Savior Simulator

Chapter 600 "The Bearded" Hashem

Chapter 600 "The Bearded" Hashem
Successful experience should continue to be carried forward.

Of course, Hashim is much better than Levante.

The two ultimate moves of the Ripple Monk, "Turn Water into Arrows" and "Ripple Palm", both deal up to 10d6 damage, far exceeding that of guns.

What's more, the attack range of the "Ripple Palm" is very large, even if Gao Fei is wearing heavy armor and holding a tower shield, he can't stop the bombardment of the Ripple Palm.

Therefore, when continuing to use the old tactics, it is also necessary to make corresponding adjustments according to the characteristics of the new opponent.

Gao Fei's adjustment is to give up the bulky iron armor and tower shield, put on the "mage mask", and bless himself with "mage armor" and "shield technique".

These two protection spells increase defense by 8 points in total.

The armor and shield formed by magic power are weightless, so that his agility can be fully displayed.

Then, Gao Fei took out a scroll that had been transcribed in advance, and used the scroll to perform the "enlargement technique", doubling his size.

After adding the buff, the "Mage Mask" will be retired and replaced with the "Priest Mask".

For the second magic mask, Gao Fei chose Druid.

When the referee announced that the dueling agents of both sides were on the field, Gao Fei immediately transformed into the form of the wind element.

The reason why he gave up the physical armor and shield is another factor, that is, the non-magical armor cannot change the size according to his own body shape, nor can it be integrated into the body of the new form.

If he is going to use the druid's "wild shape" frequently in battle, then armor without enchantment effects becomes a burden.

In contrast, the "Mage Armor" and "Shield Technique", which are completely composed of magic power, can perfectly integrate into any form and provide a stable defense bonus.

Goofy becomes a wind element, and the current status panel is as follows:

·Large Wind Elemental (Giant)

Life: 32 (5d6+10)

Speed: Fly 100 feet/200 feet (sprint)

Defense: 26 (Natural +3, Dexterity +5, Shield +4, Mage Armor +4)

属性:力量14(变巨+2), 敏捷20(变巨-1),体质14,智力12,感知19,魅力14
Special Abilities: Elemental traits, immunity to electricity, whirlwind form, air combat advantage; feral empathy, spontaneous healing, channel 2d6; Dexterity, Improved Jump, uncanny dodge, Weapon Focus (slashing)

Special Attacks: Divine Weapon (gun), Feral Transformation (medium flora/elemental), Mana Pool (95 points)

Seeing Gao Fei transforming into a wind element and flying onto the duel field, the audience on the sidelines made a clamor, most of them showed curiosity and excitement on their faces, looking forward to seeing a unique contest.

David Fuller took off his monocle, showing displeasure, and gave the young man in the robe beside him a cold look.

The other party showed embarrassment, and hurriedly leaned into his ear, seeming to plead in a low voice.

This 6th-level mage named Wallace is Fuller's provincial and secretary, responsible for collecting information on Musk Justice.

Wallace carefully analyzed the duel between Musk and Levante, and provided the analysis report to Hashim for reference.

However, in this report, it is not mentioned that Musk can transform into the form of wind elements.

This omission caused Fuller to be dissatisfied with him.

"Dear uncle, don't worry! This small omission will not affect the balance of strength between the two sides in the duel. Hashim will win!" Wallace said while wiping his sweat.

"What if things don't go as you think?" Fuller's face was gloomy, "Wallace, this is a duel related to the ownership of 200 million pounds of property. If you mess up, you don't want to know the consequences." How serious!"

"Ha... my dear uncle, even if there is an accident, I have already prepared preventive measures." Wallace pulled out a spell scroll from his sleeve and shook it at Fuller. Carrying a 'Manipulate the Weather' scroll."

"Hehe~ Wallace, you are such a clever little ghost!" Fuller's face became cloudy and cleared, "It's very good, a bit of the demeanor of my youth."

"Dear uncle, you are my most respected idol. I have been imitating your way of life. It is normal to have some similarities." Wallace flattered.

The fat old man Fuller, perhaps because he did too many immoral things, raised several mistresses, but he didn't even have a son, only an arrogant only daughter.

Wallace, a clever little ghost, is actively pursuing his cousin.

Rather than saying that he is working for his uncle, he actually thinks that this is paving the way for his own future.

If this duel is lost, the inheritance of 200 million yuan will be handed over to others, not to mention that uncle is annoyed, he will not be able to accept it himself.

The 200 million gold pounds, Wallace still expects to be included in his own name in the future as his cousin's dowry!

The referee announced that the duel had officially begun.

Gao Fei immediately soared into the air.

Hashem on the opposite side has already guessed his intentions.

Simultaneously activate "Flying Steps" and "Sprint", galloping over at the fastest speed.

Before Gao Fei could rise to the sky, the bearded monk drew 4 points of true energy, raised his hand and pointed at the wind element in midair.

The water vapor floating in the air, as if attracted by a mysterious force, quickly gathered in Hashim's palm and condensed into a water polo full of true energy.

call out!
The water polo escaped from the palm of the monk, turned into a shining rainbow, and shot at the wind element that Gao Fei was incarnated.

In the next second, Gao Fei was hit by a water arrow, and a strong sting accompanied by a chill hit his whole body.

This move did not surprise him.

Activate "Intuitive Dodge" immediately, reducing damage by half.


A water arrow knocked out nearly half of Gao Fei's health, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, convinced that he was out of the danger zone.

The height at which the wind elemental is at this moment is approximately 180 feet (60 meters) vertically from the ground.

Gao Fei stayed at this height, hovering in the air.

The 7th-level Ripple Monk casts "Turn Water into Arrows", the maximum range is only 170 feet, just out of reach of Goofy.

Hashim looked up at the opponent's floating position, knowing that it was useless to continue to shoot water arrows, he simply gave up the pursuit and waited for the next battle to see what tricks the opponent would play next.

Gao Fei hovered in the air, first drew 5 points of magic power, and used the "priest mask" to perform "spontaneous healing" to restore his life to full.

Then, he switched the weapon from the storage glove.

A pair of refined revolvers.

One of the guns was purchased during the last duel with Levante.

The other pistol was captured by the female assassin Gao Fei was assassinated on Patus Street a week ago.

The lower body of the wind element looks like a whirlwind, and the upper body is a human body shaped by air. It has both arms and ten fingers, and can use human weapons.

This of course also includes firearms.

Affected by the "enlargement technique", the double guns in Gao Fei's hands also became larger by one level, and the damage dice of the bullets increased to 3d6!

(End of this chapter)

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