Savior Simulator

Chapter 603 Heaven and Earth Change

Chapter 603 Heaven and Earth Change
"Shut up!" Fuller yelled at his nephew, and carefully examined the tall and handsome young man opposite him through his monocle, "Excuse me... Your Excellency is Umberto Esposito?"

Umberto folded his arms across his chest and nodded lightly.

Fuller gasped, took out his handkerchief, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead tremblingly.

"Uncle! Do you recognize this kid?"

Wallace finally felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Fuller turned around, stared at his nephew who didn't know who he had offended, suddenly raised his hand, and slapped him severely.

"Shut your mouth! You idiot! Unless you're tired of it!"

A little mage dueling with the "archangel" on Patus Street?
Are you kidding me?
There is no such way to die!
Another referee, seeing the conflict on the sidelines, quickly blew his whistle to announce the suspension of the duel.

Gao Fei and Hashim, whose mana and true energy had been exhausted, got a chance to breathe because of this unexpected pause, and landed from the sky to recover their strength.

"What happened?"

"Mr. Wallace accuses Mr. Esposito of cheating by using a spell to change the weather over the arena."

"Ha! If I remember correctly, not long ago, Mr. Esposito also accused the other party of cheating in this way."

The three referees got together to discuss how to solve this thorny dilemma.

"Three respected gentlemen, please allow me to interrupt."

Lisa Colter walks up.

"Just as you judged that the sudden rain was not an off-site factor, according to the same logic, you should also judge that the clear weather at this moment will not affect the fairness of this duel."

"Miss Colter, I do think so."

"Me too."

The two referees spoke out.

The third referee hesitated and couldn't help looking at Fuller.

Lisa caught the strange change of expression on his face and smiled slightly.

"To tell you the truth, I am a 'judger' who just graduated from the seminary, and I prefer the old-fashioned title of 'inquisitor'."

"You must also know that our adjudicators are the best at seeing through lies and distinguishing the truth from the false. The liars, magic sticks and cultists who were sent to the stake by us in history, frankly speaking, most of them deserved what they did."

"If the three gentlemen don't mind, I would like to use my little talent and the divine power bestowed by my lord Pelor to identify who is lying on both sides of the dispute. What do you think?"

While the three referees were still hesitating, Umberto coughed twice and opened his mouth with a half-smile.

"I fully agree with Miss Colter's suggestion, and I also believe that this venerable judge can distinguish right from wrong and clarify the truth."

"However, I have a small request."

"The three respectable referees should also accept the same polygraph ceremony to prove that you are enforcing the law impartially, rather than secretly accepting bribes from someone and deliberately favoring one of them."

"The integrity of the three gentlemen is well-known. I don't think you will refuse this little test?"

"Honestly speaking, I'm very upset to be doubted by you!" One of the referees took the lead, "But to prove that I'm innocent, I'm willing to accept Miss Colter's polygraph test!"

"I have no objection." Another referee nodded.

"I'm fine..." the third referee said bravely.

Wallace's face turned blue and white, and his lips trembled.

Fuller glanced at his nephew with hatred, turned to the referee and said, "Just now Wallace was nervous and accused Mr. Esposito for no reason. I apologize on his behalf. The lie detector or something can be avoided. We should do it as soon as possible." It is better to finish this duel."

"This is the best, so as not to waste everyone's time."

Lisa accepts as soon as she sees it.

Her professional ability "Guided Confession" can indeed force a person to tell the truth, but the premise is that the other party cannot pass the will save.

Since there is an exemption, there are variables.

If the liar is extremely determined and insists that what he said is the truth, "leading the confession" may not be effective.

The three referees summed it up. In order to avoid the endless confrontation between the dueling parties, a rule was temporarily added, requiring that both dueling parties should not stay in the air for more than 30 seconds, otherwise they will automatically be judged as losers.

David Fuller looked slightly better.

Although the favorable weather was lost, fortunately the newly established rules were more favorable to Hashem.

The fight between the two sides stayed on the ground, and Hashem had no reason to lose to his opponent.

"The Beard" Hashim thought so too.

When the referee announces that the interrupted duel will resume.

He immediately activated "Flying Step" and "Sprint", combined with his specialty "Proficient Jump", leaping up like a cannonball, blasting the opponent who was landing on the ground with his palm in the air.

The surging palm strength surged in the air, but it missed nothing.

Before Hashem made his move, Gao Fei had already changed from the air elemental form to the earth elemental form, accelerated his descent, and disappeared out of thin air the moment his feet touched the ground.

The people on the sidelines were in an uproar.

He widened his eyes, but couldn't find Gao Fei.

Hashim slammed his palm into the air, fell back to the ground, looked around, but saw no trace of his opponent, his thick eyebrows were tightly locked.

After a little thought, he gave up searching, simply closed his eyes, and used his body and ears to sense slight movements in the duel arena.

The monk's unique skill "Tian Er Tong" endows him with a sense of hearing and touch that surpasses that of ordinary people. Every hair on his body can feel the wind and grass within 60 feet around him.

The water underfoot rippled.

The slight tremors from the ground were transmitted to the rainwater, amplified into circular ripples, and spread to Hashim's feet.

These abnormal movements aroused his vigilance, and he jumped up without thinking.

"Delicate movements" combined with "proficient jumping" and "flying eaves step" made his jumping power in an instant burst so strong that it was terribly powerful, and the height of the jump exceeded 40 meters!
At the same time, the source of the ground tremor, the soil parted in all directions, and a giant made of rocks and sand broke through the ground, revealing a pair of thick arms and half of a majestic body.

Goofy avatar's large earth elemental, fingertips almost touching the soles of Hashem's feet.

It's a pity that it was just a little bit short, and was slipped away by the unusually alert monk.

The surprise attack launched from the ground failed, Gao Fei did not hesitate to escape to the ground immediately!

At the same time he sank into the ground, Hashim also shot a water arrow from the air.

call out!
The water arrow drew a deep gully on the surface, and mud splashed.

Also with a slight difference, it failed to hit Gao Fei who had already dived into the depths of the earth.

Hashim could not fly, nor could he violate the rules of dueling by staying in mid-air continuously until he had to fall back to the ground.

The opponent turns into an earth element, and can move freely under the ground.

And as long as he puts his feet on the ground, he may be attacked by the other party's ghosts and ghosts at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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