Savior Simulator

Chapter 547 Assassin in the Darkness

Chapter 547 Assassin in the Darkness

The grille of the exhaust window was cracked.

Relying on his brute force, the Berserker Demon forcibly broke through the iron bars and brick walls stuck at his waist, and struggled to climb towards the opposite side of the window.

However, in the next second, Ma Yun used the "Complete Repair Technique" to restore the vent window and iron fence that the devil had broken.

Two steel bars penetrated deeply into the demon's abdominal cavity, and the blood flowed wildly.

Gao Fei stepped forward with the "Thunder King's Tooth" on his shoulders, swung the giant scythe with both hands, and chopped the Berserker Demon in half with a click.

The demon's wailing echoed inside and outside the window for a long time.

The two corpses decomposed into turbid sewage and flowed into the torrent, and the evil souls fled back to the bottomless abyss.

"The Berserker is dying, and he can be teleported directly back to his hometown in the abyss, why is he so obsessed with escaping into the Cultural Palace?"

Jiang Feng stood in front of the window with a puzzled look on his face.

Gao Fei looked at the dark room opposite the exhaust window, and answered after thinking, "Unless someone orders Berserk to do so, and he dares not disobey the other party's will."

Gu Siyi stepped on the water and approached the entrance on the first floor of the Cultural Palace, turned on the "flexible muscle mode", stretched a pair of long arms five meters away, and pushed open the gate.

The stagnant water outside the door poured in, and at the same time, a stench resembling rotting mud spread out from the hall.

It was pitch black in the foyer.

Gu Siyi turned on the flashlight and shined it into the door.

What happened next left her stunned.

The beam of light from the flashlight could not disperse the darkness in the hall, but the light was completely swallowed up, like being captured by a black hole.

"Strange, what's going on?"

Gu Siyi turned the power of the flashlight to the maximum and tried shaking it a few times.

However as always.

As soon as the beam of light crossed the threshold, it was cut off by an invisible shady curtain.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng also came to the door, puzzled by the strange phenomenon they saw before them.

In the high-magic world after the outbreak of Silver Flash, many physical laws that people have taken for granted no longer apply.

For example, we all know that darkness can only form where there is no light source, but who has ever seen darkness that can swallow light?
The darkness that shrouded the hall on the first floor of the Cultural Palace violated people's common sense and was obviously not a product of nature.

Fortunately, there are several professional spellcasters in the team.

Ma Yun, Ma Tao, Li Jiajia, and Huang Hansheng, all possessing the "Mystery" skill, made a Spellcraft check against the dark hallway, and finally came to the same conclusion.

"The hall is shrouded in darkness created by magic, most likely a 2nd level 'Darkness'."

Ma Yun said in a low voice.

"The dark environment created by magic cannot be illuminated by natural light sources. Only light magic or supernatural abilities that are not lower than the spell level can dispel this darkness."

"Among us, is there anyone who is good at light magic of level 2 or higher?" Qi Tian looked around at his companions.

The Ma siblings and Li Jiajia shook their heads together, helpless.

"My 'Holy Radiance' is equivalent to 2 rings of light magic, which should be able to suppress the dark barrier, but the lighting range is only 10 meters in radius." Huang Hansheng said while rubbing his chin.

"My 'Daylight Barrier' is similar to the 3rd-level 'Daylight', and can also suppress darkness. The lighting range is narrower than Han Sheng's 'Holy Radiance', with a radius of only 20 feet."

Jiang Feng observed the layout of the building, and then said:
"From the porch to the hall on the first floor, it covers an area of ​​at least 1000 square meters. If they are all covered by a dark barrier, the light emitted by Han Sheng and I can only illuminate 1/3 of the space, and most of the rest of the space Still in the dark."

"When we walk into the hall under such circumstances, it is more conspicuous under the light, and it is easier to expose our position and be attacked by the devil hiding in the dark."

"Then don't rush in, anyway, do some scouting first."

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe, called the magic satellite, and remotely scouted the situation in the cultural palace.

"Did you see the devil?" Gu Siyi asked impatiently.

"I saw it, but I didn't see it completely."

"It's not... Goofy! Can you speak human language?"

Gu Siyi clenched her fists angrily.

"Sister Gu, listen to me, this is not intentional to be snarky, I can't see the exact location of the demon through the dark barrier, and I can't get specific investigation data, but I can confirm that there are indeed demons lurking in the dark, and there are more than one."

Gao Fei replied with a wry smile.

"If you say this, it means you didn't say it. It's useless!"

"Who said it's useless? Knowing that there are demons, I have a way to peel off the veil of darkness and see their true colors."

Gao Fei turned around and looked at his girlfriend: "Comrade Xiao Jiang, it's your turn again."

"Let me explore the way again, right? You really don't treat me as an outsider. When you need someone to go to the mine, you will always think of me first."

Jiang Feng was just complaining, but in fact, he had already prepared to explore the way without hesitation.

No way, who made her the only monk in the team.

She is nimble, runs fast, has the highest defense, and is good at flying over eaves and walls. If she doesn't ride thunder, who will ride thunder?
Gao Fei blessed his girlfriend with the "shield technique", and said: "You open the way ahead, and I will follow behind and observe secretly."

"Ah? It's pitch black inside, what can you observe?"

Jiang Feng was a little confused.

Gao Fei also took a "shield technique" for himself, smiled slightly, and switched his sub-profession to "Astrologer".

"Astrologers have their own 'penetrating darkness', which can see through all the dark areas formed by magic or supernatural forces. With your light, I can see the true face of the devil."

"That's right! I even forgot that astrologers have this advantage, so why don't I just switch to an astrologer and go in to investigate?" Jiang Feng asked wonderingly.

"Oh, Comrade Xiao Jiang, you are so confused!" Gao Fei scolded his girlfriend bitterly, "If you switch your sub-profession to an astrologer, your defense will be as fragile as cardboard. Surround, can you escape?"

"That's also..."

"So, just concentrate on being a big light bulb, walk in front and illuminate me, and attract the attention of the demons by the way."

"Tch! After talking for a long time, you just want me to be a target, attracting firepower for you in front, and you peeping behind!"

Complaining resentfully, Jiang Feng opened the "Daylight Barrier" and planned to walk into the hall to lure the enemy, but was stopped by Ma Yun.

"Sister Feng, don't rush in. I discussed it with Sister Jiajia just now. Why don't we come up with Plan A first?"

"Oh...Xiaoyun, you mean to ask Jia Jia to play the ecstasy outside the door to lure the devil out?"

"That's right! Anyway, the dark barrier won't follow the demons. You just need to lure the demons outside the door, and see where they can hide in broad daylight!" Ma Yun said with a smile.

"That's a good idea! Why didn't I think of it?" Jiang Feng clapped his hands excitedly, and turned around to scold her boyfriend, "Look at Xiaoyun's idea, and your bad idea, this is the difference in IQ!"

(End of this chapter)

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