Savior Simulator

Chapter 528 Civilian Heroes

Chapter 528 Civilian Heroes
"Zhou Guanqun! Stop it!" Li Jiajia jumped off the motorboat angrily, "Didn't you hear Brother Fei? That lobster man is not some evil monster!"

"Hmph! A monster is a monster. I will judge who is good and who is evil. It's not up to others to teach me how to do things!" Zhou Guanqun said with a rebellious face, "Gao is not my direct superior. I give orders?"

As he said that, he wanted to shoot the injured lobster man again.

"Zhou Guanqun! What's wrong with you?!"

Huang Hansheng stood up from another motorboat, pointed his gun at Zhou Guanqun angrily: "If you dare to act recklessly again, I will blow your dog's head off with one shot!"

Zhou Guanqun turned his head to look at Huang Hansheng. Seeing that his face was full of rage, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he didn't shoot again.

"Huang Hansheng! What are you doing!" Cai Wei screamed, "Point a gun at your teammates, you don't want to do it, do you?"

"Old Huang! Don't be impulsive!" Hao Le quickly snatched Huang Hansheng's pistol, and forced a smile: "Everyone calm down, calm down! Captain, Lao Huang and Brother Zhou are just playing around, don't take this little prank, Report it to the company commander as a violation record!"

Li Jiajia looked at Hao Le's pitiful pleading face, angry and sad, gritted her teeth, and said hardened her heart: "I can't hide this matter today, everyone should be responsible for their own impulses!"

"Jiajia is right! Huang Hansheng is a lunatic, too impulsive and irritable. I think his mental state is no longer suitable for the job of Tiangong special police. He must be fired!"

Cai Wei interrupted and shouted.

"Sister Wei, please, don't add fuel to the flames!" Hao Le was so anxious that he was about to cry, "Old Huang was impulsive, but today's incident was clearly caused by brother Zhou's mistake, whether you or Zhou The relationship between the brothers is so strong, you can't drag the side against your conscience, right?"

"Hao Le, what do you mean!"

Zhou Guanqun pointed the finger at Hao Le again.

"What do you mean I was at fault first? Do you think I rushed to shoot just for myself? Don't forget, the lobsterman is a rare new species. If you kill him and report to the headquarters laboratory, you will be rewarded with three times the experience points. We 12 Everyone in the team has a share!"

The more Zhou Guanqun talked, the more excited he became.

"Why did Gao Fei prevent us from taking action? You believe his nonsense, I won't be fooled easily! To put it bluntly, isn't he just trying to grab credit?"

"Xiao Zhou makes sense." Cai Wei nodded and chimed in, "Han Sheng, Lele, you haven't forgotten what happened yesterday, right? The mutated pistol shrimp was first discovered by our team 12, and it was finally reported for the award. Jia, the four of us have no share, is that reasonable?"

After observing the faces of her teammates, Cai Wei went on to say:
"I'm not greedy for the little rewards, I'm really not worth it for you! Especially Xu Zhigang, who was injured and retired, made such a big sacrifice, but in the end he didn't get anything. He was taken advantage of by others for nothing. Can he feel better?"

"Of course Xiao Zhou was angry when this incident happened. No wonder he complained to the seniors of Team 05 and insisted on attacking that ugly lobster monster."

"Besides, Xiao Zhou did this not only for himself. After all, he is a member of our team. If he kills the lobster monster, we can get three times the experience reward."

"Xiao Zhou is not like someone. As the captain, he only thinks about himself, regardless of relatives, and turns his elbows outward all day long!"

Speaking of this, Cai Wei gave Li Jiajia a sideways glance intentionally or unintentionally.

"Cai Wei! What do you mean by that?" Li Jiajia couldn't bear it anymore, her face flushed red.

"What do I mean, do you need to explain it more clearly?" Cai Wei sneered, "Captain, yesterday you hunted down the mutant pistol shrimp with the 05 team and got a lot of rewards. Have you ever thought about how many of us are you? Is it the captain of our 12th team, or the follower of 05th team?"

"Alright, alright, stop arguing."

Zhou Guanqun waved his hand impatiently.

"To be honest, I don't covet the experience points, I just want to be famous, and use my surname to name a new species, 'Zhou's Lobsterman', what do you think? If you give up the experience point rewards, give up this naming right Give it to me, and I can compensate each of you with 10 yuan."

"10 yuan is really a lot, but unfortunately, I don't want to get my hands dirty with this little money." Huang Hansheng sneered, "You surnamed Zhou, you hurt someone without even saying an apology, and you still want to take it away from him." Gong, imposing your surname on other people, I am short-sighted, I have never seen such a shameless person in this life!"

When the 05 team had a dispute, Gao Fei had already changed back into a human form, dived into the water, and dragged Lao Yang, the lobster man who was shot in the shoulder, onto the life raft.

Lao Yang changed back into a human form, clutching his bleeding shoulder, and forced a smile.

"Comrade SWAT, I'm fine, just a slight scratch."

Gao Fei was worried, and called Wang Daqing to come over to treat him.

Wang Daqing checked the wound, it was indeed just a flesh wound, and healed up after he patted on a shot of "Holy Treatment".

It seems that the Lobsterman's shell is quite strong, which has a good bulletproof effect.

"Old Yang, are you a local?" Ma Tao handed over a cigarette.

Lao Yang quickly thanked him, smoked a cigarette, and replied with a simple smile: "Little comrade, my name is Yang Wenkui. I am 35 years old and a native of Xingzhou. I have been working at the toll booth of the Beijing-Guangdong Expressway since I was discharged from the army."

As he said that, Lao Yang looked at the toll booth that was washed away by the flood, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Uncle Yang, when did you awaken your superpower?" Gu Siyi asked curiously.

"Not long ago, just over two months ago, somehow I got the ability to become a lobster." Lao Yang took another puff on his cigarette and recalled, "After I first got this ability, I was still a little scared. I thought I had a strange disease, but after a few days, the ability to transform suddenly disappeared. We didn’t know what happened! Until the heavy rain a few days ago, I was able to transform again suddenly, alas, it’s really hard clear!"

Gao Fei and Gu Siyi looked at each other and smiled, understanding clearly.

The situation Lao Yang described is the most typical way of awakening a "mutant".

Lao Yang said that his ability to transform is not effective from time to time, that is because he is still in the "developing stage", and he can only transform after a period of time when the magic power is high after the silver flash erupts.

When the magic tide recedes and the concentration of magic power in the environment decreases, this supernatural transformation ability cannot be activated.

Lao Yang heard someone talking about him behind him, turned around and saw Li Jiajia and her teammates were arguing fiercely, and said to Gao Fei with some embarrassment:

"Comrade SWAT, the shot just now was just a misunderstanding, I really don't mind, you are all good comrades, don't get into conflicts over such a trivial matter!"

"Uncle Yang, I am moved by your magnanimity, but today's matter is very serious, and Zhou Guanqun must pay the price for his violation of discipline." Gao Fei said calmly.

He has seen it through.

It's a pity that Zhou Guanqun has outstanding talent, but he is not suitable for the job of Tiangong special police.

It's time to make a break.

(End of this chapter)

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