Chapter 581
The wild boars that stepped on the traps had stopped howling at some point, and were replaced by low growls similar to the barking of dogs. It sounded like there were quite a few of them.

Is there anyone else hunting in this area?
Gao Fei approached on tiptoe, lifted the corn leaves, and peeped in the direction of the dog barking.


What Goofy saw was not a hound, but four small humanoids.

These little guys are only three feet tall, with light green scales on their bodies, and a tail behind their buttocks.

Their faces showed reptilian features, and at first glance they looked like small lizardmen, but there were two characteristics that were very different from lizardmen.

First of all, they have a pair of small horns on their heads, which are closer to dragons than lizards.

Also, the roars these little guys make when they argue sound a lot like dogs barking.

"Damn it! It's a kobold!" Martin cursed in a low voice, "These wretched bandits want to steal our prey!"

Four kobolds were stabbing the two wild boars with crude short spears, trying to kill them and drag them away.

The wild boar's leg was broken by the trap, and it could neither escape nor resist. It was stabbed until it bled profusely and was dying.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and quietly checked the kobold's data.

The challenge level of this group of little villains is only 1/8, and none of their HP is higher than 10 points.

Except for 15 points of agility, which is more eye-catching, the other attributes of kobolds are not as good as ordinary adult humans.

This kind of little villain who competes with goblins for the weakest monster can only display the racial talent of "swarm tactics" when the number is overwhelming. One by one escaped quickly.

Although the kobolds are pitifully weak, don't underestimate them.

These guys are all dragon blood creatures with roots.

For example, the four in the corn field, judging from the color of their scales, most of their ancestors had the blood of the green dragon.

In rare cases, kobolds may awaken the power of the dragon contained in their blood, grow wings, and even comprehend the ability to cast spells on their own, and be promoted to "kobold warlock".

Of course, these little trash in front of him are just the most ordinary kobolds.

Dragon blood, apart from providing them with some capital to brag about "I was richer than you in my ancestors", has no practical significance.

Goofy gave Martin a wink, bowed around to the other side of the cornfield, locked on a kobold, and threw the "Whip of Thorns" 30 feet away.

A green vine appeared in the night sky, wrapped around a kobold's neck, and dragged it back suddenly!

The kobold's thin body was pulled back by the vines, and he stepped on the untriggered animal trap. His leg was broken on the spot, and he fell to the ground screaming.

The other three kobolds were all stunned.

Martin took the opportunity to shoot, blasting the dog head of another kobold, instantly killing it.

The remaining two kobolds were scared out of their wits, turned around and ran towards the woods.

The hound rushed out like black lightning, bit a kobold's calf, and knocked it to the ground.

Martin reloaded and fired again.

It's a pity that the last kobold had already got into the bushes, and the bullets grazed his scalp, failing to keep it.

Gao Fei stepped forward quickly, and stabbed the kobold who was suppressed by the hound to death with a sword.

The last guy who stepped on the trap had already been taken care of by Martin.

After finishing the three kobolds, Gao Fei received a system prompt.

"You have reached the milestone of the plot in this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

Goofy's "Spell Thief" has been upgraded to level 2.

HP+7, add a little attribute, add charm.

Two class abilities, Dexterity and Cleave, are standard equipment for the rogue class.

Martin was promoted to level 2 ranger.

HP+9, perception attribute+1, becomes 17.

Two new professional abilities, "Wild Identity" and "Survival Expert", are nothing new.

After Martin's upgrade, the newly realized 0-ring natural magic made Gao Fei's eyes shine.


Flavoring: Range 120 ft., affects an object or creature no larger than 1 cubic foot per level, or a creature; temporarily changes the smell or taste of a substance for 1 day; or directly in a creature's mouth, causing a strong taste stimulus, Will save Failure takes 6d[-] psychic damage.


This wonderful "seasoning technique" can be used in two ways.

The first use, as the name suggests, seasons food, changing its smell and taste.

For example, by applying the "flavoring technique" to a glass of plain water, you can make sugar water or salt water as you like.

The taste temporarily given by magic can only last for one day.

Actually that's enough.

People only care about the taste of food when they eat.

After drinking a cup of sugar water, it is enough to enjoy the sweetness at that time, as for the sugar water turning back into bland white water in the stomach, it doesn't matter at all.

For those who lose weight, this is a good thing.

The second usage of "flavoring technique" is as a prank or a means of attack, directly applied to the nasal cavity or mouth of a creature, so that the subject can smell or taste a pungent taste.

Such as unpleasant smell, spicy taste, sour taste, bitter taste and so on.

If the smell is too strong, the subject takes 1d6 points of psychic damage from the overstimulation if the subject fails a Will save.

Gao Fei found the "seasoning technique" very interesting, and even thought of stealing it—to be more precise, it should be "copying".

2nd-level "Spell Thief", can keep up to two stolen spells.

However, Gao Fei has already stolen Martin's "Whip of Thorns", and it would be too much to steal the "seasoning technique" that the other party just comprehended.

Always playing tricks on one's own people, doing this... I'm afraid I don't even have friends to do it.

What's more, the "seasoning technique" is just for fun, and its actual combat value is not as good as the "whip of thorns".

Gao Fei hesitated for a while, but finally gave up the idea of ​​stealing the "seasoning technique".

Brother Martin also escaped a bullet.

The hound "landlord", upgrades with the owner.

HP+8, strength attribute+1, natural defense+1.

In addition to leveling up, Goofy can also choose a bonus feat for a perfect pass.

There are three candidates, alert, robust, and unarmed.


Handy and Empty: Spend the bonus action to make a "handy" check with advantage, which counts towards the double proficiency modifier.


Gao Fei did not hesitate to choose "Miaoshoukongkong".

The core ability of the law thief is "spell stealing", and the success rate depends on the "skillful hand" check.

Only when the result of the Sleight of Hand check is greater than the opponent's passive detection can the theft be successful.

In fact, not only stealing spells, touching a wallet from another person, or secretly stuffing something into the other person's pocket, also requires a Sleight of Hand check.

Learning the specialty of "skillful hands and empty hands" can not only greatly improve the skills of skillful hands, but also use the bonus action "stealing".

This also means that Gao Fei can take advantage of the sheep while attacking in melee.

Not only do you want to hit the other party's head full of bags, but you also want to take his wallet by the way—the happiness of a thief, it's that simple!
(End of this chapter)

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