Savior Simulator

Chapter 53 Transmission Transfer Station

Chapter 53 Transmission Transfer Station
When any extraordinary profession is upgraded to level 5, the proficiency correction will change from +2 to +3, and all proficiency-related abilities, including attack rolls, attribute checks and various saves, will also be modified by +1 accordingly.

After this upgrade, Su Mo's "martial arts" has also improved to a higher level. Unarmed attacks and weapons that monks are good at, the basic damage roll becomes 2d6, and the destructive power of a punch is comparable to that of a giant sword or a bullet shot from a pistol. !

In addition, the level 5 Yang Yanzong monk also comprehend two new professional abilities.

"Diamond Body·Elementary Level", this is a passive skill similar to "Shuishui Xinfa", which is invulnerable to all diseases after being learned.

"Flying eaves step", as the name suggests, is a light kung fu method, which costs 5 points of qi to activate, lasts for 1 minute/monk level, doubles the movement speed and jumping ability, and can also walk on vertical walls or even without tools like a spider. Climb freely on the smooth ceiling.

"I really chose the right profession as a monk!" Nvxia Jiang was very pleased to have finally realized her childhood dream of flying over the roofs and walls.

Just as Gao Fei guessed, passing this chapter without loading a file will give you an additional bonus besides a specialty, and an NPC profession, which is Major Garcia's "Shenquan Envoy".

On the astrolabe career tree, the branch corresponding to "Shenquanshishi" is between the two branches of "priest" and "monk", indicating that this is a mixed profession.

The "God Fist" can comprehend divine arts and guide energy like a priest, and is also good at unarmed combat. It uses magic power to replace true energy to improve defense and attack power, but it is more inclined to priests in general, so it is included in the priest's subclass. Profession.

The final reward feat, "Proficient in Rush" and "Blind Fighting" can be selected.

Improved Bull Rush: Bull rush checks have advantage, and count towards double the proficiency modifier.

Blind Fighting (Prerequisite Feat: Alertness): Gain 60-foot all-around vision; when surrounded by multiple people in combat, the enemy cannot gain the benefit of flanking.

Both feats are useful.However, one trick to bring the enemy down is enough. Since Jiang Feng has already learned "Proficiency in Tripping", there is no need to learn "Proficiency in Slamming", and finally chose "Blind Fighting", which is equivalent to "Long eyes in the back of the head". ".

By the time we got off the assembly line, it was already past 1:[-] in the morning.Gao Fei and Jiang Feng said goodnight to each other, and they didn't bother to go back to the rental house, so they simply slept in the Tianren dormitory for the night.

Gao Fei slept until the next morning, sat up from the bed, stretched comfortably, feeling refreshed.

He thought he had at least eight hours of sleep, but he picked up his phone and saw that it was just 6:30 in the morning.

Perhaps due to the influence of Tiangong Misuo, he rested in this magical environment, and his sleep quality was particularly good.

After waking up and washing up, he sent Jiang Feng a text message using the astrolabe, and he received a reply soon. He learned that Jiang Nvxia also slept in the Tianren dormitory last night, and she was also full of energy after waking up. It seems that he is not alone illusion.

If the heavenly dormitory really has the magical effect of shortening sleep time,
In the future, you can often rest here and sleep less than two or three hours a day, which is equivalent to prolonging your life in disguise.

While he was thinking, there was a knock on the door.Gao Fei opened the door and saw that Jiang Feng had finished washing and dressing up and changed into new clothes. He was standing outside the door slim and graceful, which made him feel that the morning sun was very bright.

"Who is this? It looks familiar."

Gao Fei stared at Jiang Feng's new coat, and a cartoon image was drawn on the chest of the short-sleeved T-shirt: a boy with thick eyebrows with dark circles, holding a pair of scissors, looking fierce.

"Wu Liuqi! You're still two-dimensional, you don't even recognize this?" Jiang Feng pulled up the front of his shirt and shook it, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin and a beautiful collarbone at the neckline, "You don't usually watch Chinese comics, do you? "

"It's true that I haven't seen much, but I still recognize Wu Liuqi. After all, he is the most famous teacher Tony in the animation circle."

Gao Fei couldn't help but glanced at her chest again, his eyes fell on the two plump hemispheres, and he couldn't help secretly praising Jiang Nv Xia for her awesome body, her chest muscles can be trained to be so big!

"Are you awake? Do you still remember what you ate this morning?"


"Just remember, let's go!"

Jiang Feng called out the astrolabe, ready to send it.

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask you, where did you set the teleportation point?"

"Girls' dormitory!"

"Then you won't be afraid to cause your roommates to panic by appearing out of nowhere?" Gao Fei asked her.

"I slept on the upper bunk with a mosquito net hanging on, and teleported directly back to my own bed, pretending to just wake up, no one suspects it?"

"You are so smart!" Gao Fei was annoyed and funny, "Last night you didn't sleep in the school dormitory at all, and now you suddenly got up from bed, no wonder your roommate is not suspicious."

Jiang Feng scratched his head, with distress appearing on his face: "From what you said, there is really a risk of being exposed...By the way, where did you set the teleportation point?"

"It's the rental house you went to yesterday. I live alone, so I don't have to worry about being discovered by teleporting directly." Gao Fei tried to ask, "Why don't you also teleport there with me, the alley that turns left when you go out is Food street, breakfast is also convenient.”

While Jiang Feng was still hesitating, his phone rang.After connecting, he turned around, chatted in a low voice and then hung up. When he turned around again, his face was obviously a little embarrassed.

"Liu Yuxiu called and asked me where I went crazy when I didn't go back to the dormitory yesterday. I really can't stand this eighth woman!"

Gao Fei nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"I said I played games outside all night, but she still didn't believe it, and tried to find out if I was with you all night."

"You really can't explain this kind of thing, even if you tell the truth, she won't believe it." Gao Fei said sympathetically.

"That's right, I was so angry that I hung up directly, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense!"

Seeing Jiang Feng's angry look, Gao Fei wanted to comfort her, but was also worried that what he said was inappropriate, which would cause her misunderstanding and make things worse.

Jiang Feng put away his phone and took the initiative to break the awkward atmosphere: "Don't bother with that eighth woman, let's go!"

Gao Fei held her hand, activated the astrolabe, and the two teleported at the same time, and appeared in the living room of the rental house after a period of trance.

"By the way, no one lives in the room next to your bedroom?"

"Last year, I shared a room with a senior. After he moved out, it was empty. There was only a desk and a bed. If you feel that it is too inconvenient to go back and forth between Tiangong and school, you can use that empty room as a transit point for teleportation."

Goofy made the suggestion as veiled as possible.

"Okay, I'll come over another day to clean it up, tidy up, and the rent will be paid to you directly, or to the landlord?"

Jiang Feng pushed open the door of the bedroom next door, looked around with the eyes of a tenant, and decided what furniture to buy.

"It doesn't matter the rent, it's vacant anyway, as long as you're not afraid of being misunderstood." Gao Fei said with a guilty conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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