Savior Simulator

Chapter 544 Berserker Demon (for Subscription)

Chapter 544 Berserker Demon (for Subscription)
Berserker's skin is rough and fleshy, his natural defense is as high as level 16, and he also has 10 points of damage-reducing armor. Only weapons made of brilliance or cold iron can penetrate his natural armor.

The magic resistance of the Berserker is more exaggerated than the physical defense. It is naturally immune to electric shock and poison damage, and has 10 points of resistance to fire, cold and acid attacks each.

This demon has mastered the specialties of "Alertness", "Blind Fighting", "Strength", "Powerful Attack", "Multiple Attacks", "Clearance Slash" and "Whirlwind Slash", and emits a 10-foot "smelly aura" around him, inhaling The stench is poisoned, nauseated, and vomiting if it fails its Fortitude save.

If you only see this, you will have the impression of a muscular and reckless man who specializes in hand-to-hand combat.

Yet this impression, if not wrong, is at least incomplete.

In fact, Berserkers are not only good at melee combat, but also have powerful spellcasting abilities.

The Berserker's spellcasting level is equivalent to a 12th-level warlock, and most of them are good at 3rd-level "gasification form", 4th-level "Chaos Hammer" and "Evil Shadow Strike", 7th-level "Profane Words" and "Advanced Teleportation". It can also open the gate of the abyss and summon demons of the same kind.

Fortunately in misfortune, the "advanced teleportation technique" of Berserk Demon cannot be cast on the material plane at will, otherwise even if they are defeated, it will be difficult to prevent them from escaping.

Gao Fei also discovered a detail that he didn't know if it was good news or bad news.

The two Berserkers in the water were summoned from the bottomless abyss by other demons, and the summoned creatures themselves could not summon other creatures.

Why is this likely to be bad news?

Demons that can summon Berserkers are usually of a higher level than Berserkers.

This also means that the two Berserkers lurking in the puddle in front of the Cultural Palace are at best the "Second Generals Humph" guarding the gate.

Behind them, there are likely to be more powerful demons sitting in command.

Huang Hansheng has fought against Berserk Demon in the game, and he knows the spells he is good at, and especially reminds everyone to be careful of "blasphemous words".

"The 'blasphemous language' of the Berserker Demon erupts around itself, and the sound waves full of evil magic power have a radius of 40 feet."

"Non-evil creatures within this range, if they come from another world, will be forcibly driven back to their original plane."

"Residents of this plane will suffer different types of negative states according to the difference between their own level and the life dice of the berserk demon."

"It is 10 levels lower than the Hit Dice of the Berserk Demon, and it will be directly killed by the 'blasphemy'. It will be paralyzed by 5 levels, and it will fall into Tier 1 exhaustion if it is 2 level lower.

"If your level is higher than that of Berserker, or if you belong to the evil camp, you will be immune to 'blasphemy'."

"It is particularly important to note that all these negative states will be accumulated downwards and cannot be exempted."

"From what you said, 'blasphemy' seems like a spell designed to abuse food." Hao Le commented.

"We all belong to local creatures, and we belong to the righteous camp. Whether we can withstand the 'blasphemy' depends on whether the level is high enough." Ma Yun grasped the crux of the problem.

Gao Fei nodded in agreement, and analyzed along Ma Yun's train of thought: "Just now, I did some investigation and found that the Hit Dice of the two Berserkers lurking in the water are both level 12."

"Among the ten of us, Sister Gu and I are both level 14, not affected by 'blasphemy'."

"Comrade Xiaojiang is level 12. After being hit, he gets dizzy for a round, and he can barely bear it."

"Han Sheng and Lele are level 7 special police officers, which happen to be 5 levels lower than Berserk Demon. When hit by 'blasphemy', they will fall into the triple negative state of 'dizziness', 'exhaustion' and 'paralysis' at the same time. Basically lost the combat effectiveness."

"Others are between level 10 and level 7. After being hit, they will fall into 'dizziness' and 'exhaustion', which is also very dangerous."

"From this point of view, Gao Fei and I can only deal with the two Berserkers, and at most Xiaofeng can be added. It's better not to attack the others," Gu Siyi said.

Goofy had the same idea.

It's not a big problem to single out a berserker in the form of a red dragon.

Gu Siyi and Jiang Feng teamed up to deal with the other Berserker, and they should be able to take it too.

"Sister Gu, your idea is too risky." Huang Hansheng shook his head and smiled wryly, "Berserkers are not only good at the spell 'blasphemy', don't forget, they are also good at 'Hammer of Chaos' and 'Evil Shadow'." hit'."

"These two 4th-level spells, the former specializes in killing creatures of the non-chaotic alignment, causing 10d6 damage and adding a 'slow' state, the latter specializes in restraining the creatures of the non-evil alignment, the damage is the same as the former, and it will also cause 'poisoning'."

"These two spells have nothing to do with level. Unless you are also chaotic and evil like a demon, you can only hope to pass the saving throw and take less damage."

"Little Gu doesn't have to worry about 'Hammer of Chaos', after all, she does things based on her mood, and her personality can't be any more chaotic."

Jiang Feng casually complained about his best friend.

"'Evil Shadow Strike' and 'Hammer of Chaos' can barely withstand it, the most important thing is how to fight against 'blasphemy'." Wang Daqing frowned, "We collectively transform into a red dragon form, and we can be immune. Paralysis, but how can we overcome the two negative states of 'exhaustion' and 'dizziness'?"

"Brother Daqing, in fact, we can change our thinking." Gao Fei suddenly had an idea, "The spell 'Profane Words', as you can tell from the name, needs to recite at least one blasphemous spell to activate it."

"Han Sheng also mentioned just now that the 'blasphemy' produces a kind of sound wave energy, so we just need to give the devil a sound-silencing treatment so that he can't speak, and then the 'blasphemy' can be abolished." ?”

"Brother Fei and I wanted to go together." Ma Tao took out the motorboat key and weighed it in his hand, "Do you still remember how we cracked the 'sonic cannon' of the mutant pistol shrimp the day before yesterday? The same routine can also be used On Berserk Demon."

Hao Le and Huang Hansheng did not participate in the battle of hunting the mutant pistol shrimp the day before yesterday, and they suddenly realized it after asking Li Jiajia about it.

"If I knew it was so easy to seal the 'blasphemy', I wouldn't have to suffer crazily in the last chapter of the Radiant Apostle mod. It took me eight rounds to barely defeat the final boss!"

Huang Hansheng had mixed emotions.

Restraining "blasphemy" requires the use of "Silence", and as a priest, he can of course learn this 2-ring magic.

It's a pity that he didn't expect the "Silence Technique" to be used in such a non-mainstream way, and he suffered a lot in the game as a result.

Solved the number one problem of "blasphemy", the rest is easy.

Before the fight started, Huang Hansheng blessed his teammates collectively with "Blessing" and "Guiding Light Blade" as usual-a weapon enchanted with light, which can penetrate the damage-reducing armor of the Berserker.

Comrade Huang also reminded everyone to wear the diving mask issued by Tiangong to avoid inhaling the supernatural stench emanating from the Berserker Demon—that will definitely make you spit out the overnight meal!

(End of this chapter)

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