Savior Simulator

Chapter 522 Mysterious Monster

Chapter 522 Mysterious Monster
"Brother Tao, I'm sorry, I let you down..."

Li Jiajia cried and lowered her head to blame herself.

"Ma Tao! Don't lose your temper. I haven't figured out what's going on. It may not be Jiajia's fault!"

Jiang Feng took Li Jiajia's hand and comforted her to calm down.

"Sister Feng is right, you really can't blame the captain for this matter."

Hao Le was annoyed and blamed himself, and patted himself on the head vigorously.

"If I hadn't voted for that vote, things wouldn't have turned out like this. You can blame me if you want."

Huang Hansheng raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of anger.

"Lele! If you take other people's mistakes to yourself, others will not appreciate you, but will only secretly laugh at you for being stupid!"

Gao Fei heard that there was something in his words, and asked in a deep voice, "Han Sheng, what's going on?"

"Brother Fei! We found that mysterious mutant monster in the underground reservoir. The captain wanted to ask you for help immediately, but was stopped!"

Having said that, Huang Hansheng gave Zhou Guanqun a hard look.

"Zhou Guanqun refused to let the captain send a letter asking for help. The reason is that if your 05 team comes, then you will be credited with the credit for hunting monsters, and you will also take away the triple experience reward for reporting this new species. We The 12th team is busy for nothing, and in the end they can't get any benefits."

"Because he didn't want to give up the reward he was about to get, he had a fierce dispute with the captain, and finally used the banner of the so-called democratic vote to prevent the captain from exercising the final decision-making power. In the end, he was clever but was mistaken by cleverness, and Gangzi was injured and retired! "

At Zhou Guanqun's suggestion, all six members of Team 12 voted on whether to ask Team 05 for help.

Li Jiajia and Huang Hansheng agreed to ask for help.

Zhou Guanqun and Cai Wei objected.

Xu Zhigang abstained from voting.

The last vacillating Hao Le was persuaded by Cai Wei and voted for it.

Three votes against two votes. Faced with this result, Li Jiajia could only accept the opinion of the majority no matter how unwilling she was, and led the 05 team to hunt the mysterious water monster by themselves, but suffered a disastrous defeat.

"At the critical moment, thanks to the captain changing into a dragon and breathing fire, driving back the water monster, and saving us... Otherwise, our end would only be worse than Brother Gang." Hao Le couldn't help but choked up.

Gao Fei nodded, then turned to look at Zhou Guanqun.

Seemingly aware of the coldness in his eyes, Zhou Guanqun's face turned blue and white, gritted his teeth, and remained silent.

Cai Wei felt that the atmosphere was not right, so she broke the silence with a dry smile.

"Huang Hansheng, Xiao Zhou did make the mistake of advancing impulsively, but it's too much for you to pin the blame on him."

"Xiao Zhou is young and vigorous, but he is just a newcomer in the team after all, and the captain should make the final decision on whether to accept the opinions put forward."

"If the captain is determined enough to ignore Xiao Zhou's suggestion and send a letter to the seniors of Team 05 asking for help, can Xiao Zhou stop her?"

"Cai Wei! Stop farting!"

Huang Hansheng could not help getting angry when he heard that she was passing the blame on Li Jiajia in a roundabout way.

"If the captain sticks to his point of view, why don't you and Zhou Guanqun blame her for arbitrarily doing things, giving up the rewards she got, and turning her elbows away? I've seen through your little calculations a long time ago!"

"Huang Hansheng, don't spout blood!"

Cai Wei stared angrily.

"Stop arguing!" Wang Daqing waved his hand to interrupt the dispute.

"It's meaningless to argue about who is right and who is wrong now. The top priority is to eliminate the monsters in the underground garage and rescue the residents trapped in the car as soon as possible."

"Brother Daqing is right, it's important to do business first." Gao Fei turned and walked towards the garage. When he reached the door, he turned around and waved, "Jiajia, come here."

Li Jiajia wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and quickly ran to his side.

Gao Fei winked at Ma Tao.

Ma Tao put on a sullen face, pretending not to notice, and took out a cigarette.

"Stop pretending, baby!" Gao Fei snatched his cigarette and glared, "Hurry up!"

Ma Tao sighed helplessly, walked up to Li Jiajia, held her hand and said softly, "Jiajia, I blamed you just now, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you, I'm sorry."

Li Jiajia's eyes were red, she held her hand tightly, and shook her head slightly.

"Brother Tao, it is true that I mishandled this matter, just like what Cai Wei said, I should stick to my principles, but because I cared too much about what others think of me, I chose to compromise, and ended up making things worse. "

"Jia Jia, you now understand that being a captain is not a good job. There is no reward for doing a good job. You messed up the first blame. If you want to please all your teammates, you will end up offending everyone." Gao Fei said sympathetically .

Ma Tao blew out a smoke ring, and squinted at him: "Brother Fei, that's why your son is determined not to be the captain, and pushed me to be the top of the tank, right? You are really my good brother!"

"I'm cultivating your leadership skills. Don't be ignorant of good people." Gao Fei laughed twice, and then asked Li Jiajia, "What are the powerful moves of that mysterious monster in the garage?"

"That monster looks like a big lobster. The pincers on the left are pretty normal, but the pincers on the right are so big and deformed compared to the body!"

"Whenever it suddenly closes the giant tongs on the right side, it will emit a strong shock wave, accompanied by a piercing sonic boom."

Li Jiajia opened the astrolabe and introduced it against the automatically recorded battle data.

"The cone-shaped sonic shock has a spread range of 30 feet in the air, and it will increase to 60 feet in the water."

"No matter what medium it spreads in, it will cause 10d6 points of sonic damage to creatures within the impact range, and if it fails the Fortitude save, it will also be in a 'stunned' state."

"This supernatural attack sounds a lot like the enhanced version of the second-level spell 'Smashing Sound'." Gao Fei pondered.

"Have you ever been to an aquarium?" Gu Siyi interrupted, "The monster Jiajia just mentioned sounds a lot like a pistol shrimp!"

"That's right! I feel the same way!" Ma Yun nodded in agreement, "The most prominent feature of the pistol shrimp is that it has a large specialized pincer, which can create a small-scale sonic boom in the water when you squeeze the pincers suddenly. , to knock out the nearby small fish and shrimps, and then hunt them down!"

"Judging from Sister Jiajia's description just now, the monster in the garage is probably a mutated pistol shrimp that has been infected by magic and has grown in size!"

Everyone agrees with Gu Siyi and Ma Yun's speculation, the next question is how to deal with this mutant pistol shrimp.

"The sonic impact of the monster doubles its range in the water. We'd better lead it to the surface to fight." Qi Tian said.

"I can play 'Ecstasy' and try to lure monsters out of deep water."

Li Jiajia plucked up her courage and recommended herself.

"There is another problem, which is how to resist the monster's sonic impact." Jiang Feng frowned slightly, "This move not only does high damage, but more importantly, it can also cause deterrence. If you are deterred, you may have to wait for death Son."

(End of this chapter)

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