Savior Simulator

Chapter 520 Skeleton Naga (for subscription)

Chapter 520 Skeleton Naga (for subscription)

The golden energy broke through the dense fog, causing the accumulated water to fly up, and the waves soared into the sky.

However, what she hit was just a phantom.

As for the incantation I heard just now, it was also an illusion created by illusion.

Jiang Feng was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly jumped from the ceiling to the right wall.

Almost at the same time, a "lightning beam" flew up from the thick fog, rubbed her back and hit the ceiling, scorching black.

If the reaction is half a second slower, she will be hit straight!

The launch angle of the "Lightning Beam" exposed the real position of the Skeleton Snake.

Gao Fei turned on "Rage", held up the "Thunder King's Tooth" and rushed over!

This time he did catch the real master, but the scythe only cut a phantom.

At some point, the Skeleton Snake has been blessed with the second-level "Mirror Image Technique", surrounded by seven mirror images that look like real ones.

Gao Fei chopped off one of the mirror images with his "Thunder King's Tooth". The body of the Skeleton Snake was unscathed, and took the opportunity to stretch his body and wrap him around him, biting his shoulder!

The sharp fangs crazily injected venom into his body.

Gao Fei felt numb in his shoulders, and immediately transformed into the form of "wind element", turning into a stream of air, breaking free from the shackles of the skeleton monster snake, and flying into the air.

Ma Tao, Wang Daqing and Qi Tian shot at the same time, crushing the three mirror images of the Skeleton Snake, and watched her escape into the fog-shrouded stagnant water again in vain.

Jiang Feng stepped on the wall and ran to Gao Fei's side, performed "qi therapy" to interpret for him, and at the same time whispered eagerly in his ear.

"I used the astrolabe to investigate just now. The monster is called 'Skeleton Naga'. It has a challenge level of 7 and is a large undead creature."

Gao Fei nodded, and opened the astrolabe to check for himself.

The attributes of the Skeleton Naga are: strength 17, agility 23, constitution -, intelligence 16, perception 16, charm 16.

She is an undead creature whose brains have dried up, but her intelligence attribute is higher than that of all the special police officers present. No wonder everyone is being played around by her.

The battle was still going on, Gao Fei didn't have time to take a closer look, so he skipped the secondary ability of the Skeleton Naga and focused on her spellcasting ability.

This monster is equivalent to a 7th-level warlock. The spells he is good at include 0-ring "Mage Hand", "Secondary Phantom" and "Switching", 1-ring "Magic Missile", "Hidden Mist" and "Shield". ", 2nd ring "Mist Sight" and "Mirror Reflection", and 3rd ring "Lightning Beam".

"Fog Sight", so that the Skeleton Naga's vision is not hindered by the dense fog he created.

"Secondary Phantom" is the trick she used to imitate the voice of the female shop assistant to call for help and trick people into taking the bait.

"Switching technology" can remotely open and close doors and windows and lock them.

The Skeleton Naga used this trick just now to remotely close the rolling door.

If you only look at the data on paper, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Qi Tian, ​​and Wang Daqing teamed up to deal with a skeleton Naga should have been easy.

The helpless battlefield environment limited their performance.

In this dark room full of thick fog and stagnant water, the number one problem for everyone is to find the skeleton naga hidden in the dark.

On the contrary, they themselves were exposed to the surveillance of the Skeleton Naga, and had to be on guard against the sneak attack of this cunning monster at any time.

Gao Fei naturally thought that the most urgent task is to change the unfavorable battlefield environment.

The stagnant water is not easy to remove, but the mist should not be difficult to blow away.

Thinking of this, he transformed into a whirlwind form, and set off a strong air current centered on himself, trying to blow away the dense fog.

However, he soon discovered that in this basement with no windows and closed doors, the whirlwind could only blow the thick fog to the corner far away from him, but could not completely disperse it.

Now, there is no fog around the cyclone.

However, near the surrounding walls, the fog accumulated above the water surface became more dense.

The Skeleton Naga is not stupid, of course he will not stay in the middle of the room.

As early as Gao Fei turned into a whirlwind form, he swam quietly to the corner of the wall, and under the double cover provided by dense fog and stagnant water, there was still no trace to follow.


"Gao Fei! Jiang Feng! Did you close the door?"

Outside the basement door, Gu Siyi screamed anxiously, pulling her neck.

"If you don't open the door again, I will open the door and go in by myself!"

On the other side of the rolling shutter door, no one responded to her call, only the sound of fierce fighting and howling wind came through the crack of the door.

Gu Siyi couldn't bear it any longer, she plunged into the bottom of the water and tried to pull up the rolling door, but she couldn't pull it up.


She poked her head out of the water with an ugly expression on her face.

"Sister Gu, can't the door be opened?" Ma Yun asked eagerly.

"The shutter door is locked."

"Strange, Brother Fei and the others have no reason to lock the door. Could it be that the ambush did it?" Ma Yun muttered to herself.

"I don't have time to think about these things now, so let's break down the door first!"

Gu Siyi took a deep breath, activated the "steel frame mode", raised her right arm high, used her hand as a knife, and slashed towards the rolling shutter door with all her strength.


The aluminum alloy door cracked a gap.

"Sister Gu! It's too slow for you to hack the door like this, let me try!"

Ma Yun took out a small nail clipper, stepped on the water and approached the shutter door, fiddled with it twice, then pried open the door lock, and pulled up the shutter door with one hand.

"Wow! Xiaoyun, who did you learn your unique skill of picking the lock with your hands?" Gu Siyi asked in surprise.

"Hey~ I learned it in the game." Ma Yun replied proudly.

In the prologue of the mage module "The Wizard of Oz", she got the bonus specialty "Skillful", and can learn three more skills, including the thief's unique skill "Skillful Hand".

The difficulty of the "skillful hand" check to pry open the lock of the rolling shutter door is 10, which is not too high for her.

Gao Fei transformed into a whirlwind, dancing wildly in the air.

As the shutter door opened, the dense fog in the secret room also vented out, and the vision in the room gradually became clearer.

Skeleton Naga noticed this change underwater, and immediately realized that he had lost the terrain advantage, and if he continued to stay here, he could not escape being picked out by Gao Fei and others and beaten to death.

Before the fog dissipated completely, Skeleton Naga decided to end this "hide and seek" game and run away!
She snorkeled underwater, trying not to make a sound, trying to escape through the pool of water under the shutter door and escape outside.

However, at the moment when she was about to cross the threshold, Gu Siyi walked towards her, and by coincidence, she stepped on her tail.

"Hey! What the hell?"

Without even thinking about it, Gu Siyi reached out and dug into the water, grabbed the Skeleton Naga by the neck, and slipped out.

Their eyes met each other, their eyes widened and their eyes widened, all of them were stunned.

"Miss Gu, what's the matter?"

Ma Yun raised the flashlight to shine it.

The moment the beam of light shone on Skeleton Naga, the girl couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Wow! Is this a real skeleton, or a handicraft? The workmanship is so exquisite!"

Her voice frightened Gu Siyi and Bone Naga back to their senses at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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