Savior Simulator

Chapter 619 Iridescent Robe

Chapter 619 Iridescent Robe
Gao Fei has identified three pieces of equipment.

The battleaxe has a +1 enchantment effect, given to the Tin Woodman, replacing the refined battleaxe in his hand.

The collar is enchanted with "magic teeth", and the wearer's natural weapon +1 enchantment level, which is suitable for the lion Dimitri.

The last magic wand comes with 10 rounds of charging, and spends one round of energy to release 5 "magic missiles".

The energy consumed by the wand will be replenished automatically after a long rest.

In the adventure team, Scarecrow Vita is the weakest, so I gave him this "Missile Wand" to make up for the lack of attack methods.

The last colorful robe is the most valuable and belongs to the "extraordinary" level magic tool.


·Iridescent Robe (Extraordinary)
Overview: The wearer can cause this robe to emit an unpredictable and colorful light, like a dazzling rainbow.

Synchro Requirements: Casting Level
Initial Performance (1st level): The robe emits a multicolored light, illuminating a 30-foot space around it.This function is free.

Level 1 Synchro (Level 3): 3 charges, 2nd level "Mirror Image".

Level 2 Synchro (level 6): 6 charges, 3-ring "hypnotic pattern".


The initial lighting function of the "Iridescent Robe" is actually equivalent to the cool version of Shamate's 0-ring "Light Art".

The "mirror imagery" and "hypnotic pattern" that were co-tuned later belonged to the illusion school.


Level 2 "Mirror Image": Create several mirror images that look like real ones, surround the caster, each mirror image can withstand an attack instead of the caster, and then disappear.

3rd ring "hypnotic pattern": range 100 feet + 10 feet/level, creates a ball of colored light hovering in the air, and creatures within 10 feet who see the light ball will fall into "fascination" unless they pass the will save state, staring at the ball of light.The caster must remain focused or the sphere of light will disappear.In addition, the caster can control the movement of the ball of light, and the creatures that are stunned by the light will also move accordingly.


Needless to say, the "mirror image technique" is essential for mages to save their lives. Every time a mirror image is created, it can block an attack for themselves.

The function of the "hypnotic pattern" is similar to the bard's "Ecstasy", and the usage is exactly the same.

Ma Yun likes this set of "Rainbow Magic Robe" very much. When she was about to put it on, she received a system prompt:
After completing the story milestones of this chapter, the astrolabe energy and career level +1!

After the upgrade, she happened to meet the second-order attunement requirements of the "Iridescent Robe", so she took a short rest on the spot, attuned to the robe, and checked the gains of the upgrade by the way.

The artificer is upgraded to level 6, HP+4; the intelligence attribute is increased to 20 points, and a professional ability "Item Infusion" is also obtained.


Item infusion: Artificers can infuse ordinary items with magic to turn them into one-time magic devices; or charge magic devices with their own magic power to restore their use times.


The former usage of "item infusion" is also called "storage method", which belongs to the most basic process of manufacturing magic tools.

Ma Yun can use this technique to inject the spells she is good at, such as "Magic Missile", into a sufficiently strong object, such as a dagger, and set the activation spell.

Holding the "Dharma Storage Dagger" and chanting the activation spell, the "Magic Missile" can be released.

A spell storage item can only store one spell.

The mage can use it by himself, or give the magic storage item to his companion, as long as the opponent masters the spell, it can also be activated.

The second usage of "Item Infusion" requires a magic device as the target.

For example, Scarecrow's "Missile Wand" used up 3 rounds and left 7 rounds.

Ma Yun normally casts "Magic Missile" and needs to spend 3 magic points.Then she can spend 9 mana to restore 3 charges to the wand.

There is a premise for the artificer to charge the magic tool, and he must be good at the corresponding spell - just learn it, and don't need to prepare it on the same day.

For example, Ma Yun cannot charge the "Iridescent Robe".

Because she hasn't learned the "mirror image" and "hypnotic patterns" that come with the robe.

Scarecrow Vita is upgraded to level 2 "Trickster".

HP+10, add 1 intelligence attribute.

Gain the class feature Dexterous Action, and the Sneak Attack feat for 1d6.

Nick the Tin Woodman was promoted to level 2 "Judger".

HP+10, perception attribute +1.

Automatically acquire the 3-level magical spell "Discern Lies", and there is also an optional trick, Nick chose "Blade Protection".

Dimitri the Lion's "Warrior" class has been upgraded to level 5.

HP+12, strength attribute increased to 24 points.

A newly acquired professional ability is the magic skill of pulling monsters "taunt".

There are no bonus classes in this chapter.

Reward specialties, "weapon proficiency", "close range shooting" and "accurate shooting", choose one of three.


Point-and-shoot: Shooting/throwing is immune to attacks of opportunity; within 1/2 range, shooting/throwing has advantage.

Precise Shots: Shooting/throwing has an advantage.


These three feats can all improve the shooting accuracy, but there are differences.

"Weapon proficiency" only applies to Dexterity-type shooting weapons, such as crossbows and firearms, and does not apply to Strength-type throwing weapons, such as throwing axes.

Additionally, Weapon Finesse does not apply to ranged touch spells such as Searing Ray.

Since "weapon proficiency" does not support ray magic, it must be ruled out by Miss Mage first.

"Close Shot" and "Accurate Shot", both for Shots, Throws, and Rays.

The difference is that the former only provides an attack roll advantage within half the range, while the latter gives the full range advantage.

Another advantage of "proximity shooting" is that you can shoot close to the enemy's face without suffering an attack of opportunity.

"Richest man, if you use bows or firearms, choose 'Short Range Shooting'. If you mainly rely on ray magic to output damage, it's more cost-effective to choose 'Precise Shooting'."

Goofy gives advice.

"You have already learned 'combat casting'. Casting spells close to your face is inherently immune to attacks of opportunity. It is somewhat wasteful to choose another 'short-range shooting'. It is better to choose 'precision shooting'."

Jiang Feng's suggestion was more specific.

In fact, Ma Yun also uses pistols in reality, especially when the special police are on duty, and can obtain the benefit of avoiding attacks of opportunity provided by "close-range shooting".

However, when you need to shoot close to the face, the "Scorching Ray" can deal higher damage, so why bother to look far away?

Thinking of this, Ma Yun chose "precision shooting".

After this adventure was over, except for the two foreign aids Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, the other companions got new equipment, which also brought a question.

"Strange, why didn't Patra use these powerful magic equipment during the battle just now?"

Nick the Tin Woodman held the enchanted battle ax and muttered to himself.

"In fact, she wanted to do it, but we didn't give her the opportunity."

The scarecrow points to the ceramic throne in the center of the hall,

"If Patra fled back to the throne at that time, he would open the secret door and take out the magic equipment to deal with the invaders."

(End of this chapter)

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