Chapter 56

The girl druid and his companions never expected that the priestess would make such a move. They were all covered in smoke and dust, coughing repeatedly, unable to see the situation on the other side clearly for a while.

While the priestess created a large cloud of smoke, she also extinguished the fire that Eve Valli relied on for lighting, and the beach fell into darkness.

Humans have limited eyesight in this environment, but the Sahua pirates who are born with dark vision are like a fish in water, taking advantage of the chaos and swarming up to launch a siege.

Gao Fei saw that the Vali family could not withstand the siege of the pirates and the situation was urgent, so he quickly spent an astrolabe energy, paused the game process, took the time to pull Jiang Feng's monk in, and briefly explained the unexpected situation on the beach.

"The pirates have a lot of people, and there are two boss-level ruthless characters, Baron Shahua and Priestess. If we go up there directly, we will be courting death. We must use some tactics." Gao Fei said to Jiang Feng.

"How about splitting up?" Jiang Nuxia thought, "Your berserker went to the beach to save people, while my monk quietly touched the pirate ship and stabbed the priestess in the back."

"That's a good idea, but our roles need to be reversed. You go to save people, rush to the pirates to activate the 'Daylight Barrier', and blind all these big-headed fish that are naturally afraid of light, and I will take advantage of the chaos. The boat kills the Sahua priestess."

Gao Fei thought for a while, and added: "To be on the safe side, let's buy a dozen smoke bombs before we start. Six for each person should be enough."

"I knew that you would never forget the invincible pepper smoke bomb!" Jiang Nuxia told him resentfully, "Save it, it's quite expensive..."

After formulating the battle plan, Gao Fei canceled the timeout and split up with Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's monks are good at "concealment" skills, combined with the lightness kung fu "Flying Steps" that they only learned yesterday, they sneaked past under the cover of night without arousing the vigilance of the pirates.

Within a hundred feet of the two sides in the battle, Jiang Feng inspired 4 points of true energy and opened the "Daylight Enchantment". The whole body suddenly radiated light, which immediately aroused the vigilance of both sides on the battlefield. The sahuagin turned their heads one after another, with doubts in their eyes and panic.

Without stopping for a moment, Jiang Feng's monk used the bonus specialty "dexterous movement" to perform "sprint", and the movement speed doubled within one round, and then added the speed bonus provided by "wind walk", the movement speed quadrupled!
At this time, Jiang Feng was like an erratic ghost, so fast that it exceeded the limit of human visual capture, and a row of afterimages was thrown behind him. Before the pirates recovered, they had already rushed into the crowd.

Including Baron Shahua, all the pirates were stung by the strong light from Jiang Feng's body, and they couldn't help covering their faces and screaming.

Inside the reef wall, Eve Valli and her people were also dazzled by the "Daylight Barrier".Fortunately, humans are better able to adapt to strong light than the sahuagin, so they calmed down and launched a counterattack while the pirates were in chaos.

On the pirate ship, Priestess Shahua noticed the Yangyan monk who had come out halfway to make trouble, and quickly cast a 3-ring "dispel spell", releasing a green light curtain towards Jiang Feng's position, successfully dispelling the "Daylight Barrier". The light on the sky went back to dim.

"Huh?! The magic power of the old hag is quite strong!"

Jiang Feng was a little surprised when the "Daylight Barrier" was suppressed, but he didn't panic. He decisively put on dust-proof goggles and a double-layer thick mask, took out two smoke bombs and smashed them on the ground.

There were two muffled bangs, and thick smoke mixed with a large amount of pepper dust dispersed, completely covering Jiang Feng's figure, choking the sahuagin who came up to siege with snot and tears.

On the bow, the priestess cast the "dispersion technique" again, but failed to eliminate the smoke over the battlefield as she wished. Only then did she realize that the smoke was not a product of magic or supernatural power. She wasted 7 points of magic power, and her face was a little ugly.

"Sister, the situation on the beach doesn't look good, should we go down and help?"

Beside the priestess, a pirate asked anxiously.

After a moment of hesitation, the priestess shook her head lightly: "If the lord needs my help, he will ask me. Before that, my primary mission is still to protect the ship."

Having said that, the priestess and the two pirates beside her were all focused on the smoky beach, and had no time to be distracted by the movement on the ship.

At the same time that Jiang Feng launched the surprise attack, Gao Fei's berserker had already dived into the water, using his superb motor skills, he swam towards the empty defense pirate ship at the fastest speed.

Swimming to the shadow of the ship's side in one breath, Gao Fei surfaced, looked up at the smooth shell of the pirate ship, and was thinking about how to climb up, when a silver halo suddenly appeared beside him, and a big yellow dog teleported from it, which shocked him!
The big yellow dog raised its head and looked at Gao Fei with its dark eyes, showing surprise and astonishment.

"My friend, you don't look like a sahuagin, what are you doing quietly hiding here?"

The big yellow dog spit out human words suddenly, which startled Gao Fei again. When he came back to his senses, he couldn't help being a little annoyed.

"Hey! You are obviously a dog, how can you speak human language, what kind of demons and ghosts have changed!"

"My friend, be polite, don't confuse me with an ordinary dog! I am a noble-born flashing dog named Mu Ning. This trip is to infiltrate the pirate ship under the order of the hostess Eve Valli and try to get rid of Sha Hua. Murloc Priestess."

"So this is ah……"

Gao Fei secretly opened the astrolabe, checked the monster illustrated book, and found the "flash dog" that was just included.

As Mu Ning said, although it looks like an ordinary big yellow dog, it is actually a magical beast with 10 points of intelligence. The other attributes are similar to dire wolves, except for the keen sense of smell and hunting skills that canines are naturally good at. , and can use "any door" and "blink" at will, so it is called "blink dog".

"Munin, my name is Basaka, I was born in the Olaf tribe in Jotunheim, and I'm half a fellow villager with your mistress."

"Time is running out, and I can't go into details about my life experience. You just need to know that I have the same purpose as yours. I also want to sneak into the pirate ship and assassinate the priestess, so as to help your mistress get rid of the Shahua pirates."

Blinking Dog stared at his expression, and nodded slightly after a few seconds.

"I share my senses with my master. She saw you through my eyes just now, and I am convinced that you are the mysteriously missing prince of the Olaf tribe, a friend worthy of my trust!"

As he said that, Mu Ning raised his front paws and offered to show his kindness to him.

Gao Fei and the big yellow dog shook their paws, reached a consensus, and asked it in a low voice: "Muning, I heard that the flash dog can cast the 4-level spell 'Any Door' at will, can you take me to the deck?"


The third change is over, please collect and ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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