the game designer couldn't imagine that there are such boring players in the world. As a result, "Magic Alarm" also has a similar loophole.

(End of this chapter)

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