Savior Simulator

Chapter 518 The cry for help in the basement

Chapter 518 The cry for help in the basement

The complaints were all complaints, and it didn't delay Jiang Feng's "qi therapy" to help her heal her skin burned by the acid.

Gu Siyi saw that the swelling of her calf was quickly gone, and her skin became smooth and fair. She gratefully hugged her best friend, and kissed her hard on the face.

"Xiaofeng! You really saved my life!"

"It's just a little flesh wound, don't be so exaggerated!"

"Just now I was worried about getting scars and ruining my flawless legs. What if I can't get married in the future?"

"Don't be smug! Even if I heal your wound, you won't be able to get married, or you won't be able to get married!"

Jiang Feng joked casually. Seeing that Gu Siyi was only wearing a helmet but no armor, he took out the anti-riot suit he didn't need and lent it to her.

Gu Siyi put on the anti-riot suit, walked to the counter where the clothes were sold, looked in the mirror, and suddenly snickered.

"Why are you smirking?" Jiang Feng asked angrily.

"It's nothing, I just remembered an old saying, brothers... no, 'sisters are like siblings', 'husbands are like clothes'!"

Jiang Feng straightened his face and gave her a sideways glance: "If you wear my clothes, I'll cut off your hands and feet!"

"Wow! You are so fierce!"

Gu Siyi stuck out her tongue, pretending to be scared.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! Something new!"

Qi Tian stood at the stairs, waving and shouting.

"Xiaotian, what did you find?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Just now I took Flying Shark to the underground shopping mall, looking for some snacks that were not soaked in water... No, I mean temporary requisition, but I accidentally heard a woman crying for help."

"Are you sure?" Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows in surprise, "The salespersons and customers in the underground shopping mall should have withdrawn a long time ago!"

"I also found it strange, so I hurried back to report." Qi Tian replied.

Jiang Feng hurried downstairs with Gu Siyi, found Gao Fei, Ma Tao, Ma Yun and Wang Daqing who were escorting the trapped people onto the boat, and explained Qi Tian's new discovery.

"Anyway, go down and check it first. I'd rather hear it wrong than miss it." Ma Tao said cautiously.

Wang Daqing continued the "buoyancy blessing" to six teammates including Gu Siyi.

A group of seven people, led by the flying shark, walked to the basement floor of the shopping mall along the flooded stairs.

"The underground store in the mall has a passageway connected to the subway line. There may be water monsters swimming over from the subway station. Everyone, be careful." Qi Tian told his companions.

"I heard from Lin Qi that Team 01 and Team 11 cleaned up the subway station here yesterday. Even if there were monsters, they should have been eliminated by them long ago." Gao Fei said.

Jiang Feng turned his head and smiled: "Did you and Sister Jinghua drink a lot last night?"

"Don't mention it! She drank a glass of Jinxing beer, and I accompanied a glass of Yinmei Coke. I almost vomited. This woman is simply a human-shaped wine barrel!" Gao Fei patted his forehead, unable to look back.

"Who is Lin Qi?" Gu Siyi asked with great interest.

"The policewoman of the 01 team is beautiful and generous. She is called 'Sister Yinlong', and comrade Gao Fei, our 'Brother Red Dragon', is also known as the two most popular names in Tiangong No. [-] Station." Jiang Feng smiled. Explained without a smile.

"That Lin Qi, how does it compare to you? I mean comprehensive strength, appearance, figure and popularity?"

"Little Gu, you have sinister intentions for this question! You have made it clear that you are picking things up, right? How can there be a girlfriend like you, I want to break up with you!"

Jiang Feng shook off her hand and walked forward angrily.

"Xiaofeng, don't be angry, I'm just a little curious!"

Jiang Feng couldn't resist her, so he had to answer in a low voice: "If you have to compare myself with Lin Qi... If you don't brag or criticize, let's go fifty-five."

"Really? I don't believe..."


Jiang Feng stopped suddenly and used "Tian Er Tong" to listen attentively.

"Sister Feng, what's the matter?" Ma Yun followed and asked.

"Xiaotian heard it right. Someone was indeed calling for help. It sounded like a young woman."

"Where is it? Why didn't I hear..."

Gu Siyi looked left and right, her face full of bewilderment.

"follow me!"

Jiang Feng led the way, leading his teammates around the exposed shelves and showcases, and finally stopped in front of a shop selling tea.

The rolling shutter door of the shop had already fallen, and through the gap in the iron door, the young woman's cry for help could be heard intermittently, as if it was the shop assistant trapped inside.

"Sister Gu, don't rush to open the door!" Ma Tao stopped Gu Siyi who was eager to open the shutter door, and said to Gao Fei, "Brother Fei, let's do a fortune-telling."

"It's so imminent, what's the use of divination? It's important to go in and save people!" Gu Siyi didn't understand.

"The concentration of negative energy in this area is surprisingly high. I'm afraid there may be undead haunting us, so we have to guard against it." Wang Daqing explained.

"What is negative energy?" Gu Siyi looked confused.

"It's a magical power that symbolizes death, and it usually appears with undead creatures." Jiang Feng replied impatiently, "Both Ma Tao and Brother Daqing are priests, and they are particularly sensitive to the negative energy emitted by the undead. Don't be rash and be careful." Exactly!"

At this time, Gao Fei had already switched his sub-profession to "Astrologer", drew 3 points of magic power, and predicted the prospects of himself and his companions on this trip to save lives.

The thrown dice float on the water, and the face up is 2 points.

The hexagram is a little fierce!

Ma Tao and Gao Fei exchanged glances, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Fei, Jiang Daxia, Xiaotian, and Daqing went in to search and rescue, Ma Yun, you and Sister Gu stayed outside to guard, in case we were ambushed, call You two go in and support."

He kept the lowest-ranking younger sister in the team, as well as the "volunteer" Gu Siyi, outside, as a reserve team in name, but in fact he wanted to protect them.

Ma Yun is quite sensible, seeing her brother's intentions, she did not express any objection, took Gu Siyi's hand, and patrolled outside the shop.

Wang Daqing took a deep breath, suppressed the "buoyancy blessing", sank into the water, supported the rolling door with both hands, and pushed it up with all his might.

As soon as the door was opened, the water pressure inside and outside was balanced, and everyone was rushed into the door involuntarily being carried by a torrent.

The mall has already cut off the power supply, and the underground shops are dimly lit.

Jiang Feng opened the "Daylight Enchantment" to illuminate a small space around him.

Gao Fei and the others turned on the flashlight, and several beams of light intersected in the dark room filled with water.

This shop is quite spacious. On the three rows of shelves against the wall, various types of tea are displayed, as well as health products such as dried chrysanthemum and wolfberry.

The shop is furnished like a tea room.

The tables and tables that were originally used to place tea sets have been submerged by the rain, and only half of the backs of the antique mahogany armchairs are surrounded by the water.

At this time, the woman's cry for help came again.

The crowd followed the sound.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, a woman in white was vaguely seen hiding in the gap between two rows of shelves, submerged in the water below her chest, and her long black hair was floating like water plants.

The woman hugged a piece of driftwood tightly with both hands, lying on the board weakly, unable to see her face clearly, her fingers were already pale and swollen from blisters.

(End of this chapter)

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