Savior Simulator

Chapter 594 The Eye of the Beadball (for Subscription)

Chapter 594 The Eye of the Beadball (for Subscription)

The imitator's "mage mask" and "warlock mask" can both summon magic pets.

If Gao Fei wears these two masks at the same time, he can control two different magic pets at the same time.

He chose "Warlock Mask" first, mainly because "Warlock Mask" is easier to match with other magic masks, such as "Warlock", "Paladin" and "Bard" that also have charm as their main attribute.

In contrast, the adaptability of "mage mask" to other professions is not so good.


Gao Fei used the small eye stalk on the desk as a material, and chanted the incantation representing "summoning".

Under the catalysis of magic power, the dead branch-like eye stems rustled, disintegrated into a wisp of smoke and dust, and condensed into a ball in the air.

The spherical cloud formed by smoke and dust is about one foot in diameter.

In four directions, front, back, left, and right, each extended a three-foot-long smoke column, bent and twisted, and finally condensed into the shape of an eye stalk, with four small eyeballs the size of pigeon eggs held up at the end.

At the same time, the main body of the cloud also solidified, turning into a ball of flesh, wrapped in a black bone shell covered with wrinkles and countless pores, it looked quite hard.

The sphere was suspended in mid-air, facing Goofy's side, with a horizontal crack in the center, and a tightly closed mouth below the crack.

Under Gao Fei's curious gaze.

The crack opened slowly, revealing a huge eyeball.

This big eyeball in the center of the sphere occupies most of the space of the sphere and looks very weird.

The monster blinked its main eye and observed Gao Fei curiously.

At the same time, the four stalks protruding from the spherical body turned to Gao Fei's side, and the four smaller stalks were also staring at him up and down.

Gao Fei looked at her, feeling as if he was surrounded by a group of people, very uncomfortable.

In order to get rid of the embarrassment, he waved and smiled at the subspecies beholder he summoned, and took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello there!"

The subspecies of beholders also imitated him, waved their eye stalks, and grinned: "Hello!"

Her voice was sharp and stiff, like a child imitating an adult's speech.

"Your name is Pearl?" Goofy asked.

"Your name is Pearl?"

The subspecies of beholders used their accents and imitated his words word by word.

"My name is Goofy!"

"My name is Goofy!"

"I am your master!"

"I am your master!"

The beholder subspecies take great pleasure in the parrot game.

Gao Fei was angry and funny, and shouted at her: "I am your uncle!"

"I'm your uncle!" the subspecies beholder was overjoyed.

Gao Fei gave her an annoyed look, and suddenly had an idea, and said to her, "I'm your grandson!"

"You are my grandson!" The subspecies beholder replied nonchalantly.

...So you are not stupid!

Gao Fei was so annoyed by this little nerve, he simply gave up on verbal communication and directly checked her data with the astrolabe.


Pearl (Eye of the Bead)

Absolutely neutral, Tiny aberration (beholder subspecies)

Life: 22 (5d4+10)

Speed; fly 30 ft. (levitation)/60 ft. (sprint)

Defense: 21 (+2 Size, +4 Dexterity, +2 Natural, +3 Improved Dodge)
Melee: Bite +7 (1d3+4)


Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 18, Constitution 14, Intelligence 7, Wisdom 15, Charisma 18
Saving Throw: Fort +5, Dexterity +7, Will +5
Skills: Stealth +7, Perception +5, Intimidation +7
Senses darkvision, global vision, passive perception 15
Special Abilities: Immune to Enchantment, Mind Link, Ability Focus (ray), Improved Dodge, Dexterous Movements
Special Attacks: 60-ft. eye wave ray, raycasting

Similar to dragons, "beholders" is a general term for a large category of strange monsters.

Just as the dragon clan is divided into true dragons and sub-dragons, in the beholder group, in addition to the "true beholders" with ten eye stems and pure blood, there are more subspecies of beholders.

"Eye of the Bead" is the smallest subtype of all subspecies of beholders, also known as "gazers".

Both true beholders and sub-species beholders are parthenogenetic monsters, and they all have similar physiological structures - the main body is a large eyeball floating in the air, that is, the main eye, and there are different numbers of stalk eyes .

The most powerful thing about the true beholder is the main eye, which can release a cone-shaped anti-magic field to suppress all magical and supernatural forces.

The "Eye of the Bead Ball" does not have such perverted power, its main eye is just a simple visual organ.

Although "Ball Eye" is probably the weakest of all subspecies of beholders, her four eye stalks also have different attributes of magic power, which can emit "dizzy", "fear", and "freeze" And "mind force" rays.

All four magic rays have a range of 60 feet.

After the first two rays hit the target, they will cause "dizziness" and "fear" respectively until the target passes the will save.

The third type of ray, which causes 3d6 freezing damage after hitting, is the most important means of killing the "Eye of the Bead".

The last type of "mind ray" has a mechanism similar to the 5-level magic "telecontrol", but it can only control a single target within 60 feet, and the maximum load is equal to 100 pounds x spellcasting attribute.

The spellcasting attribute of "Ball Eye" is Charisma, so "Psychic Ray" can remotely control up to 1800 pounds of heavy objects, which is almost equivalent to 800 kilograms.

"Eye of the Bead Ball" often uses this trick to catch prey alive, or remotely control heavy objects nearby, and use them as cannonballs to throw them out to hit people.

In addition, "Eye of the Beadball" also has three talents and specialties.

Gao Fei is already very familiar with "Dodge Proficiency" and "Smart Movement", but this is the first time he has seen "Ability Focus".

This feat, found mostly on monsters, enhances specific types of supernatural abilities.

For example, the "Ability Specialization (Ray)" of "Eye of the Ball" can give it an advantage in attack rolls for the four types of eye rays it is good at, and the difficulty of saving throws will be counted into the double proficiency correction.

Compared with ordinary magic pets, "Eye of the Bead Ball" is too strong, so even if a spellcaster gets the materials used to summon her, he may not be able to accept it as a magic pet.

A warlock or mage must be upgraded to at least level 5 before he can be recognized by the "Eye of the Ball" and sign a contract with him.

Many arcane spellcasters long to have an "eye of the ball" as a magic pet.

Not only can it be taken out to fill a cup, Bel has face, but also has more practical benefits.

Similar to other magic pets, the caster can establish a "spiritual link" with the "eye of the ball".

As long as the distance between the two parties does not exceed 1 mile/casting level, they can communicate telepathically, sharing senses and spell effects.

The "Eye of the Pearl Ball" is different from other magic pets. It has one big, four small and five eyes, which can see things in the dark, and observe the surrounding movement in all directions without blind spots.

If the owner shares vision with her, it is equivalent to gaining the benefits of "dark vision" and "global vision".

(End of this chapter)

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