Savior Simulator

Chapter 526 Enthusiastic Citizen Miss Gu

Chapter 526 Enthusiastic Citizen Miss Gu

Jiang Feng, transformed into a red dragon, flew over the ruins of the toll booth, spewed out a mouthful of flaming dragon breath, and burned the pair of mating mutated octopuses until they squeaked and smoked, completing the two achievements of "Double Kill" and "FFF Group" at one time .

Goofy circled low above the broken-down vehicle.

The mutated octopus attached to the roof of the car felt the dragon power emanating from him, and was so frightened that he urinated on the spot, and the ink was smeared so that the windows of the car were pitch black.

The frightened big octopus rolled down from the roof of the car, and after falling into the water, it quickly fled towards the entrance of the tunnel.

Gao Fei drove the monster away from the vehicle, swooped down, scooped up the mutated octopus with its dragon claws, bit it, and tasted the juicy fresh seafood.

Tearing and biting, the mutated octopus was quickly disposed of, and the broken body was randomly thrown into the water.

At the same time, other special police who turned into red dragons are also killing and killing the water monsters entrenched in this area.

Occasionally, there are fish that slip through the net and escape the hunting of the Red Dragon Squad.

Before he had time to rejoice, he was jointly killed by four newcomer special police officers from Squad 12 who came later.

Gu Siyi sat on the engine-stopped motorboat, looked up at the sky, and was dumbfounded for a full minute before convincing herself to reluctantly accept the fact that Gao Fei and others had transformed into red dragons.

At this time, a woman's cry for help came from the ear.

Gu Siyi suddenly came back to her senses, and followed the cry for help.

A high-end car was stranded on the flooded road, with the sunroof half open. The owner was a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup, standing on the seat, poking her head out of the sunroof, calling for help.

Her cry for help alarmed a nearby mutated octopus, which quickly climbed down from the lamppost, swung its eight tentacles to paddle, and swam towards the luxury car.

"Hey! Get back in the car! Close the sunroof!"

Gu Siyi hastily warned the car owner.

The other party didn't seem to understand the situation, and ignored her warning, still yelling.

"Your grandma's!"

Gu Siyi couldn't help but swear, she quickly pulled out her pistol, and fired three shots into the water.

The female car owner was startled by the gunfire, and immediately shrank her head and hid in the car.

The mutated octopus was hit by Gu Siyi's enchanted bullet, instinctively spit out ink, muddied the water, and dived quickly.

Gu Siyi fired several more shots, but was blocked by the ink, and none of them hit.

She was worried that the mutated octopus would sneak into the trapped car from underwater and threaten the safety of the car owner, so she gritted her teeth, put on the diving helmet issued by Tiangong, and jumped off the motorboat.

Gu Siyi's swimming skills are good, like a vigorous mermaid, she can shuttle nimbly in the torrent.

Passing through the muddy water area filled with ink, through the goggles of the diving helmet, she caught the figure of the mutated octopus, and immediately threw out her long and flexible arms.

The soft-muscled finger sword tore through the water body, pierced deeply into the huge and soft head of the mutated octopus, and dragged it back.

The mutated octopus was frightened and frantically danced its arms, quickly entangled Gu Siyi.

The red dragon in the form of Gao Fei hovered low above the water.

Seeing the scene of Gu Siyi fighting the mutated octopus, he couldn't help complaining secretly: "This woman is more like an octopus than an octopus!"

He wanted to land down to help Gu Siyi deal with the mutated octopus, but the fight ended sooner than expected.

Gu Siyi switched the "soft muscle" mode to the "steel bone" mode, swung a hand knife, and cut off the octopus' head cleanly.

After surfacing to take a breath, Gu Siyi dived into the water again, and soon swam to the luxury car, patted the window, and gestured for the owner to open the door.

The owner of the car also wanted to open the door, but the external water pressure was too great to push it open no matter what.

Gu Siyi grabbed the door handle and tried hard outside, trying to help the owner open the door.

However, she tore off the door handle, and the door still couldn't be opened.

Gu Siyi couldn't help wondering whether the car owner made a mistake in his busy schedule and forgot to open the door lock?

"Car keys! Where are your car keys?"

Gu Siyi tapped on the window, trying to remind the owner of the car to make sure the door was locked.

However, separated by a window, coupled with the interference of the sound of rain, the female car owner's eyes were blank, and she still couldn't understand her intention.

Gu Siyi had no choice but to give up opening the door, first climbed on the hood, and then climbed on the roof, intending to rescue the owner through the sunroof.

After a little trying, however, she gave up on the idea.

The owner's figure is too plump, nearly two hundred kilograms by visual inspection, and it is impossible to get out through the narrow sunroof.

Just when Gu Siyi was busy saving people, a big wave came over.

The violent waves pushed her off the roof of the car and fell into the water.

At the same time, the torrent overflowed the sunroof and poured into the car like a waterfall.

The female car owner was looking up at the sunroof, and the cold water was poured on her head unexpectedly, causing her to cough repeatedly.

Gu Siyi got up from the torrent and swam back to the car door.

Through the car window, he saw the flood water rushing into the car. The owner of the car was so choked that his face turned blue, his feet kicked wildly, and he seemed to be unable to hold on.

In desperation, she had no time to think about it, and swung the steel bone knife vigorously, smashing through the car window with a bang.

The arm passed through the broken window and reached in.

Gu Siyi grabbed the inside handle of the car door with her backhand and tried to open the door, but as expected, it was locked!

"Damn it! No wonder it can't be opened!"

Resisting the urge to scold the car owner, Gu Siyi switched out of the "flexible muscle" mode, extended her right arm by one meter, pulled out the key by herself, and opened the door lock.

The car door finally opened, and Gu Siyi dragged the fat woman out of the car and sent her to the nearest rubber life raft.

After working for a long time, she was so tired that she stood in the chest-deep water and panted violently.

The fat woman who got on the life raft also came back to her senses at this time, seeing that the window of the car was smashed by Gu Siyi and the door handle was torn off, her eyes widened and she screamed furiously.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you smash my car!"

"Do you know that this is a Rolls Royce? A piece of window glass is worth your annual wages! Can you afford it!"

"Save someone? You can't just smash someone's car to save someone!"

"Besides, did I beg you to save me? There are so many policemen and firefighters here, do I have to use you to save me!"

"I'll save your grandma's leg!"

Gu Siyi couldn't bear it anymore, she slapped her across the face, and five fingerprints immediately appeared on the fat woman's face.

"You're almost dead, and you still care about a car window? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Ah! How dare you hit me! Is there still the law of the king? Is there still the law of heaven?" The fat woman covered her face, crying and fussing, "Which unit are you from? I want to complain to your leader!"

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

Gu Siyi slapped her again, leaving a symmetrical palm print on her fat face, and said with a sneer:

"I'm not a police officer, nor a firefighter. I'm just an enthusiastic citizen who volunteers to participate in the rescue. If you like to complain, you can complain! If you don't want to drown here, just shut up and go as far as you can!"

(End of this chapter)

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