Chapter 597
Gao Fei ordered the Celestial Bull to guard the two unconscious clients, then turned around and gestured to Pearl.

Pearl shook his eyes, threw the female killer to the ground, relaxed the force of the chokehold, and allowed her to breathe again.

The female killer panted heavily, watching Gao Fei approaching, her eyes were full of horror.

"Who sent you here?" Gao Fei asked calmly.

In fact, he didn't know whether the assassination was premeditated against him.

It is pre-set that someone is instigating the other party behind the scenes, pretending to have seen through the conspiracy, it is just a trick to extract a confession.

The system prompts, make a DC12 "Intimidation" or "Persuasion" check, and if you pass the check, you can successfully extract a confession.

"Warlock Mask" has its own "Persuasion" skill, and "Paladin Mask" has its own "Intimidation" skill.

Gao Fei also carried out effective torture before extracting a confession, so he had an advantage in the check and passed it easily.

"It's the Camorra..." the female killer replied tremblingly, "The three of us are members of the Camorra Gang. The boss ordered the three of us to follow your carriage and try to get rid of you..."

Camorra Gang?

This answer is a bit unexpected.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe, quickly searched the background settings of the game, and learned that the so-called Camorra Gang, also known as the "Camora Family", is a gangster in Patus Street second only to "Street Angels" .

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the relationship between the two major gangs in the same block is of course very tense.

In order to compete for territory, the two gangs often clashed.

"I have nothing to do with the Camorra gang, why did your boss kill me?" Gao Fei continued to ask.

The female killer shook her head weakly.

"I don't know... I really don't know. The boss ordered us to do things, so how dare we ask for more..."

Gao Fei observed her expression and didn't think she was lying.

This kind of killer at the bottom of the gang is indeed unlikely to understand the boss's mind.

Gao Fei is still not sure whether his assassination today was caused by the inheritance dispute of the Jones family, or was he passively involved in the dispute between the two gangs of "Street Angel" and "Camora Family"?

After all, as a member of the "Street Angels" and an important person who often appears around Umberto, he is indeed eligible to be on the blacklist of hostile forces.

Just as Gao Fei was thinking secretly, footsteps came from the alley.

"Brother Musk, why is it you?" Mario Ricardo ran over with a group of gang brothers.

"I heard gunshots here just now, Brother Musk, are you okay?" Mario asked with concern.

"Mr. Mario, I'm fine. There are three assassins from the Camorra gang here. I'll leave it to you. You better help me figure out why the Camorra gang sent someone to assassinate me."

Gao Fei said in a low voice.

Mario's face darkened, and he nodded his head heavily.

"Brother, don't worry! I have plenty of ways to get them to talk!"

"I'll trouble you here, Mr. Mario, I'll go to the tavern first, see you later."

After bidding farewell to Mario Ricardo, Goofy picked up the pistol that the female killer had dropped on the ground, put it in his pocket, left this dark alley full of blood, and walked towards the "Paradise Tavern" at the end of the street.

Pushing open the door of the tavern, the familiar noisy atmosphere rushed over.

Goofy greeted the gang brothers all the way, walked through the crowd, sat down at the bar, and ordered a glass of lemon soda.

"Brother Umberto, Sister Claire, good evening."

"Musk, you smell like blood..." The animal trainer girl held a glass of bright red "Bloody Mary" in her hand, sniffed, and looked at Gao Fei with concern, "Just now we heard gunshots from the end of the street, Are you OK?"

Gao Fei shook his head with a smile, and then briefly described the assassination incident he had just encountered.

"The Camorra Gang?" Umberto frowned deeply, "It's strange, that group of lunatics who smuggle opium, could it be that they smoked too much, why did they bother you?"

"From Patus Street to Alci Street, there are opium dens in all the neighborhoods where foreign immigrants gather. Most of the opium dens are either directly operated by the Camorra gang, or they provide supplies, relying on this kind of indiscriminate business. A windfall," Claire added.

In modern countries, as long as the process of urbanization and industrialization begins, as the urban middle and lower class unemployment population surges, slums and gang crimes become a common social status quo, then the industry around "addictions" will naturally increase sharply. swell.

Fizen Kingdom is no exception.

Parliament has also enacted anti-drug, anti-smoking and even anti-alcohol laws, but it was difficult to implement them.

Banning tobacco and alcohol will only skyrocket the price of tobacco and alcohol on the black market, fatten smugglers, and lose the state's fiscal revenue.

Later, the control of tobacco and alcohol was relaxed, allowing free trade.

The dangers of drugs are too great. Considering the health of the people and the impact on society, the authorities dare not completely deregulate the control, and they can't stop it. Finally, a compromise plan was introduced, which is the so-called "Addictive Substances Monopoly Regulations."

According to the regulations, only a few colonial companies authorized by the king and the parliament have the right to import opium from the eastern colonies rich in poppies.

Only legally operated hospitals, clinics and pharmacies can sell addictive drugs such as laudanum in the name of prescription drugs under the premise of a professional physician's signature.

These regulations are actually just a formality.

In reality, opium smuggling is still repeatedly prohibited, and it is not difficult to buy laudanum by forging prescriptions or bribing doctors.

What's more, in all the slums where immigrants gather together and fish and dragons are mixed, there are opium dens disguised as public bathrooms, and the police can't control them at all.

Due to the moral cleanliness of Umberto, the leading brother, "Street Angels" did not directly intervene in the opium business.

However, Umberto is not yet lofty or naive enough to try to carry the banner of anti-drugs. He acquiesced in opium dens operating on his own territory, and just obediently pay the protection fee.

Most of the opium dens are backed by members of the Camorra family. How can they be willing to pay protection fees for "street angels"?
In this way, contradictions arise.

Because of this fundamental conflict of interests, over the years, the two major gangs have often clashed openly and secretly.

"I'm not interested in getting involved in the opium business, and I didn't go to the opium den to collect protection money. God knows why the Camorra gang can't get along with me!" Gao Fei shrugged aggrievedly and spread his hands.

"Could it be because of something else?" Claire reminded Gao Fei, "Have you offended anyone recently, or have you intervened in something that offended someone?"

"It's possible. Four days ago, I accepted a business order for a wealthy widow to maintain her husband's inheritance."

Gao Fei took advantage of the situation to get to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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