Savior Simulator

Chapter 565 Special Service Rewards

Chapter 565 Special Service Rewards
"Collar of Righteousness" and "Pursuit" special effects, both rewards are very good, how to choose?
Gao Fei weighed it for a long time, and finally chose the former.

"Pursuit" is not bad, but it's a pity that natural weapons such as fists, feet and minions cannot benefit from it.

Goofy often turns into a red dragon, beast or elemental creature in battle, mainly relying on natural weapons to output damage.

If the special effect of "chasing" is added to "Thunder King Tooth", it will become a sunk cost when it is inconvenient to use this weapon.

In contrast, the "righteousness collar" is more versatile.

No matter what form Gao Fei is in and what tactics he adopts, he can use this magical tool to stimulate "righteousness like a rainbow" and significantly improve his combat effectiveness.

The police flower sister who ranked second in the whole station, the prize she chose was as straightforward and hot as her personality.

"Fireball Wand", can release 10 rounds of 3-ring "Fireball" every day!
Jiang Feng, who was ranked third, discussed it with Gao Fei, and finally chose the "accelerator boots" as the prize.


Acceleration Boots: Charge 3 rounds, use any action to activate the 3-ring "Acceleration Technique", last for 1 round/level, and can be closed at any time.


"Accelerator boots" is a magical device, the wonderful thing is that it can be switched on and off at any time.

Jiang Feng is a level 13 special police officer. Putting on the "acceleration boots" and consuming one charge, he can continue to accelerate for up to 13 rounds.

But during this period, for example, after the acceleration lasts for 3 rounds, if she chooses to turn off the acceleration special effect, then the remaining 10 rounds will not be wasted.

The next time you turn on the "acceleration boots", first use up the 10 rounds in the inventory, and you need to continue to accelerate to consume the second energy storage.

Thanks to this mechanism, "accelerator boots" become more practical.

Jiang Feng himself possessed two speed-boosting skills, "Flying Step" and "Delicate Movement", and then activated the "Speed ​​Up Technique", which is equivalent to increasing the movement speed by 8 times, and he can really run faster than fly!
In Gao Fei's view, the switch mechanism of "accelerator boots", which is cost-effective and saves magic power, is exactly commensurate with Comrade Xiao Jiang's excellent virtues of diligence and thrift in housekeeping...

Of course, Comrade Xiaojiang himself does not recognize this assessment.

Although Brother Liu Xingyu retired from injury, he has accumulated enough experience points to rank No.4 in the whole station. The prize he chose was a "Level 3 Nature Summoning Wand".


Level 3 Nature Summoning Wand: Charge 10 rounds, consume 3 round of energy, and cast "Level [-] Summoning of Nature's Allies" once.


Violent loli Penny, ranked fifth on the site.

The prize she chose was the "Invisibility Ring", which can be blessed with "Invisibility" 3 times a day, which is very suitable for sneaking backstabs, and perfectly fits her "Sword Dancer" profession.

Qi Tian ranked sixth in the whole station, and the prize he chose was "Cloak of Hidden Mist", which can activate "Hidden Mist" 3 times a day to generate dense fog around his body.

Qi Tian intends to upgrade the sub-profession "Rogue" to level 4, acquire the professional ability "Mist Sight", and cooperate with "Mist Cloak", he can see the opponent's position clearly in the dense fog he created for sneak attack.

Ma Tao ranked seventh in the whole station.

The "excellent" level magic weapon prize was not something he liked, so he finally chose an enchanting special effect called "burst" and installed it on his +1 shotgun.


Burst: This special effect is only applicable to shooting or throwing weapons, which doubles the critical strike rate of projectiles.


Ma Tao's shotgun, the initial crit rate is 5%.

For firearms, critical strike damage x 4 times.

The "Burst" enchantment increases the critical strike rate of the shotgun to 10%.

Coincidentally, student Ma Tao also got the bonus specialty "Proficient in Critical Strike" in the game.

The "Proficient Critical Strike" and "Outburst" enchantments can be superimposed.

When both are in effect at the same time, the critical hit rate of the shotgun is as high as 20%, and the critical hit damage is multiplied by 5 times!
The basic damage dice of the shotgun is 3d6. Once a critical strike is hit, the damage will soar to 15d6, which is equivalent to the breath of a young red dragon, just like a hand-held cannon!

Wang Daqing ranked tenth in the station.

He didn't pick the magic tool he liked, so he followed Ma Tao's example and chose enchanting special effects as a reward.

The special effect of "reflection" that Wang Daqing likes can only be enchanted on the shield.


Reflection: When the enemy's long-range single-target attack misses, you can use the reaction action to reflect the attack back with the shield.


The "reflection" enchantment is similar to the monk's "block missile", but there are differences between the two.

Monks can only bounce back physical projectile weapons with bare hands, such as crossbow arrows, throwing knives, javelins, etc., and at most they can block bullets.

A shield enchanted with a "reflection" effect that not only reflects the aforementioned projectile weapons, but even magic rays!
Among the top ten in the station, the 05 team accounted for half, and the 01 team got three places. Such impressive results are actually not enough to fully measure the strength of these two teams.

Li Jiajia and Ma Yun from Team 05, and Wu Qihang, Liao Kai, and Zhang Sheng from Team 01 were not on the list, but they all entered the top 50 of the station.

There are also rookies under the guidance of Team 05 and Team 01, such as Huang Hansheng and Hao Le, who are also at the top of the rookie list.

The Special Service No. 05 Squadron, which has the two ace teams of 01 and 13, is undoubtedly the company with the strongest comprehensive strength in the entire Tiangong No. [-] station!
In addition, Ms. Gu Siyi, a non-staff member of the 05 team, an "enthusiastic citizen", also got the "Brave Action Award" specially presented by Tiangong for her as she wished.

The prize is an "excellent" magic weapon.

Gu Siyi accepted Gao Fei and Jiang Feng's suggestion and chose a "Giant Ring".

Wearing this ring, Gu Siyi can perform the "Giant Scale" 3 times a day, transforming into a "giantess" form, further enhancing the power of "steel bones and soft muscles"!

According to the usual practice, each of the top ten special police officers in the war can also get a custom module.

However, the news that followed poured a bucket of cold water on them.

"Sorry, due to insufficient production capacity in the design department, we cannot continue to provide custom modules as prizes."

After hearing Ms. Yaoguang's words, Qi Tian was the most disappointed, and he was so angry that he complained wildly.

"Last time, I was ranked No.11 in the whole station, passing by the custom mod."

"This time I managed to reach the top ten, but told me that the design department has insufficient production capacity and no longer provides customized modules?"

"Then I won't be in the top ten for nothing?"

"Why am I the only one who is going around in circles!"

"Please, can we stop changing the order like this!"

Jiang Feng was very unhappy with the rhetoric that "the new rules do not retroactively apply to the past" because Tiangong did not reissue Jiuzhai duty bonuses to the old employees.

However, seeing Qi Tian complaining, and remembering that he had earned a custom module, he felt balanced, and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: "Xiao Tian, ​​calm down, this is not a sudden change, the old man's old way, the newcomer It's a new rule."

(End of this chapter)

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